dmmd or wrestling fans...need some info


Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
What was the real story with Kurt Angle leaving WWE and signing with TNA?

Also, are Austin and/or Jericho coming back?

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
GreenDoberman said:
What was the real story with Kurt Angle leaving WWE and signing with TNA?

Also, are Austin and/or Jericho coming back?

My friend told me that it had something to do with the marketability of Angle. He said the storyline with Angle and the whole gold medal/Olympic got old and there wasn't much use for him anymore. So it pretty much led to Angle's demands vs his usefulness from what I heard. DMMD though is the man with the info so don't quote me on this.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Angle's body was supposedly failing him but his continued abuse of prescription painkillers apparently got him thru the past few years. Again, this is all hearsay, but TNA does have much, much less travel and he said he wanted to make a fresh start as the number one guy in TNA.

Jericho, according to an article this week, is due for his band (Fozzy) to play at an upcoming TNA show. Not sure if that means anything but it wouldn't surprise me to see him back in the ring with someone soon.

I am surprised with The Rock gone to the movie career and Cena likely to folllow suit, that WWE hasn't brought back Austin. He's supposedly signing some books at a charity function this week but who knows what the hell that means.

Just the few mindless tidbits I can offer up.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
My friend had me turn on the TV to see Kevin Federline on RAW? WTF????

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
WWE fired Angle for a reason.

Kurt was a mental and physical wreck, relying heavily on painkillers and alienating a locker room that used to love and idolise him.

WWE bosses were genuinely worried that if Angle failed to get help he would end up as the next Eddie Guerrero-style tragedy.

A spokesman told us: "We released Kurt Angle because we believed it was in the best interest of his personal health and well-being, as well as the best interest of the WWE."

Now we are no rehab experts but we guess TNA is not the best place to sort out your problems.

Indeed the reaction from many backstage in the WWE is not anger - although there is resentment at Kurt jumping to a rival - but genuine fear for his wellbeing.

If something bad happens to him in TNA, Dixie and Jeff are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

And, even if he holds up, we are doubtful whether Kurt will like it there that much.

Yes, he gets to prove himself in another environment and stick two fingers up at the man who fired him - but TNA's production values and professionalism are far from what he is used to.

Take a listen to that introductory video package again - we swear they call him KIRK Angle.

Sep 20, 2004
Austin is too hurt is he not to be a regular anymore?

Angle was HUGE in WWE, I find that hard to believe that they think his act was getting old....These guy sacrifice their bodies beyond belief..Angle had the broken ribs this past year too. I would rank Angle in top 10 all time technical wrestlers.

When is the TNA show on?

Sep 20, 2004
Wrigley said:
WWE fired Angle for a reason.

Kurt was a mental and physical wreck, relying heavily on painkillers and alienating a locker room and that used to love and idolise him.

WWE bosses were genuinely worried that if Angle failed to get help he would end up as the next Eddie Guerrero-style tragedy.

A spokesman told us: "We released Kurt Angle because we believed it was in the best interest of his personal health and well-being, as well as the best interest of the WWE."

Now we are no rehab experts but we guess TNA is not the best place to sort out your problems.

Indeed the reaction from many backstage in the WWE is not anger - although there is resentment at Kurt jumping to a rival - but genuine fear for his wellbeing.

If something bad happens to him in TNA, Dixie and Jeff are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

And, even if he holds up, we are doubtful whether Kurt will like it there that much.

Yes, he gets to prove himself in another environment and stick two fingers up at the man who fired him - but TNA's production values and professionalism are far from what he is used to.

Take a listen to that introductory video package again - we swear they call him KIRK Angle.

That is a damn shame...just another in a long line ...hope he makes it....meanwhile Vince gets more wealthy by the second, Angle was one of the better wrestlers he ever had.

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
go2guy said:
My friend had me turn on the TV to see Kevin Federline on RAW? WTF????

He sucked at singing maybe wrestling will be his cup of tea, He should just stay home and take care of the kids and let Brit make the $$$$ for the family.

Dec 14, 2004
GreenDoberman said:
What was the real story with Kurt Angle leaving WWE and signing with TNA?

Also, are Austin and/or Jericho coming back?

As covered by the other two posters but hey I was mentioned so I feel post

a) Angle was fired by the WWE thus allowing him to jump to TNA so quickly (WWE contracts have a 90 day waiting period before a wrestler can appear on someone'e else tv.

b) Angle is a mental and physical train wreck waiting to happen and the WWE didn't want to be a part of it anymore they seriously fear for his life and offered to send him to rehab but Angle in his mind is a machine even in the worst physical shape he still wants to do more. Thus coupled with the fact he and his wife are going thru an on again off again relationship which is effecting his being able to see his daughter has really messed him up plus he is known for being a major partier on the road and in the WWE that is saying something.

c) Basically the WWE thinks something bad is going to happen to angle due to the Roids, Pain Killers and his home life and since he refused there help they fired him.

Austin will come back but never get in the ring again (never say never in wrestling however) but he'll never work full time in the ring. He may do a one off match but I doubt it, Austin has always been very proud of his in-ring work and he knows that his body doesn't have it in him anymore. Plus he isn't hurting for money. He'll be back more when it comes closer to promote his new movie.

Jericho who knows, he is wanting to get into acting right now so while he pretty much an open door to go to either company he hasn't picked up the phone.

Sep 20, 2004
He has appeared recently to be much smaller, and now I see why...and I know its an act but he seemed to really have a screw a little loose the past year or so the way he would react, like he was super human...
Sep 21, 2004
Cena's movie totally bombed

WWE put a ton of $$$ into the Marine and it came in 6th place and proved Cena is not the Rock when it comes to be a action movie star

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
Does anyone know if the WWE house shows even sell out at the garden anymore, I used to be a loyal viewer years ago and now just tune in occasionally.

I cant imagine the house shows draw that many these days.

Dec 14, 2004
Journeyman said:
Dmmd where is the Boogieman? Has he been released, is he still hurt?

Boogieman was released 3 weeks ago, but then due to Booker T pushing for him back, they signed him back I believe in the last 10 days. He got fired for not working hard enough in his rehab (not working hard = fired in the WWE)

Dec 14, 2004
Wrigley said:
Does anyone know if the WWE house shows even sell out at the garden anymore, I used to be a loyal viewer years ago and now just tune in occasionally.

I cant imagine the house shows draw that many these days.

The WWE didn't run the garden for close to 2 years due to differences between them and MSG management. That ended a couple of months ago. I think it sold out or did a near sell out since it was a TV taping. A non TV MSG show hasn't happen in along time but they weren't selling it out a couple of years ago. (Good crowds but no sellouts)

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Ok thanks for setting the record str8 regarding Angle. I didn't know he was a pill popper like that. I'll pass it along to my friend. I told him you;re the man when it comes to the wrestling news but you've got to level with me man, are you Gordon Solie's son or something??? LOL

BTW DMMD, I am having no luck finding the NWA World TV title for a decent price for my wrestling belt collection. You tried to help me out before but if possible let me know if you see something reasonable out there. Thanks bro.

Dec 14, 2004
go2guy said:
Ok thanks for setting the record str8 regarding Angle. I didn't know he was a pill popper like that. I'll pass it along to my friend. I told him you;re the man when it comes to the wrestling news but you've got to level with me man, are you Gordon Solie's son or something??? LOL

BTW DMMD, I am having no luck finding the NWA World TV title for a decent price for my wrestling belt collection. You tried to help me out before but if possible let me know if you see something reasonable out there. Thanks bro. im not Solie's son, I just have a fu*ked up memory where I remember alot of stupid things esp from my youth.

If I remember right you are looking for this belt right?


Dec 14, 2004
Oh my bad you want the NWA TV title that Tully and Dusy wore during the 80's?

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