No Pro but Good Words for
nothing but good things to say about bodog and their paying. I requested a payout over their "weekly" limit for the first time to see how it worked since I could not get a response from them via their contact link (my onlycomplaint by the way) and recieved the first payment exactly 31 hours after requesting it and then recieved the other 1 week later. I will agree that their lines are not the best, but when you dont have to fight for your $$$$$$$$(like another well known but abusive place called beatu wait i mean ^^
betus <--avoid them like the plague) thats makes up for somethings quite a bit.
Did I mention that betus^<<^ are crooks and liars and thieves and just a bunch of f*&tards that do not deserve to have anything good in life.
happy wagering thanks all