clearly yall do not play board games..
there are so many better games.. I get those mentioned are "Great" because they are classics.. truly they are... but IMO to be the best board game of all time should be extremely fun every time.. and none listed above are that IMO... monoply is more often boring than fun.. chess, you really have to play with someone on your skill level, doesn't translate well for newbies..
shout out to risk though, do love that one..
Ticket to Ride is the game we pull out the most right now... very fun. perfect combination of easy enough to teach newbies and some strategy involved...
One of the games I play the most was given to me as a gift that they found at Goodwill that I've never seen anywhere else, Free for All Yahtzee
Theres one more game we play often. I can't think of the name, Ill come back with it. I think yall would love it because you gamble every round.. haha..
if poker was a board game that would be the ultimate game.. but well say that's cards only..
I bet I have 50-75 board games.