
Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
This started out in another thread where I called out SKINSRAJ, while bumbling and forgetting that the King of The Rx in Baltimore is longtime moderator The JOURNEYMAN

Copying core posts from other thread here:

The Bar n Grill will be in Baltimore and DC Sun Jun 10 through Thur Jun 14 (likely jump to NYC morning of 13th and return Thursday evening).

I'm looking to meet like minded wierdos for Happy Hour.

Budding matchup is starting to form for a Monday evening HH in Georgetown area.

Second idea forming is to do the ORIOLES/NATS game at Camden Yards on Tuesday.

Wednesday in NYC

Thursday looking for Bmore area late nighter to celebrate Friday depature back to Florida.

Enough responses from people up there could morph this into an official Rx Mini Bash<!-- / message -->

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
SKINSR replied:
I'll have to see if I can get time off from work around those dates...

I'd love to see the Nats play the O's at Camden Yards. And Happy Hour somewhere another day sounds good.

I'll see what I can do about missing work.

Maybe even the legend Journeyman can make it out, since that's up in his neck of the woods.

IRONMAN came in with: Shoot if J-man can make the game, I will personally clear my schedule.

JUICE offered: I've got an appointment TBD some time that week, but if it doesn't fall on a Monday or Thursday, those are the 2 days that week I can meet up.
Though if J-man comes, all bets are off, I will try to clear my whole schedule for the man, the myth, the legend.

CALVINTY pledged: Hmm, I'm flying out from BWI on Wednesday June 13th to Portland, Oregon. I see it's an afternoon flight. I will be working on Tuesday the 12th in VA, but will be in MD that night (either at Landover or Baltimore).

So I may be available for that Nats/O's game Tuesday night (June 12th) at 7:05pm. That'd be great.

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" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
I'm in Ireland or I'd shoot down for this no doubt.

Btw if anyone is in the RI area May 25-28 Memorial weekend, Teazeman and Dsethi are here.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I could use a little guidance regarding Baltimore

Specifically, a short list of hotels convenient to Camden Yards, the Amtrak station and the airport.

I am flying into Bmore Sunday afternoon and taking Amtrak from BWI into DC Union Station for Sunday/Monday night stay and some legislative lobbying work.

I will be ready to leave DC about 2pm on Tuesday to return to Bmore where I want to check into hotel close enough to Camden for easy jump.

Wed morning will want to leave that same hotel and again grab Amtrak, this time going north to NYC for Wednesday night stay.

Will leave NYC mid day on Thursday to return to Bmore where I would then want to finish up near BWI.

SO NOT sure if it's convenient to just use same hotel for Tuesday and Thrusday night, or if I should look for two different ones based on how far apart BWI is from Camden Yards.

Going to do some Mapquesting now, but any personal inisight is appreciated


Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
I could use a little guidance regarding Baltimore

Specifically, a short list of hotels convenient to Camden Yards, the Amtrak station and the airport.

I am flying into Bmore Sunday afternoon and taking Amtrak from BWI into DC Union Station for Sunday/Monday night stay and some legislative lobbying work.

I will be ready to leave DC about 2pm on Tuesday to return to Bmore where I want to check into hotel close enough to Camden for easy jump.

Wed morning will want to leave that same hotel and again grab Amtrak, this time going north to NYC for Wednesday night stay.

Will leave NYC mid day on Thursday to return to Bmore where I would then want to finish up near BWI.

SO NOT sure if it's convenient to just use same hotel for Tuesday and Thrusday night, or if I should look for two different ones based on how far apart BWI is from Camden Yards.

Going to do some Mapquesting now, but any personal inisight is appreciated


Renaissance Harborplace is nice facing the Inner Harbor and convenient to everything but it'll cost you. There are other nice hotel in the downtown area that cost half as much too. Can't remember the names off the top of my head.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
I could use a little guidance regarding Baltimore

Specifically, a short list of hotels convenient to Camden Yards, the Amtrak station and the airport.

I am flying into Bmore Sunday afternoon and taking Amtrak from BWI into DC Union Station for Sunday/Monday night stay and some legislative lobbying work.

I will be ready to leave DC about 2pm on Tuesday to return to Bmore where I want to check into hotel close enough to Camden for easy jump.

Wed morning will want to leave that same hotel and again grab Amtrak, this time going north to NYC for Wednesday night stay.

Will leave NYC mid day on Thursday to return to Bmore where I would then want to finish up near BWI.

SO NOT sure if it's convenient to just use same hotel for Tuesday and Thrusday night, or if I should look for two different ones based on how far apart BWI is from Camden Yards.

Going to do some Mapquesting now, but any personal inisight is appreciated


BWI isn't too far from Camden Yards carwise. If you stay downtown or near the inner harbor, you may be able to walk to Camden Yards and still be near everything. If you're thinking of staying near the airport, you are going to be in a convenient location for Camden unless you rent a car or catch a ride but then you have to worry about parking and all other kind of BS. Jman should chime in, I know a little but not as much as the B-more residents.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Won't be renting a car. Cabs and walking (once at ballpark area) is all.

So if BWI hotel area is reasonable cab ride ($20-25 or less) away from Camden area, I'd likely just set up out there for both nights.

Sep 20, 2004
There's A Very Good Chance I Would Be Available , Depending On What Day Of The Week It Would Be.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Won't be renting a car. Cabs and walking (once at ballpark area) is all.

So if BWI hotel area is reasonable cab ride ($20-25 or less) away from Camden area, I'd likely just set up out there for both nights.

I can't tell you how much a cab ride from an airport hotel to Camden will run you but you can probably find a hotel near the harbor and the ballpark for the same price or a tad bit more than near the airport. Check out expedia and do the comparison. Ask yourself would I rather pay an extra $10-15 a night and be within walking distance to ESPNzone, an assload of restaurant and the ball park or be near the freakin' airport with planes flying overhead and when I step out, all I see is freakin' more hotels and a parking spaces. Trust me stay downtown near the harbor, you won't regret it!

Sep 20, 2004
I don't know for sure but doesn't the lightrail system run from BWI to the stadium? the lightrail is a pretty cheap way to get around if it runs all the way out to BWI.

Sep 20, 2004
Won't be renting a car. Cabs and walking (once at ballpark area) is all.

So if BWI hotel area is reasonable cab ride ($20-25 or less) away from Camden area, I'd likely just set up out there for both nights.

You're going to spend 50 bucks round trip for a cab? :WTF: that is nuts! If you get a hotel where you can walk to the lightrail station you can get downtown for just a few bucks.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
JOURNEYMAN, you failure to read the lead post in detail will cost you at least one round of drinks.

TUESDAY night is the night for baseball and Thursday is the night I'll also be in town, but don't think I will be back from NYC until about 7-8pm so ball game that night would be too jammed.

BUT, will be very open to downtown Bmore scene Thursday night as well.

I will arrive in Bmore Tuesday about 4pm from DC.

Based on thread response over next couple weeks, it might be good idea to purchase block of Oriole tickets in advance and then meet for Tuesday happy hour to get everyone together?

Sep 20, 2004
It would be nice to meet up at some sort of seafood all u can eat place lol...preferably crab legs...I will be in Ocean City on the 11th and 12th, (pretty sure) but I will be back and hope we can meet up on that Thursday.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
Is Hammerjacks still open?

That is the only place I remember going to in Baltimore like 6 yrs ago.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Hmmmm...MAY be open to just going up to NYC Tuesday afternoon and thus coming back much earlier on Thursday so as to do ORIOLES on Thursday and assemble a Bash then?

Sounds like JUICE would be gone to Portland by then.

JMAN, regarding the cab ride, didn't read your input before I made that previous post.

I come from DFW Texas area where the international airport is like 25 miles from downtown Dallas and/or Arlington.

And the DART bus line (I'm not making this up) does not connect from Dallas to DFW Airport.

So a $25 one way cab ride is routine for many trips.

Glad to see Bmore has much smarter scene.

Looks like staying downtown would be smartest since I can easily jump out to BWI and Amtrak from there via light rail or cab (for much less than $'s just 7 miles).

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
Wow, does anyone CURRENTLY live in suburban Maryland (not counting Journeyman)? Sorry, just that I find that I have more answers that I can give (and I thought some would have more answers than I do). I lived in MD for almost all my life except about 2 separate years in VA. Tho, my GF actually would destroy me with her knowledge as she's Baltimore-born & even commuted from there to DC for school a couple of years ago! So I will try my best to give what I can.

I could use a little guidance regarding Baltimore

Specifically, a short list of hotels convenient to Camden Yards, the Amtrak station and the airport.
As go2guy said, you would have to balance between grabbing a hotel in the city or grab a hotel around the airport depending on your $$. Driving from BWI to Camden during non-traffic hours is only 15 minutes (less but that's good enough).

I am flying into Bmore Sunday afternoon and taking Amtrak from BWI into DC Union Station for Sunday/Monday night stay and some legislative lobbying work.
Yes, since it's on a Sunday, you'd have to take Amtrak into DC Union Station as MARC commuter train service is only open during weekdays.

I will be ready to leave DC about 2pm on Tuesday to return to Bmore where I want to check into hotel close enough to Camden for easy jump.
I don't know for sure but doesn't the lightrail system run from BWI to the stadium? the lightrail is a pretty cheap way to get around if it runs all the way out to BWI.
From DC, take the MARC Penn line if you are going to a hotel near the airport. Take the MARC Camden line if you are going to a hotel near Camden Yards.

If you realize it cost $$ to stay at a hotel near IH (Inner Harbor), you can take the Light Rail northbound from BWI area into the city as Journeyman mentioned. The caveat is no late night service (up to 11pm only). So you may still need a cab ride only for back to hotel Tuesday night if your hotel is near BWI instead.

Wed morning will want to leave that same hotel and again grab Amtrak, this time going north to NYC for Wednesday night stay.

Will leave NYC mid day on Thursday to return to Bmore where I would then want to finish up near BWI.
Cool. A train ride to NYC from Balto is probably 4 hours, not that I have done it myself? Have fun there. Price-wise, I even think plane ride is better, seriously. Check out both Amtrak's website and Southwest (the BWI aiport itself & the Southwest airline are in cahoots for *great low* prices, heh). I may be wrong that it's cheaper than Amtrak.

SO NOT sure if it's convenient to just use same hotel for Tuesday and Thrusday night, or if I should look for two different ones based on how far apart BWI is from Camden Yards.
Up to you, because it will all depend on if you want $$ convenience to be at a hotel in the city. I probably would go this choice myself, just for peace of mind, BUT then again, you may be using the airport Wed morning/Thurs afternoon (you can use Amtrak from the Penn Station instead of going back to BWI's Amtrak station), FYI).

Is Hammerjacks still open?

That is the only place I remember going to in Baltimore like 6 yrs ago.
Yep, as of last year this month, it was still open as I went there for a friend's birthday party.

* CalvinTy

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
Hmmmm...MAY be open to just going up to NYC Tuesday afternoon and thus coming back much earlier on Thursday so as to do ORIOLES on Thursday and assemble a Bash then?

Sounds like JUICE would be gone to Portland by then.

Looks like staying downtown would be smartest since I can easily jump out to BWI and Amtrak from there via light rail or cab (for much less than $'s just 7 miles).
:howdy: It was me. I'm leaving BWI Wednesday afternoon 4:55pm out to Oregon. I was hoping about the Nats/O's game on Tuesday, but Journeyman said he's in OC until Tuesday. So no biggie either way, if I miss Thursday, that's fine. Journeyman is a widely-sough out person to meet. :aktion033

I can meet up after work on Monday near/at Union Station instead if you want to deal with a deaf person, writing back and forth, heh. It'd be on way to my gal's place outside DC in MD so that's another option.

* CalvinTy

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually, Hammerjacks is no more. The old one, used to be near the current light rail line and near the Ravens tailgate area. That is long long gone. Then it moved to Guilford Ave, about 5 minutes from the Harbor area and folded real quickly. It's been closed completely for about a year or 18 months.

I am interested in the O's game/drinking. I have friends that bartend in several bars in the Canton area (about 5-7 minutes from the Harbor) and alot more fun than any bars near the tourist-laden Harbor area.

I live about 15 minutes from the Harbor area, near Journey's old stomping grounds.

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