A Sap Sucker, STIL think that Flynn has nothing to worry abuot


Sep 22, 2007
Dead man walking , collusion , obstruction of justice . @):mad::):):pointer:

The only thing dead is you brain Raiderhater.

Not an answer to be seen, whatta surprise. Laugh hard, you brain dead prick, and, wtf is that 2nd sentence, ENGLISH, motherfucker, do you SPEAK it?^^:)Loser!@#0face)(*^%

Sep 22, 2007
Low hanging fruit. Nothing to see here. When someone gets convicted and actually serves any time let me know.
Colonial Massachusetts would be proud.

Don't gimme that shit, you said they had accomplished nothing and I instantly showed you to be a brain dead liar. Keep thinking that Flynn, who is facing jail for both himself, is gonna do time for Twittler, you stupid cocksucker.azzkick(&^:CountdownSlapping-silly90)):fckmad::madasshol:trx-smly0:bigfinger

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Don't gimme that shit, you said they had accomplished nothing and I instantly showed you to be a brain dead liar. Keep thinking that Flynn, who is facing jail for both himself, is gonna do time for Twittler, you stupid cocksucker.azzkick(&^:CountdownSlapping-silly90)):fckmad::madasshol:trx-smly0:bigfinger

Nobody will do any jail time. If you believe otherwise Mueller has some Uranium One to sell you. :pointer:

Mueller is a total fuck up who screwed up the biggest terrorism investigation since 9/11.



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Not an answer to be seen, whatta surprise. Laugh hard, you brain dead prick, and, wtf is that 2nd sentence, ENGLISH, motherfucker, do you SPEAK it?^^:)Loser!@#0face)(*^%

Did some brain dead ghost mention something about sentences ?

:kissingbbTake a look at the spelling in this thread you started old man .

A Sap Sucker , STIL think that Flynn has nothing to worry abuot

Sep 22, 2007
Did some brain dead ghost mention something about sentences ?

:kissingbbTake a look at the spelling in this thread you started old man .

A Sap Sucker , STIL think that Flynn has nothing to worry abuot

Suck cock, Dumbo, and answer those questions.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Suck cock, Dumbo, and answer those questions.

WTF is Stil and abuot dumb fuck ?
The grammar police takes it in the ass trying to be cute . Loser!@#0 :):)

Your questions border on retardation .

Keep your hopes up like the rest of the brain dead sheep that are swallowing whole what the media is feeding you daily .

Here is the short version. There is a reason Mueller didn't use the word collusion in his mandate, there is no such crime in elections. Got it ?

As for your obstruction of justice fallacy, there was nothing corrupt about Trump asking Comey he hoped he could let the Flynn situation go . Got it ?

Now find me the statutes where criminal activity was committed since you already have Trump fitted for his orange jump suit .

Go fetch dumb fuck .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
WTF is Stil and abuot dumb fuck ?
The grammar police takes it in the ass trying to be cute . Loser!@#0 :):)

Your questions border on retardation .

Keep your hopes up like the rest of the brain dead sheep that are swallowing whole what the media is feeding you daily .

Here is the short version. There is a reason Mueller didn't use the word collusion in his mandate, there is no such crime in elections. Got it ?

As for your obstruction of justice fallacy, there was nothing corrupt about Trump asking Comey he hoped he could let the Flynn situation go . Got it ?

Now find me the statutes where criminal activity was committed since you already have Trump fitted for his orange jump suit .

Go fetch dumb fuck .

That would be Rosenstein's mandate not Mueller .

Sep 22, 2007
WTF is Stil and abuot dumb fuck ?
The grammar police takes it in the ass trying to be cute . Loser!@#0 :):)

Your questions border on retardation .

Keep your hopes up like the rest of the brain dead sheep that are swallowing whole what the media is feeding you daily .

Here is the short version. There is a reason Mueller didn't use the word collusion in his mandate, there is no such crime in elections. Got it ? <<Gee, I wonder where you got THAT stupid "fact," Faux News, maybe? Dead wrong, asshole, as the following clearly shows: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/may/31/gregg-jarrett/fox-news-hosts-wrong-no-law-forbids-russia-trump-c/>>

As for your obstruction of justice fallacy, there was nothing corrupt about Trump asking Comey he hoped he could let the Flynn situation go . Got it ? <<Wrong again, you stupid cocksucker. Ackerman and Wine-Banks BOTH worked Watergate, and, I think I'll take their opinion over that of a moron.



Now find me the statutes where criminal activity was committed since you already have Trump fitted for his orange jump suit .

Go fetch dumb fuck .

Read the above, you stupid prick. These things take time. Wine-Banks even pointed out that the law has changed somewhat since Watergate, and indicting a sitting President is, admittedly, unlikely, but possible, but, he will NOT finish his term, Scumbag, and when you take a 12 inch dong up your ass with no Vaseline, it's gonna be beautiful to see. You were dead wrong about Obama, dead wrong about Obamacare(ohhh, it passed the 2 million signup mark recently), so, why stop now?:hahahahah^^:)Loser!@#0

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Read the above, you stupid prick. These things take time. Wine-Banks even pointed out that the law has changed somewhat since Watergate, and indicting a sitting President is, admittedly, unlikely, but possible, but, he will NOT finish his term, Scumbag, and when you take a 12 inch dong up your ass with no Vaseline, it's gonna be beautiful to see. You were dead wrong about Obama, dead wrong about Obamacare(ohhh, it passed the 2 million signup mark recently), so, why stop now?:hahahahah^^:)Loser!@#0

Nice references . :pointer: In the mean time , keep sucking Obama's cock while you're looking for those statutes homo . :kissingbb He won't finish his term . :lol:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
We can tell who's brainwashed by MSLSD . Watergate comparisons . :):)

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey shit for brains . The link you posted for your esteemed Watergate prosecutor is for PJ Media. A conservative website which mocks the hag you brain dead imbecile . :hahahahah

Watergate Prosecutor Says Trump Knowingly Obstructed Justice

BY PJ VIDEO MAY 25, 2017

Jill Wine-Banks, one of the prosecutors during the Watergate scandal, claims to already know that President Trump has obstructed justice.

:):)She says she's been seeing the proof play out in the media, because any prosecutor will tell you that valid evidence is accumulated by reading The Washington Post and watching MSNBC.

Wine-Banks repeated allegations that the president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to leave the room as he talked to then-FBI Director James Comey, and that he asked Comey to quell the investigation into his administration's Russia ties.

By claiming a crime with no actual evidence, is Jill Wine-Banks really doing a disservice for MSNBC's viewers?

You're on a roll. Keep em coming . :):)

Sep 22, 2007
Nice references . :pointer: In the mean time , keep sucking Obama's cock while you're looking for those statutes homo . :kissingbb He won't finish his term . :lol:

You just got blown outta the water again with your brain dead lies. Lick the scum off a dead dog's dick, Dumbo.

Sep 22, 2007
Hey shit for brains . The link you posted for your esteemed Watergate prosecutor is for PJ Media. A conservative website which mocks the hag you brain dead imbecile . :hahahahah

Watergate Prosecutor Says Trump Knowingly Obstructed Justice

BY PJ VIDEO MAY 25, 2017

Jill Wine-Banks, one of the prosecutors during the Watergate scandal, claims to already know that President Trump has obstructed justice.

:):)She says she's been seeing the proof play out in the media, because any prosecutor will tell you that valid evidence is accumulated by reading The Washington Post and watching MSNBC.

Wine-Banks repeated allegations that the president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to leave the room as he talked to then-FBI Director James Comey, and that he asked Comey to quell the investigation into his administration's Russia ties.

By claiming a crime with no actual evidence, is Jill Wine-Banks really doing a disservice for MSNBC's viewers?

You're on a roll. Keep em coming . :):)

We don't know who wrote the above, since the punk ass bitch who wrote it couldn't be bothered to identify himself. WhoEVER it is, I'll take the credentials of Wine-Banks and Ackerman over his. Anybody who says there is "...no actual evidence" is, by definition, a moron...present company included.Loser!@#0:Countdown:trx-smly0:bigfinger

Sep 22, 2007


Lewandowski threw Flynn, Manafort and others under the bus on Friday but predicted that 'that's where it ends'

Lewandowski, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/20...f-into-being-the-odd-man-out?detail=emaildkre I direct you to the following comment, Jagoff:

"Papadopoulos is a classic example of "little-fish-big-fish in action. He has already exposed both his direct supervisor Sam Clovis, as well as then campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to jeopardy. And it's going to stick. You can tell because Clovis is not even trying to refute Papadopoulos' accusations, he's just trying to rationalize it. And Lewandowski has had to make himself look like shit, by suddenly managing to recall who Papadopoulos was after initially emphatically stating that he didn't know him from Adam.Funny how having his "memory refreshed" only led to the lame ass excuse that he wasn't Papadopoulos' mommy, he coldn't tell him not to go to Russia. Maybe not, but he sure as hell could have fired him on the spot. Clovis and Lewandowski are both heading for a stint in the hurt locker in their upcoming interviews and possible grand jury testimony."


"...Right now, Manafort and Flynn are the two highest profile fish that Mueller has in his creel, and the only reason to flip them is to get a bigger fish. At this level, the only bigger fish figure to be Donnie redux, Jared Kushner, and The Orange Tufted Poodle himself. But logic says that Mueller should only need one of them to flip to have the desired effect. So, which one? My money is on Flynn, for a variety of reasons. Most importantly is that Mueller has Flynn cold, but more importantly he may well have Flynn's son cold too. If Flynn cuts a deal, I wouldn't be surprised if he still ends up with stiff jail time, in return for his son getting a pass. Second, I think that Trump's recent disavowals of his closeness to Flynn may have dropped some of the scales from Flynn's eyes about the likelihood of a pardon. And another thing. Flynn is under investigation by the military for his unauthorized trips to Russia, as well as payments by both Russia and Turkey. Flynn is facing a military court martial, with the disgrace that would bring, a reduction of rank, and the loss of the lions share of his pension. A pardon is for federal crimes, but a court martial would not be a federal trial, it would be a military tribunal, and I'm not sure that a pardon would quash that. Plus, Flynn was with Trump a whole lot longer than Manafort was, and he was much more trusted than Manafort ever was. If anybody would have inside knowledge of wrongdoings by Kushner, Li'l Donnie, or Trump himself, it would be highly likely that Flynn would be better able to provide it than Manafort."

Ahhh, this is gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, Scumbag, just as it is with Repubs having the White House, the Senate, the House, hell, even SCOTUS, and they can't get a damn thing passed of major significance. Are we tired of winning yet?:hahahahahSoumi:aktion033Shush()*:103631605:pointer::laughingb

Sep 22, 2007

Awwwww, get this muthafucka in jail QUICK!!!! Anybody seen A Sap Sucker around lately?:hahahahahSoumi:aktion033Shush()*:103631605:pointer::laughingb

You'll never guess Who Flynn was Following on Twitter -- and Re-tweeting


By jamess
Saturday Nov 25, 2017 · 5:04 PM PST

Somehow, the excuse: “Because all the kids are doing it” …
Really doesn’t pass the smell test on this one.
Just take a look, at what General Flynn was up to in his spare time ...
[h=3]Michael Flynn followed, retweeted five accounts from same Russian troll farm before election[/h] The former national security adviser pushed Kremlin-backed propaganda in the days before Americans headed to the polls.

by Michael Martin, www.metro.us — Nov 02, 2017
Fired Trump national-security adviser Michael Flynn followed five Twitter accounts from a Russian troll factory and pushed their messages right before the 2016 presidential election, the Daily Beast reported Thursday.
On Wednesday, House investigators revealed the names of 2,750 accounts created by the Internet Research Agency, a St. Petersburg-based troll farm linked to the Kremlin. One of them had previously been unmasked as Ten_GOP, which Flynn, Donald Trump Jr., Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, and Trump campaign digital director Brad Parscale retweeted before the election.
Additionally, Flynn followed the accounts Jenn_Abrams, LauraBaeley, Pamela_Moore13 and SouthLoneStar. Baeley, Abrams and Moore claimed to be American Trump supporters. [...]
The Daily Beast found that Flynn's son, Michael Flynn Jr., retweeted Russian troll accounts 47 times, including five tweets defending his father and one that purported to debunk Russian interference in the American election. At the same time, both Flynns helped disseminate the Pizzagate hoax, which claimed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta were running a pedophile ring out of a D.C. pizza restaurant.

Somehow you’d think a General and National Security Advisor would have more important things to do, than to Retweet fake Russian messages, from supposedly random “American” accounts?
How convenient! What are the odds?(And what were those Re-tweeters’ “intent”?)
[h=3]Facebook estimates 126 million people were served content from Russia-linked pages[/h] by Dylan Byers, @CNNMoney — Oct 31, 2017

[h=4]Facebook will inform lawmakers this week that roughly 126 million Americans may have been exposed to content generated on its platform by the Russian government-linked troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency between June 2015 and August 2017, CNN has learned.[/h] That estimate, which is equivalent to more than half of the total U.S. voting population, offers a new understanding of the scope of Russia's use of social media to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and in American society generally.
In written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch says that 29 million people were served content directly from the Internet Research Agency, and that after sharing among users is accounted for, a total of "approximately 126 million people" may have seen it.

How about you (or someone you know in one of those “squeaker” states) — were you one of the 126 million people who reacted to the ‘inflammatory content’ — cranked out on a daily basis in a Russian sweat shop, halfway around the world?
Internet Research Agency, identified by American intelligence as a Kremlin-linked troll farm.

Did all the activecampaign promotion” of Wikileaks, make any of those “millions of Voters” the least bit curious? … the least bit outraged? … the least bit jaded?
We bet you do! ...
(Thanks Donald, Thanks Flynns, Thanks Jr, Thanks Kellyanne, Thanks Parscale … for all playing your “merely coincidental” parts ...)
Did You Follow Any Internet Research Agency Facebook Pages or Instagram Accounts?
The new tool will be available via Facebook's Help Center by year-end
by David Cohen, adweek.com — Nov 22, 2017

Facebook users will soon have a way to determine if they liked or followed any pages or Instagram accounts that were aimed at swaying the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The social network announced in a Newsroom post that it is creating a portal to enable users to find out if they liked or followed any Internet Research Agency Facebook pages or Instagram accounts between January 2015 and August 2017.
Until then, you always got Michael Flynn’s ‘Greatest Re-tweets’ — to keep you busy:


Ironically that second one is not bad advice, for The Resistance — if you don’t stop to consider the source(s) … and their original intents …

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
but, he will NOT finish his term.....@):mad::):):pointer::laughingb:lol:

Sep 22, 2007
Flynn re-tweeted Facebook memes - crime of the century!!!

@):mad::):) :pointer: :laughingb :lol:

Let us not forget that YOU'RE the fucking idiot who claims that Flynn has nothing to do with Russia, ROTFLMAO!!!!!face)(*^%:hahahahahLoser!@#0kth)(&^Slapping-silly90))azzkick(&^:madasshol:bigfinger:fckmad::trx-smly0

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
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