fact checking the fact checkers


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Attacking the source is a typical response when you've got nothing else to dispute the article with.

great comprehension, as we systemically pick apart and debunk the lies of your biased sources, you say we attack the messenger


New member
Jan 9, 2009
We are attacking your stupid ass for posting the biased dyke in the first place. Fucking idiot

They did not know all that Alinsky shit could and would be used against them. They can't handle it. All those tactics work better against a Lib than for a Lib.
They fall over themselves trying to defend themselves and cannot stand to be talked down to. I love it. Kind of like the Frankenstein theory gone wrong.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The Media's 'Fact Check' Smokescreen

Fri, Aug 31 2012 00:00:00 E A14_ISSUES

Posted 08/30/2012 06:58 PM ET

Journalism: If media "fact checkers" are just impartial guardians of the truth, how come they got their own facts wrong about Paul Ryan's speech, and did so in a way that helped President Obama's re-election effort?
Case in point was the rush of "fact check" stories claiming Ryan misled when he talked about a shuttered auto plant in his home state.
Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler posted a piece — "Ryan misleads on GM plant closing in hometown" — saying Ryan "appeared to suggest" that Obama was responsible for the closure of a GM plant in Janesville, Wis.
"That's not true," Kessler said. "The plant was closed in December 2008, before Obama was sworn in."
What's not true are Kessler's "facts." Ryan didn't suggest Obama was responsible for shuttering the plant. Instead, he correctly noted that Obama promised during the campaign that the troubled plant "will be here for another hundred years" if his policies were enacted.
Also, the plant didn't close in December 2008. It was still producing cars until April 2009.
An AP "fact check" also claimed that "the plant halted production in December 2008" even though the AP itself reported in April 2009 that the plant was only then "closing for good."
CNN's John King made the same claim about that plant closure. But when CNN looked more carefully at the evidence, it — to its credit — concluded that what Ryan said was "true."
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Media fact-checkers also complained about Ryan's charge that Obama is cutting $716 billion from Medicare to fund ObamaCare. Not true, they said. Medicare's growth is just being slowed.
But Obama achieves that slower growth by making real cuts in provider payments. And in any case, the media always and everywhere call a reduction in the rate of federal spending growth a "cut." So why suddenly charge Ryan with being misleading for using that same term?
In any case, Obama himself admitted that he's doing what Ryan says. In a November 2009 interview with ABC News, reporter Jake Tapper said to Obama that "one-third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare," to which Obama's response was: "Right."
The rest of Ryan's alleged factual errors aren't errors at all; it's just that the media didn't like how he said it. But since when is it a fact-checker's job to decide how a politician should construct his arguments?
This isn't to say that journalists shouldn't check facts. Of course they should.
The problem is that the mainstream press is now abusing the "fact check" label, using it to more aggressively push a liberal agenda without feeling the need to provide any balance whatsoever. And, as the reaction to the Ryan speech shows, they are now blatantly using it to provide air support for Obama.
Is it any wonder that soon after Ryan's speech ended, the Obama campaign rushed out an ad using the media's "fact check" stories as its source?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Era of Media Fact Checkers Intimidating Republicans Is Over





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by John Nolte 30 Aug 2012 237post a comment
A media fact-checker walks into a bar with a duck on his head.

Bartender asks, "Can I help you?"
Duck says, "Yeah, get this liar off my ass."
It's official; the term "fact checker" is now a punchline.
For four long years, I've waited for these disgracefully partisan left-wing fact checkers to implode, and this morning and last night it finally happened. And it happened under the weight of their own lies and shameless Obama-shilling.
This was inevitable after Politifact claimed that Barack Obama's increase in federal spending was lower than any modern president. No, really.
This was inevitable when The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler called Romney a liar for saying a president who didn’t got to Israel didn't go to Israel. No, really.
This was inevitable because the lies and misdirection and partisan flacking was getting so desperate, a tipping point had to be in sight, and last night it finally tipped.
Last night, before the applause had even died after VP nominee Paul Ryan's masterful speech, CNN's Wolf Blitzer was calling Ryan a liar. Before the echoes of Ryan's last words had even faded, Blitzer was telling America the fact-checkers would take issue with the speech.
Within minutes afterwards, the lying, disgraced media fact-checkers dutifully followed suit with a flurry of lying, disgraced checking of Ryan's facts.
This was undoubtedly pre-planned and organized between Team Obama and his Media Palace Guards.
Hilariously, even though Paul Ryan never blamed Obama for closing a GM plant in his hometown or said the closing occurred during the Obama administration, the fact-checkers said he did and that Ryan was a liar for saying so. What's even more hilarious is that the GM plant did close down months after Obama took office. Keep in mind here, I'm not talking about left-wing sites. I'm talking about CNN, PolitiFact, The Washington Post
It is the mainstream media doing this.
My guess is that Obama and the media set up this plan weeks ago. We've caught them red-handed conspiring in the past. After all, what better way to undermine and take the the air out a major candidate's speech than to make the next day's Narrative all about "The Lie"?
And this is what the media's been doing throughout the campaign, using lies and wild distractions to throw Team Romney off track in order to smother his message and keep him on defense.
But in desperation, last night these left-wing water carriers disguised as fact-checkers made a couple of fatal mistakes. First off, it was achingly obvious what they were up to -- that this wasn't about journalism but rather an act of naked and desperate partisanship. Secondly, in their heated desperation to get this Narrative built, they overreached on the GM plant closing. And…
Because Breitbart is everywhere, We The People said "enough."
It was like an explosion, really.
On Twitter and at sites like Hot Air, NRO, Red State, and Townhall, the pushback was sharp, immediate, and in-your-face. This pushback started immediately after Ryan's speech and 14 hours later it still rages.
Other than Twitter, there are other high points: Guy Benson not only dismantled the fact checkers' GM lies, he dismantled all the lies about Ryan's speech the "fact-checkers" told last night. Jennifer Rubin went so far as to slam her own employer.
Yes, this is a turning point.
To his great credit, our nominee Mitt Romney was ahead of this curve in refusing to cave (as John McCain often did) to these Obama-worshipping propagandists. Drop dead, Romney told the media fact checkers, and he did so publicly.
Never again will these left-wing hacks have an impact on American politics beyond being just another Democrat Talking Point Machine like every other "objective" media outlet. Never again will Republican candidates cower before these liars.
This is huge loss for the corrupt media. And they know it. But they Kamikazee'd themselves for Obama and only have themselves to blame.
Yep, the jig is up. The mask has been removed. Media fact-checkers lie, they've always lied, and now everyone is calling them liars.
Today is a great day for truth and democracy.
Don’t get me wrong, the fight against these disgraceful fact-checkers must never cease. But today the tide of battle turned and, if we are vigilant, we will live to see the end of this disgraceful era.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
And to follow up that lie, your boy lied about how fast he ran a marathon. This is the guy who is supposed to be a straight shooter? He's a lying sack of shit just like every other politician. But go ahead and keep tonguing his taint.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

I wonder why the local newspapers printed stories like this? long before it became a political issue?


General Motors Co. has committed to reopen its idled plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., and keep its shuttered assembly plant in Janesville on standby status.

The commitment to the former Saturn plant in Tennessee was part of a contract settlement reached late last week between GM and the United Auto Workers union.

Since they were shut down in 2009, both the Janesville and Tennessee plants have been on standby status, meaning they were not producing vehicles, but they were not completely shut down.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Wille, the debate is over. The last car rolled off on December 23rd, 2008. The remaining crew was there specifically to shut the plant down.

Just stop. You look like a fool.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Now we all know the plant was in trouble, so did Obama when he went there and made commitments like this.

Let's start with what Obama said and see if any reasonable human being who isn't simply shilling for the President could possibly reach the same conclusion as Politifact:

"I know that General Motors received some bad news yesterday, and I know how hard your Governor has fought to keep jobs in this plant. But I also know how much progress you’ve made – how many hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles you’re churning out. And I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years. The question is not whether a clean energy economy is in our future, it’s where it will thrive. I want it to thrive right here in the United States of America; right here in Wisconsin; and that’s the future I’ll fight for as your President."

So, President Obama went to the Janesville GM plant and told them that if the policies he supports were enacted, the plant would "be here for another hundred years". If a presidential candidate comes to your plant and tells you the execution of his policies will keep it open for another hundred years that's a promise or a guarentee or whatever you want. However, it most certainly isn't meaningless as Politifact would like us all to believe.

And, of course, President Obama's policies were enacted but the Janesville GM plant didn't even survive through all of 2009. Instead, it shut down on April 23rd 2009. Which brings me to the next point. Politifact is just plain lying about when the Jainsville plant closed.


just more proof the liberals have trouble with quotes, comprehension and the truth

PS: nobody blamed Obama, just quoted him. Just another example of Obama's failed policies and promises.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Wille, the debate is over. The last car rolled off on December 23rd, 2008. The remaining crew was there specifically to shut the plant down.

Just stop. You look like a fool.

dude, the last SUV was produced that day, they produced small trucks until April 2009. Just as the local press reported in those days. the OP was spot on in the timeline, learn something

you're wrong

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
I always thought Republican against GM bailout, why all of sudden everyone defends that shitty company?

I don't get it.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
dude, the last SUV was produced that day, they produced small trucks until April 2009. Just as the local press reported in those days. the OP was spot on in the timeline, learn something

you're wrong

Even if it wasn't true that the last car rolled off weeks before Obama was inaugurated, the announcement that the plant was going to close was made in June '08. Either way, your desperate point is irrelevant.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
game, set, match


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

JANESVILLE — Exactly four months after General Motors ended sport utility vehicle production in Janesville, the automaker will shut down its medium-duty assembly line.

Production will end Thursday on the local plant's Isuzu line that dates back to 1994. Fifty-seven production workers will lose their jobs.

GM spokesman Chris Lee said another 40 to 50 employees in skilled trade will work to decommission the plant that after nearly 90 years is no longer in the automaker's immediate production plans.

GM said last June it would end local production of light-duty trucks—Suburbans, Tahoes and GMC Yukons—by the end of 2010 at the latest. It also said it would shut down the medium-duty Isuzu line sometime in 2009.

SUV production ended in Janesville on Dec. 23, a little more than five months after the plant lost a second shift of production. More than 2,000 hourly and salaried GM workers were laid off as a result of the production cuts. Supplier companies laid off another 1,200 people.

For the Isuzu line, "sometime in 2009" means Thursday.


I love this game

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Even if it wasn't true that the last car rolled off weeks before Obama was inaugurated, the announcement that the plant was going to close was made in June '08. Either way, your desperate point is irrelevant.

no kidding, and Obama knew they were going to be shut down when he went there and spoke those words he freely chose to speak

Jul 14, 2007
I always thought Republican against GM bailout, why all of sudden everyone defends that shitty company?

I don't get it.

Because this election is all about jobs. More specifically the types of jobs in a GM manufacturing plant that working class people would take so of course they have to say they want that.

Whether the GM bailout was right or wrong, both parties gonna say they were pro-keeping GM going now. Atleast in the Dems case they were that way all along (whether it was the right or wrong decision)

I guess the republicans were all about saving GM/Ford now too...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I didn't know we were talking about whether or not the bailouts were right or wrong

I opposed them, Bush supported them. While the democrats in Congress overwhelming supported them, the Republicans were closer to 50/50

Obama became president and his policies implemented.

Neither Govt assistance nor Obama's policies kept the plant open, it wasn't retooled as promised and being around for another 100 years looked more like 100 days

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Only a republican could look at this picture and still stick to their lie.

Debating like a true liberal now. Taking a picture about one production line and pretending that applies to the entire plant, hoping to fool people not paying attention.

I posted links to the hometown newspaper, where the stories they printed back in 2009 support my position 100%, thus debunking DEAC's cute little picture.

Furthermore, Obama knew the plant was scheduled to close, as everyone did, when he went there and lied about his policies keeping the plant open another 100 years.

Ryan right, libtards wrong.

DEAC slipping into Dafinch territory now, that's pretty pathetic.

Time to pick another fight DEAC, everything I said was correct.

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