A Sap Sucker, STIL think that Flynn has nothing to worry abuot


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Sep 22, 2007

Let's see, the guy who, long ago, begged like a dog for immunity because he had "a story to tell," kicks Twittler to the curb, and the NEXT DAY, sends his lawyer to speak with Mueller. Gee, I wonder what the topic of conversation was?:think2::hahahahah

Flynn’s lawyer meets with Mueller’s team

By Bob Fredericks

November 27, 2017 | 2:11pm

A lawyer for disgraced former White House aide Mike Flynn met Monday morning with members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team — another indication that the two sides may be working on a plea deal, ABC News reported on Twitter.

Lawyers for Flynn, President Trump’s one time national security adviser, notified the president’s own lawyers that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation into Russian meddling in the US election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

Flynn’s attorney’s had been sharing details with Trump’s lawyers about the investigation by the special counsel before pulling away.

Press reports have said Flynn could be looking for a deal to help himself as well as his son, Michael Jr.

Sep 22, 2007
That would be Rosenstein's mandate not Mueller .

Why are you answering your own post, Dumbo? You really ARE a senile old prick, aren't you? Still waiting for answers to those questions, you gutless bitch.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Why are you answering your own post, Dumbo? You really ARE a senile old prick, aren't you? Still waiting for answers to those questions, you gutless bitch.

Why are you asking this three days later homo ?
I corrected myself after the edit function timed out , didn't answer it senile dipshit . Loser!@#0

Sep 22, 2007
Why are you asking this three days later homo ?
I corrected myself after the edit function timed out , didn't answer it senile dipshit . Loser!@#0

...which shows you're the senile dipshit, you oblivious cocksucker, the edit function is 5 minutes for a reason. You're not exactly quick off of the dime, are you Dumbo?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I know one thing for certain, Russian collusion is NOBODY's PROBLEM

Whatever other dirt Mueller may find had no bearing on the elction

like everything else in libtardville, the investigation is a scam, lying is all they're capable of

the curse of being a fucking idiot

Dec 7, 2013
Learn how to spell you dumb fuck .

Lenbo, do you ever get tired of wearing "Erv the perv" out? If this was a 12 rounder, the ref would have stopped it after the first round. This sexual intellect (fucking idiot) is the first to slam members when they misspell a word or miss an apostrophe when in fact the way he butchers the English language would have Lindley Murray rolling over in his grave.

His m/o is to run, hide and avoid when he is exposed....similar to what you have done to him in this thread. He uses the same lame insults as a deflection so we can expect "Dumbo" and "hillbilly pig fucker" to spew from his limited vocabulary. The guy is shameless and continues to get beaten to a bloody pulp day in and day out. His life can be best described as one giant cluster fuck. It's not fair but I wish I had more time to toy with this simpleton.

Excellent job, please keep it up

Sep 22, 2007
Dumbo and A Sap Sucker, have you 2 taken the double sided dildo out of your respective dirt chutes yet from both getting buggered in this thread? No? I didn't think so...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Don't gimme that shit, you said they had accomplished nothing and I instantly showed you to be a brain dead liar. Keep thinking that Flynn, who is facing jail for both himself, is gonna do time for Twittler, you stupid cocksucker.azzkick(&^:CountdownSlapping-silly90)):fckmad::madasshol:trx-smly0:bigfinger

What didnt age well??

This thread and this post!!!



Sep 22, 2007
What didnt age well??

This thread and this post!!!



Uh, he's a convicted fellow, you brain dead runt, and if you think he avoided 10 years of hard time simply because Mueller liked Flynn's intense squint, you've even dumber than I thought, which is saying something. Why is Twittler so concerned about Cohen flipping(I suppose you and A Sap Sucker are confident Cohen won't be indicted, either, lol) if he, Dump, is innocent, cocksucker?

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Uh, he's a convicted fellow, you brain dead runt, and if you think he avoided 10 years of hard time simply because Mueller liked Flynn's intense squint, you've even dumber than I thought, which is saying something. Why is Twittler so concerned about Cohen flipping(I suppose you and A Sap Sucker are confident Cohen won't be indicted, either, lol) if he, Dump, is innocent, cocksucker?
Originally Posted by Dafinch

You stupid bastard, the article clearly says, "Flynn was subject to questions and scrutiny during his brief stint as the White House national security adviser over phone calls with the former Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak." and the following article mentions it even moreso, you fucking moron.

Trump lawyers believe Flynn poised to cooperate in Russia inquiry – reports

Former national security adviser’s lawyers have reportedly halted talks with Trump’s team, pointing to possible deal with special counsel Robert Mueller

Lawyers for Donald Trump believe the former national security adviser Michael Flynn is on the verge of “flipping” and cooperating with investigators into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia, according to reports.

Flynn’s legal team has cut off communications with the president’s lawyers, the strongest signal yet that he is negotiating a deal with with the special counsel in the investigation, Robert Mueller, the New York Times said.

The retired three-star general, who championed Trump at campaign rallies and advocated closer ties with Russia, is a central figure in Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump aides coordinated with Moscow to boost his 2016 presidential campaign. US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered to help defeat Hillary Clinton by hacking and releasing emails and flooding social media with propaganda.

Last month, Mueller announced his first charges in the case, with the indictments of Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and Manafort’s business associate Rick Gates and the guilty plea of George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser.

Papadopoulos has been cooperating with Mueller’s investigators and, it has been speculated, may have worn a wire to collect evidence. Flynn, however, would be a star witness for the special counsel.

His lawyers notified Trump’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss Mueller’s investigation, the New York Times said, citing four unnamed people involved in the case. “Flynn’s lawyershad been sharing information with Mr Trump’s lawyers,” the paper wrote. “That agreement has been terminated.”

Although this alone is not proof that Flynn has turned state witness, the development has led Trump’s lawyers to conclude that Flynn has at least begun discussions with Mueller about cooperating, according to the Times.

In major criminal investigations, defence lawyers routinely share information with each other, but it can become unethical to continue if one of the potential targets is looking to negotiate a deal with prosecutors.

Quick Guide What you need to know about the Trump-Russia inquiry

Flynn would offer a critical insight into the workings of the Trump campaign and the chaotic start of the administration. James Comey, the FBI director fired by Trump in May, has claimed the president urged him to end an investigation into Flynnduring a private Oval Office meeting in February.

Matthew Miller, a partner at the strategic advisory firm Vianovo and former public affairs director at the justice department, said: “I don’t think we know yet whether he’s cooperating. He’s almost certainly negotiating with Mueller, though. There would be no other reason for the lawyers to stop communicating.”

As a longtime campaign aide who travelled with Trump, Flynn could offer evidence as to whether any illegal contacts took place and whether the candidate himself was aware of them, Miller added, though he said: “But we have not seen any evidence yet that the president knew about it.”
Trump finds Russia investigation 'very distracting', says John Kelly – as it happened

Follow all the latest news as former Trump aides Paul Manafort and Rick Gates are charged with money laundering and tax evasion

Read more

Perhaps more critically, Miller said, “Flynn is at the centre of the obstruction of justice piece of the investigation, which impacts on the president directly.
“If you go back to Watergate, it was really John Dean [former Nixon White House counsel] deciding to cooperate with prosecutors that led directly to implicating the president himself. You need a star witness in these cases and Michael Flynn would certainly be that.”
Flynn – who sat with Vladimir Putin at a 2015 event in Moscow – served 24 days as Trump’s national security adviser but was forced to resign after it was discovered he had misrepresented his contacts with the Russian ambassador to Vice-President Mike Pence.
He was interviewed by the FBI in January about his communications with the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. The deputy attorney general at the time, Sally Yates, soon advised White House officials that their public assertions that Flynn had not discussed sanctions with Kislyak were incorrect and that Flynn was therefore in a compromised position.

In addition, Mueller has been investigating the retired general’s role in $530,000 worth of lobbying work his now defunct firm performed for a Turkish businessman during the final months of the 2016 campaign. The lobbying campaign sought to gather derogatory information on Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish cleric and green-card holder living in Pennsylvania. It was also reported this month that Flynn was being investigated regarding an alleged plot to kidnap Gülen and deliver him to Turkey.

Trump’s first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, denied on Friday that the latest development brought Trump himself closer to a day of reckoning.
“This is a narrative that the mainstream media wants to perpetuate the last year,” he told Fox News.“The bottom line is, if Michael Flynn did something wrong by not disclosing the relationships he had with Turkey and other governments, then he should be held accountable for that.”
Lewandowski added: “There is no liability to the president, because he didn’t collude, cooperate, or coordinate with Russia in any way or form.”
FBI agents have also been scrutinising Flynn’s business partner, Bijan Kian, who served on Trump’s presidential transition, and his son, Michael Flynn Jr, who worked for his father as part of the lobbying campaign. Flynn Jr was a near constant presence during the campaign and presidential transition period.

On Friday, Flynn Jr tweeted an image of the actor Tracy Morgan with the caption: “Everybody calm down.” He also took a swipe at MSNBC for replaying an old interview in which his father pointedly refused to criticise Putin and posted a quote attributed to George Earle Buckle, a 19th-century editor of Britain’s Times newspaper: “In practical life the wisest and soundest people avoid speculation.”
The White House has claimed Flynn does not have incriminating information to provide about Trump. Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer, told the New York Times last month that Trump “likes Gen Flynn personally, but understands that they have their own path with the special counsel. I think he would be sad for them, as a friend and a former colleague, if the process results in punishment or indictments. But to the extent that that happens, that’s beyond his control.”
Along with Mueller, two congressional committees are investigating links between the Trump campaign and Russia. A June 2016 meeting that Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and others held in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer is under scrutiny. It also recently emerged that Trump Jr was messaging with WikiLeaks, which leaked emails from top Democratic officials during the campaign.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
You've already made a fool of yourself by asking, if Mueller had enough to charge Flynn, why didn't he indict him(ignoring the fact that Flynn publicly broke the rule requiring him to register as a foreign agent(the scumbag forgot that for TWO countries), and that he begged like a dog for immunity but was turned down, now, this:


Flynn's lawyers no longer sharing information with Trump's legal team

By Sophie Tatum and Evan Perez, CNN

(CNN)Michael Flynn's lawyers have told other defense lawyers in the ongoing Russia probe, including President Donald Trump's legal team, that they're no longer able to share information, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

The source added that the decision to cease informal information-sharing could be an indication Flynn is preparing to plead guilty in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
The New York Times first reported the change Thursday, citing four people involved with the case, and added that it could be "an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating ... a deal."
While Flynn's lawyers had previously shared information with Trump's team, the change does not necessarily indicate that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller.
Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, said that the decision to no longer share information "is not entirely unexpected" and shouldn't be seen as an indication of cooperation.

"No one should draw the conclusion that this means anything about General Flynn cooperating against the President," Sekulow added.
Lawyers can pull out of information-sharing arrangements for a variety of reasons, including concerns of potential conflicts of interest that may arise at a later date. Information sharing may also be abandoned, for example, when a lawyer is attempting to negotiate with prosecutors, but those negotiations aren't always successful.
Flynn's lawyers declined to comment.
Mueller is currently conducting a special investigation to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The Times' report Thursday comes just weeks after CNN reported Flynn was concerned about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr. in the investigation.
Interviews conducted by special counsel investigators have included questions about the business dealings of Flynn and his son such as their firm's reporting of income from work overseas, two witnesses interviewed by the team previously told CNN. The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires people acting as agents of foreign entities to publicly disclose their relationship with foreign countries or businesses and financial compensation for such work.
Flynn was subject to questions and scrutiny during his brief stint as the White House national security adviser over phone calls with the former Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak.
CNN previously reported that Flynn initially told investigators that he did not discuss sanctions with Kislyak, but later changed his answer to say he didn't remember. Mueller could potentially use this to charge Flynn with making false statements -- the same charge that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to last month.
Former Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates already face charges relating to their undisclosed foreign lobbying for Ukraine. They were indicted by Mueller's grand jury last month. Both have pleaded not guilty.

  • http://www.nydailynews.com/news/poli...icle-1.3670390

    'Ole "Lock him UP!" is greasing it up and getting ready to drive it home into Rump's fat rump, lol.
    Flynn set to testify that Trump told him to contact Russians during campaign

    Disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn is prepared to testify that President Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians” during last year’s presidential campaign, according to reports.

    Flynn has promised special counsel Robert Mueller his full cooperation as he pleads guilty to lying to the FBI, ABC News’ Brian Ross reported on Friday.
    Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian diplomat, but was convinced to cooperate after he learned the extent of the information Mueller's team had on him, Ross said.
    “He is prepared to testify, we are told by a confidant, against President Trump, against members of the Trump family and others in the White House,” Ross said.

    Flynn is ready to spill the beans on Trump, according to Ross.
    He is prepared to testify that, as a candidate, Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”
    U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras said during Flynn’s plea hearing that the government will decide how effectively Flynn is cooperating as part of a plea agreement.​

  • #2


    RX Local
    Join DateNov 2010LocationEnglandPosts69,459

    12-01-2017, 02:16 PM

    always remember
    #RussiaHoax is perpetrated by sewage of #SwampUniParty:

    1. Globalist GOPe

    2. Wretched RINOs

    3. Demonic Dems

    4. Malignant MSM

  • #3


    RX Local
    Join DateNov 2010LocationEnglandPosts69,459

    12-01-2017, 02:19 PM
    Trump lawyer: 'Nothing' in Michael Flynn's guilty plea implicates Trump or White House

    by Sarah Westwood | Dec 1, 2017, 11:58 AM

    "The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year," President Trump's lawyer, Ty Cobb, said. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)​

  • #4


    RX Local
    Join DateNov 2010LocationEnglandPosts69,459

    12-01-2017, 02:21 PM
    President Trump's lawyer, Ty Cobb, said Friday that the guilty plea entered by former national security adviser Michael Flynn does not implicate Trump or any other administration official in wrongdoing.

    “Today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security Advisor at the White House for 25 days during the Trump administration, and a former Obama administration official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a false statement to the FBI," Cobb said in a statement circulated to reporters.

    “The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year," Cobb said. "Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn."

    Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to one count of lying to FBI agents about conversations he had with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. in December 2016.

    Trump requested Flynn's resignation just a few weeks after Inauguration Day amid reports that Flynn had misrepresented the nature of those conversations to Vice President Mike Pence.

    Flynn has agreed to cooperate in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between Russians and the Trump campaign.

    "The conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel's work demonstrates again that the Special Counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion," Cobb said.

    Cobb represents Trump personally but works inside the West Wing. The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment on the Flynn indictment.

  • #5


    RX Local
    Join DateJul 2012LocationUSAPosts18,542

    12-01-2017, 02:22 PM
    "Testify" to whom, exactly?

    Having contact with a foreign government isn't a crime.

    The bedwetting here is hilarious.​

  • #6


    RX Local
    Join DateJul 2012LocationUSAPosts18,542

    12-01-2017, 02:26 PM



    Note: The Trump campaign talking to Russia is not a crime.​

  • #7

    Sheriff Joe

    RX Deplorable
    Join DateOct 2013LocationEarthPosts20,261

    12-01-2017, 02:34 PM
    People dump their stocks over idiotic "bombshell tweets" like this????


    Progressivism is the bastard child of Marxism

  • #8


    RX Local
    Join DateNov 2011LocationNorth of therePosts21,146

    12-01-2017, 03:57 PM
    Wouldn't that make him guilty of lie under oath?​

  • #9


    RX Wizard
    Join DateAug 2012LocationLas VegasPosts8,583

    12-01-2017, 04:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Dafinch

    'Ole "Lock him UP!" is greasing it up and getting ready to drive it home into Rump's fat rump, lol.
    Flynn set to testify that Trump told him to contact Russians during campaign

    Disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn is prepared to testify that President Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians” during last year’s presidential campaign, according to reports.

    Flynn has promised special counsel Robert Mueller his full cooperation as he pleads guilty to lying to the FBI, ABC News’ Brian Ross reported on Friday.
    Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian diplomat, but was convinced to cooperate after he learned the extent of the information Mueller's team had on him, Ross said.
    “He is prepared to testify, we are told by a confidant, against President Trump, against members of the Trump family and others in the White House,” Ross said.

    Flynn is ready to spill the beans on Trump, according to Ross.
    He is prepared to testify that, as a candidate, Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”
    U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras said during Flynn’s plea hearing that the government will decide how effectively Flynn is cooperating as part of a plea agreement.

    Wouldnt that make Obama guilty beyond a doubt then?

    Can you point to where Trump met with leaders of other countries prior to being elected?

    Obama did it before he was elected in 2008... but, I guess "Oh, thats different" lmao


    A diplomatic source told Time magazine that King Abdullah II of Jordan would urge Obama, if elected, to make Arab-Israeli peace talks a higher priority than has been the case under President Bush.

    Obama is expected to meet Israel's top leaders: President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu; and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salaam Fayad.

    Obama can expect a friendly reception in Europe, where he will meet Thursday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.​

    2014 NFL 51-33-1 62.35%
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  • #10


    RX Wizard
    Join DateAug 2012LocationLas VegasPosts8,583

    12-01-2017, 04:37 PM

    Originally Posted by Dafinch

    'Ole "Lock him UP!" is greasing it up and getting ready to drive it home into Rump's fat rump, lol.
    Flynn set to testify that Trump told him to contact Russians during campaign

    Disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn is prepared to testify that President Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians” during last year’s presidential campaign, according to reports.

    Flynn has promised special counsel Robert Mueller his full cooperation as he pleads guilty to lying to the FBI, ABC News’ Brian Ross reported on Friday.
    Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian diplomat, but was convinced to cooperate after he learned the extent of the information Mueller's team had on him, Ross said.
    “He is prepared to testify, we are told by a confidant, against President Trump, against members of the Trump family and others in the White House,” Ross said.

    Flynn is ready to spill the beans on Trump, according to Ross.
    He is prepared to testify that, as a candidate, Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”
    U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras said during Flynn’s plea hearing that the government will decide how effectively Flynn is cooperating as part of a plea agreement.

    Im glad you stopped using stories with "Anonymous Source's" and have moved on to "Confidant's" lmao​

    2014 NFL 51-33-1 62.35%
    2013 NFL 61-34 64.21% Finished 6th place in the LVH Supercontest

  • #11


    RX Wizard
    Join DateAug 2012LocationLas VegasPosts8,583

    12-01-2017, 04:45 PM
    I think we are having a discussion that is absolutely divorced from reality this week. It is astonishing. Let me set the scene for you. It's 2008. We are having an election. And candidate Obama, he's not even president-elect, sends William Miller over to Iran to establish a back channel and let the Iranians know that should he win the election they will have friendlier terms.
    Okay, so this is a private citizen going to foreign soil obviously in order to evade U.S. intelligence monitoring and establishing a back channel with a sworn enemy of the United States who was actively disrupting our efforts in the military in the Middle East.
    So is that bad judgment? Is that a bad thing that happened? Back channels are completely normal. They happen all the time. Reagan did them. Obama did them. Everyone did. So I'm not quite sure why supposedly having, at least the president's now elected, setting up a back channel with the Russians is somehow out of bounds.

    But... but... This is different?


    2014 NFL 51-33-1 62.35%
    2013 NFL 61-34 64.21% Finished 6th place in the LVH Supercontest


Active member
Jun 18, 2007

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Who gives a fuck what that turd Lewandowski says? He got fired by Trump, then got fired from One America News Network. There are several questions none of you nitwits can answer:

1) If Twittler didn't obstruct, why did he tell Lester Holt that he was going to fire Comey regardless of what Rothstein and others recommended(after lying and saying that he took their recommendation) because the Russia thing is a "made up story?" If it's made up, why not let Comey quickly come to that conclusion and clear him?

2) If Flynn was so innocent, why did he lie and get fired very quickly?

3) If Twittler is so innocent, why did he ask Comey to drop the inquiry into Flynn?

4) If Twittler is so innocent, why did the tell the Russians the day after firing Comey that doing so, relieved "pressure?"

5) If there is no collusion, why are there, at last count, NINE people who had connections with Russia that they didn't immediately disclose?

6) If there is no collusion, why did Popadop lie-TWICE-to the FBI in their investigation into Russia?

7) If there is no collusion, why did Mueller let Popadop plead from 10 years in prison-charges for lying to the FBI carry a 5 year prison term-to zero to 6 months?

8) If there is no collusion, why has Twittler never, ever, EVER said anything negative about Russia since practically becoming a candidate?

9) If there is no collusion, why did Flynn's people suddenly stop sharing information with Twittler's people?

10) If there is no collusion, why did Twittler ask Russia to look into Hillary's "30,000 e-mails" at almost the exact moment when Wikileaks and/or Russia hacked into the DNC?

Good luck with answering THAT, lol. Twittler is Dead Man Walking, but neither he, or the Head Up Their Asses schmucks who infest this place know it yet.
[h=1]President Trump:[/h]

Now... His comments recently.....

...why aren't you talking about the fact you're left with cum on your chin for looking like an idiot, babbling for months about "collusion" when neither Rosenstein nor Mueller ever mentioned it. Pound sand, DD, or pound something or someone else, which I'm sure you're all too familiar with.

Wait..... What??

LMAO!!! Another BUMP

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