At what age is the average man over the hill?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I like this poster, sort of believe he may have been drummer for Skynyrd or ZZtop or something, maybe a bit less of a name band...somebody played the drums for these bands, not unbelievable that a musician of sorts could be an Rx'er !

I had people question my claims to being a former postal employee.... yeah I'm going to lie...and mailhandler is the best lie I can come up with ?

Jul 23, 2006

at 30 the competition angle of sports seemed to disappear and injuries linger

other things become more important

@40 no way you can compete with 20 year olds for long.

Very interesting you said this. I am 32 now and feel the same way. Got married & had a kid recently. I am in pretty good shape, but shit still lingers....i.e.....knees, shin splints, plantar fasciatis, etc.....

New member
Sep 15, 2006
I like this poster, sort of believe he may have been drummer for Skynyrd or ZZtop or something, maybe a bit less of a name band...somebody played the drums for these bands, not unbelievable that a musician of sorts could be an Rx'er !

I had people question my claims to being a former postal employee.... yeah I'm going to lie...and mailhandler is the best lie I can come up with ?

That's a good thing. Read Charles Bukowski's POST OFFICE, about a guy who is his alter ego, a guy named Henry Chinanski = Buk actually worked for the Post Office, so not a real stretch to imagine someone could have actually done something 'ELSE', then drop to the level of being an RXer, Heh!

I wasn't Spinal Tap, but I lived it. All of it. Not important, still play for bands that travel and play for Bio-Tech and Duke University blow-outs (one in Sept of this year, as well). It just goes to show you, how your life can take a turn, going from long-haired, skinny rocker, sitting behind 100 drums and cymbals and amps and thousands of people, then sitting here, years later, picking MLB games for fun.

Strange days, indeed = remember Jo Jo Gunne ? Lots of 70's bands were pretty good. LOTS of bands, lots of good players, some still doin' it well. Aged, but still good players. And, still some good mail carriers, too. As a matter of fact, one of them near me is HOT, she is really smoking good-looking, delivers the mail = HOT. Not like Henry Chinanski. Read that book, POST OFFICE = being a former, you will like it.

US (paradiddle-banga-de-bang, crash, rimshot)

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I'm over the hill, for sure :

My test: If you know Doors' lyrics

I take 30 years off my life for marrying (my estimate), every test says I died already, so C-Ya.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Some of you may not have heard of this guy. Randy "The Natural" (also "Captain America") Couture is the UFC HW champ at 43. I'm 37 and am approaching that 40 mark and in my current shape can't do everything I did when I was 27, but damn...this guy inspired me (he went 5 rounds with a much younger opponent!) and I am trying to stick to a healthier diet and workout plan to get in better shape. Depending on how that goes, I may take some MMA lessons and try one amateur fight before I am me nuts but I just feel I need to have a goal so I don't just say "what if" at 45. I think us guys need to do what we can to fight off this old age thing.

Couture, 43, beats Sylvia for heavyweight title
Dave Doyle /
Posted: 78 days ago

COLUMBUS, Ohio - George Foreman came out of retirement and won the heavyweight boxing title at the age of 45. Jack Nicklaus won his final Masters in 1986 at 46.

UFC 68 Blog
Dave Doyle recaps all the action from UFC 68 from his octagonside seat at Nationwide Arena in Columbus. Read his thoughts and share your own.

And now the sport of mixed martial arts has its first Rocky moment. Thirteen months after calling it quits, 43-year-old Randy Couture is the new Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight titleholder.

The undersize former light heavyweight took it to 6-foot-8 former champion Tim Sylvia and stunned the MMA world with a commanding unanimous decision. A sellout crowd of 19,049 paying a facility record of $3 million at Nationwide Arena saw Couture, who was giving up 41 pounds to the 263-pound Sylvia, win all five rounds on the three judges' scorecards.

"I didn't really realize what I had done until there were 10 seconds left," Couture said at the post-fight press conference. "At that moment, I sort of looked up and looked around and realized that I actually did it and I was able to enjoy it. But not until then."

With the victory, Couture began his third reign as UFC heavyweight (206-265 lbs.) champion. He was also twice UFC light heavyweight (186-205) champ.

This is the second time Couture has pulled off an against-the-odds title win. His first came in 2003, win the then-39-year-old decided to drop down from the heavyweight decision to go light heavyweight. At the time, he was considered on his downside and was expected to lose to current champ and World MMA No. 1 Chuck Liddell. But Couture scored a third-round TKO to take the title.

"I'll be honest, I brought Randy in to lose to Chuck," said UFC president Dana White. "He was supposed to be an opponent to build Chuck."

Instead, Couture dominated the light heavyweight ranks, scoring wins over 20-somethings Tito Ortiz and Vitor Belfort. But he dropped the title to Liddell in 2005, then retired after losing his third match to Liddell in February 2006.

"I've been there before," said Couture. "I knew what it took to get there and I knew that I was considered a big underdog, but I believed in myself now like I believed in myself then."

In Sylvia, Couture was facing a foe who angered fans with a plodding but effective defensive style. Since winning the belt from Andrei Arlovski in April of last year, Sylvia (23-3) had twice defended his title using a patient approach in which he waited for his opponents to come at him and take advantage of his tremendous reach and ferocious knockout power.

But the 6-foot-2 Couture (15-8) served notice early on that he didn't fear the big man from Maine's game. Couture opened the fight by coming right out and rocking Sylvia with a tremendous overhand right. Sylvia managed to fend Couture off before The Natural could finish the fight in short order, but a pattern was established.

"In training, we worked on the same thing over and over," said Couture, who trains at his Legends Gym in Hollywood. "Go in for the overhand right, then hit the left hook. Left, then right. Well, I hit him with the overhand right, then next thing I knew, I was going in for the left and I realized he was five steps away from me. Then he went down and that was that for the overhand right."

Sylvia appeared flustered from that point on. Couture expertly dodged and weaved and darted in and out of Sylvia's range throughout the fight and was never in serious danger at any point over the course of 25 minutes.

Randy Couture sets the tone for his UFC title win by belting Tim Sylvia with an overhand right in the opening seconds of the fight. (Josh Hedges/Coutresy Zuffa LLC / Special to

Seven times during the match, the former alternate to the U.S. Greco-Roman Olympic team managed to score takedowns on his gargantuan foe. Only twice did Sylvia manage to initially sprawl to fend off the takedown, but on both occasions, Couture stuck with it and took "The Maine-iac" to the mat.

"I actually wasn't able to fight quite like I wanted," said Couture. "In a perfect world, I would have been more effective on the ground and wouldn't have had to stand up with him so much. But he had some nice defense on the ground and I had to do what I could standing up."

Not once over the course of five rounds did Sylvia take Couture down. According to welterweight Matt Hughes, who is Sylvia's stablemate at the Miletich Fighting Systems camp in Iowa, Sylvia suffered a back injury in training the week before the fight and considered pulling out. Sylvia did not attend the post-fight press conference.

After two rounds, it appeared the only thing that might catch up to Couture was fatigue, as the challenger came out of his corner breathing heavily after so expertly pushing the pace. But Couture kept the entire third round standing and was able to beat Sylvia at that game as well as on the ground. From that point on, if Couture was tired, he never let on.

Over the final two rounds, Sylvia never displayed the sort of urgency one would expect from a champion who knew he was losing and had to pick up the pace in order to hold on to his belt. Couture controlled the tempo over the final two rounds and went back to his methodical takedown game. With 30 seconds left, Sylvia, in his guard on the ground in center octagon, appeared to have mentally thrown in the towel.

"I proved my point," said Couture, who sported a bruised nose, but otherwise appeared no worse for fear. "I had my trouble earlier in my career with the bigger heavyweights and it was a big motivation going into the fight. I think I answered all the questions."

So where does Couture go from here? A rematch with Sylvia is on no doubt on the agenda, and the prospects of facing Croatia's Mirko Filipovic, the No. 3 ranked fighter in's World MMA top 10 and a UFC newcomer, seems on pace for later in the year.

Couture was asked what he'll do at age 50. "I can tell you for sure what I won't be doing," he said. "I won't be stepping in the octagon getting the crap knocked out of me."

To which White responded: "Yeah, right."

Dave Doyle is an editor for

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
That's a good thing. Read Charles Bukowski's POST OFFICE, about a guy who is his alter ego, a guy named Henry Chinanski = Buk actually worked for the Post Office, so not a real stretch to imagine someone could have actually done something 'ELSE', then drop to the level of being an RXer, Heh!

I wasn't Spinal Tap, but I lived it. All of it. Not important, still play for bands that travel and play for Bio-Tech and Duke University blow-outs (one in Sept of this year, as well). It just goes to show you, how your life can take a turn, going from long-haired, skinny rocker, sitting behind 100 drums and cymbals and amps and thousands of people, then sitting here, years later, picking MLB games for fun.

Strange days, indeed = remember Jo Jo Gunne ? Lots of 70's bands were pretty good. LOTS of bands, lots of good players, some still doin' it well. Aged, but still good players. And, still some good mail carriers, too. As a matter of fact, one of them near me is HOT, she is really smoking good-looking, delivers the mail = HOT. Not like Henry Chinanski. Read that book, POST OFFICE = being a former, you will like it.

US (paradiddle-banga-de-bang, crash, rimshot)

I'm not much of a reader Uncle Steve, but it did blow me away that people would dis-believe when I said I worked for the PO, like thats the tits, claiming I was the drummer for Kiss was like as believable as saying I worked at a stupid PO.

New member
Sep 15, 2006
I'm over the hill, for sure :

My test: If you know Doors' lyrics

I take 30 years off my life for marrying (my estimate), every test says I died already, so C-Ya.

BTW, (coincidence), by bro's name is DOUG.

And that avatar of yours?

I had one just like it, except it was a 1964 model.

You ain't over the hill, (dude) =

People are strange, when you're a stranger . . .


sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
Thanks Jman now I want to kill myself.

I'd say if you don't have your life sorted out by 40 you're pretty much fucked. Also (and trust me on this one) you age a fuckton faster the longer you're single.

I'm gonna go die alone now (except for pseudo internet is my life sad). gg



1. You're sitting on a park bench, and a Boy Scout comes up and helps you cross your legs.

2. You keep repeating yourself.

3. You light the candles on your birthday cake, and a group of campers form a circle and start singing "Kumbaya."

4. Someone compliments you on your layered look...and you're wearing a swimsuit.

5. You keep repeating yourself.

6. You wonder why you waited so long to take up macrame.

7. Your insurance company has started sending you their free calendar... a month at a time.

8. At cafeterias, you complain that the gelatin is too tough.

9. Your new easy chair has more options than your car.

10. When you do the "Hokey Pokey" you put your left hip out... and it stays out.

11. One of the throw pillows on your bed is a hot water bottle.

12. Conversations with people your own age often turn into "dueling ailments."

13. You keep repeating yourself.

14. It takes a couple of tries to get over a speed bump.

15. You discover the words, "whippersnapper," "scalawag," and "by-cracky" creeping into your vocabulary.

16. You begin every other sentence with, "Nowadays..."

17. You run out of breath walking DOWN a flight of stairs.

18. You look both ways before crossing a room.

19. You keep repeating yourself.

20. You come to the conclusion that your worst enemy is gravity.

21. The waiter asks how you'd like your steak... and you say "pureed."

22. You start beating everyone else at trivia games.

23. You frequently find yourself telling people what a loaf of bread USED to cost.

24. Your back goes out more than you do.

25. You keep repeating yourself.

26. You refer to your $2500 stereo system as "the hi-fi."

27. You make it a point to attend all the RV shows that come to town.

28. You realize that a stamp today costs more than a picture show did when you were growing up.

29. Your childhood toys are now in a museum.

30. Many of your co-workers were born the same year that you got your last promotion.

31. The clothes you've put away until they come back in style...came back in style.

32. All of your favorite movies are now revised in color.

33. You keep repeating yourself.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Over the Hill:

when scratching your ass raw feels better that jerking off

New member
Oct 18, 2005
I'm not much of a reader Uncle Steve, but it did blow me away that people would dis-believe when I said I worked for the PO, like thats the tits, claiming I was the drummer for Kiss was like as believable as saying I worked at a stupid PO.

what? I thought everyone here was a pro gambler? i guess i'm mistaken

Sep 20, 2004

at 30 the competition angle of sports seemed to disappear and injuries linger

other things become more important

@40 no way you can compete with 20 year olds for long.

Some 40 yr olds can. that is a pretty broad statement...if you're talking about the very elite then no not many 40's can hang with 20's, general population is a different story.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005

Texas-type band from the 70's, great guitarist, he is still doing it great.

Other than that, I should have said I played for several bands.

music lover, too


i am thinking along the lines of foghat and bachman turner overdrive.

journeyman how f'ing cool would it be if it was steve smith!the ages are off a couple of years though so no dice

New member
Sep 15, 2006
i am thinking along the lines of foghat and bachman turner overdrive.

journeyman how f'ing cool would it be if it was steve smith!the ages are off a couple of years though so no dice

Damn, I do miss Lonesome Dave.

BTO, nope. Taking Care of Business, no not me.

Steve Smith, with Journey, was EX+, kick ass deluxe!

Hmmmm. I'm probably more well known for the guitarist I played with, I most recently did a gig with Blues Bad-Ass, Buddy Whittington, guitarist for John Mayall's BluesBreakers Band. I did a CD with him and myself on it.

It is good. Rocks ass.

1970's, long hair guy, double-bass, skinny, NOT Tommy Aldridge, tho I loved him, NOT Bonham or Moon, I loved Keith Moon. I really DO/did.

Hint" Lightning Strikes Twice sometimes, and it's sometimes 'rocky'.


BTW = I am KICKING ASS tonight in baseball. Check out the Tracker Forum. I am removing asses right and left. Tail me = I'll make ya famous.

Hey, another hint!



New member
Sep 15, 2006
Over the Hill:

when scratching your ass raw feels better that jerking off

that DOES feel pretty good.

But, not TOO raw, but scratching your balls, then jerking off, now that combo is a nice parlay.

When SEX becomes over-rated, and you would rather hit a 3-teamer and get a martini?

You are on your way to the HILL.


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
When the music you like is only played on stations using these terms:

Classic Rock

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Hale Irwin at 63 awesome shape. In Tennis your old at 28. HGH making lots of pitchers in their 40's younger.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
If you stretch a lot and eat mostly plant based foods, and dont eat to many things that have a face you will stay young.

I think I want my money back!
Mar 29, 2005
60 and broke....

But if you got big dough you can live better than most 25year old.

Chicks love old dudes with dough.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Damn, I do miss Lonesome Dave.

BTO, nope. Taking Care of Business, no not me.

Steve Smith, with Journey, was EX+, kick ass deluxe!

Hmmmm. I'm probably more well known for the guitarist I played with, I most recently did a gig with Blues Bad-Ass, Buddy Whittington, guitarist for John Mayall's BluesBreakers Band. I did a CD with him and myself on it.

It is good. Rocks ass.

1970's, long hair guy, double-bass, skinny, NOT Tommy Aldridge, tho I loved him, NOT Bonham or Moon, I loved Keith Moon. I really DO/did.

Hint" Lightning Strikes Twice sometimes, and it's sometimes 'rocky'.


BTW = I am KICKING ASS tonight in baseball. Check out the Tracker Forum. I am removing asses right and left. Tail me = I'll make ya famous.

Hey, another hint!



way to go US! take another little shot here with the james gang/ joe walsh?

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