Anti-U.S. sentiment in C.R.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Last night I was at one of my little hole in the wall hang outs. A little Chinese restaurant in Rio Segundo.
Around the bar the topic of the current war came up. I listened quietly, curious as to what would be said. I heard everything from, Bush is an idiot, Bush is more dangerous than Saddam, the U.S. has no business over there, if this were about threats to world peace and not oil they would be attacking North Korea, "me cago en los gringos" = I shit on the Americans, tell me where there's a flag burning I'll be the first one there, to Abel Pachecho is a stupid asshole and a sell out for supporting Bush.
After listening a while I pointed out that not all Americans supported this and that I was an example of that. Also that they should express their anger primarily towards Bush and his administration. Would you believe a couple of guys actually wanted to take it to the level of physical agression just because I'm American. Luckily I was really not in the mood for a fight and because it's a hang out of mine there were enough of my friends there to keep things from getting out of hand.

I guess my point is that it's interesting that in peaceful Costa Rica that has a relatively good relationship with the States, and is a place where you find limited anti-American sentiment people are that upset. I wonder what it's like in other parts of the world.
We costaricans traditionally aren't very passionate about anything.......this incident was probably more of an alcohol-macho thing than anything else kaya.

glad you made it out of there safely though
Sep 21, 2004
a good example of what goes on with the world at large: the govts support the US but the people are really disgusted by this act of aggression.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know Slim, there have been protests in Alajuela and on the American Embassy in Rhomoser that I know of so far.
oh, no doubt about it, there have been some gatherings to protest but nothing major, nothing even visible.

You know how things are at a bar though, even if they dont think it, they'll yap yap yap and be loud about it, if someone tries to contradict them, they got the perfect excuse to kick someone's ass. alcohol and trying to be a macho....are not a good combo....

Im sure whoever tried to pick the fight with you couldn't even find Iraq on a world map.

Fortunately you're ok

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah I'm fine Slim, thanks for asking.
I know what your saying about the alcohol. I guess it surprised me though because it's been my experience (without meaning offend) that Ticos usually back down unless they have several friends or a gun with them.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Countries like costa rica stick out their hands wait for us to turn around and then flip us off. Should be very proud.
Kaya, the Tico was probably pissed at you, for making his sister a Gringos puta.

"Countries like costa rica?"

What does this mean?
"3rd World" countries?
Latino countries?
Central American countries?

Thanks buddy.
Please address this. I'm sure the great people of Coasta Rica are very interested in knowing exactly what "Countries like costa rica" means.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn, and I thought I had seen the most asinine post here ever. Hell, last week Peep accused me of being a tout. And now, Jeffry22 has just found the limit. Your attitude might be why some Costa Ricans don't like you. Up here in MX you can find any opinion on the war that you want. I'm sure you can find both sides down there in Costa as well.

As I'm sure Judge and the others on the ground there in Costa Rica have their respective opinions on the US actions. I can tell you that the majority here were pissed off, but now they like what is going on. All I've seen here so far is pro US and yes, maybe just because our dollars say so. Pray for the coallition forces that are there, pray for the unfortunate happenings for all of those involved; and danmit, let the US get this done!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I mean all countries lining up at Uncle Sam's pay window getting their free hand outs and turning on us every chance they get.
Roughly said, but noone will contest that countries "support" us only because they need us.

As for Mr. "Costa ricans are inferior, they merit no concern" ...

.. well, I guess somebody's gene pool missed the evolution train - I suppose that's what happens when you have a circular family tree, like Jeffry's (a family wreath)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Joey C,

Yo bitch! You just called my wife a puta, in other words a whore.

Name a time and place you oxygen wasting bag of shit!!!!!

Was talking about the other drunk Ticos in the bar.

Many have resentment twards Gringos cause the Gringos are hammerin the female relatives.

No personal insult intended....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dude please,

Learn a little about Costa Rica, they have resentments towards 60 year old gringos that hang around the Del Rey hoping a 15 year old prostitute will sneak in with a fake I.D.
They mix cultures and races better here than we do in the States.

Seems like a lot of people are missing the point of the story. I don't stand out as an American, the guys were pissed off because we are attacking Iraq. Slim is totally right that you don't often see people here passionate about much other than soccer. That's why it's surprising to see them angry about this. Today I was pulling up to the office and saw a co-workers car and noticed a bumper sticker, "We say no to war" in Spanish.

With this comment...
"Costa ricans are inferior, they merit no concern!" prove yourself to be inferior.
On the average Costa Ricans are more educated and more billingual than Americans. Check out what's called Bachierato por Madurez, Costa Rican version of a G.E.D., it's harder than the curriculm was at my high school in Pennsylvania.

"Countries like costa rica stick out their hands wait for us to turn around and then flip us off. Should be very proud."
Nice prejudiced comment, provides a little insight into what kind of person you are. First of all, fut-n-duh, the U.S. is rich they are 3rd world, of course they ask for hand outs, that's a no brainer, if you are smart enough to get on a web page and make a post you should be smart enough to figure that out. I suppose you would have rather had them go to Russia for aid all these years. Secondly why must I point out time and time again, that giving a country financial does not give you the right to dictate policy to them. If you assume that you own them by helping them, that turns a humanitarian gesture into one of the dirtiest forms of manipulation.

Again, nothing personal, but your comments about the Del Rey is the point I was trying to make.

And I lived there for almost 4 years !

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