200 dead in 7 explosions Sri Lanka


Mar 6, 2019
Well whatever you have been doing, it clearly doesn’t work. Because he has been allowed to post hate speech for 15 years, up to and including today
I’m done with this thread
Enjoy your Easter all

Oct 18, 2008
You sound like 1-2 other posters here who say we don't do anything.

How do you know that?

Are you 100% certain action hasn't been taken??

Maybe he'll tell you when he posts.

Well, he uses hate speech a lot and hasn't been banned. I understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but the things he says are very hateful and don't promote a good environment or any inclusion on this board.

Makes me not want to open any threads

Sep 21, 2004

My wife, her 9 brothers and sisters, and her mom & dad are all Hispanic/Mexican-American.

But they don't like Illegal Mexicans at all because they think they give the rest of them a black eye.

Are they racist?

all races have groups that give them a black eye
Sep 21, 2004
I have no problem with people citing facts. Vlad doesn’t do that. He posts about wanting to torture and kill people because that’s what gets his dick hard

You act like we all don't know that you've been banned in here, and are ghosting.

Stop lying about it.


Nov 7, 2008
Last time i was there, there was a bombing evryday in colombo for a week straight. Shit sucks. Thankfully all my people are ok. Sad day. I hate religions

Jan 20, 2002
No it isnt. The world has a huge problem with Islam that refuses to coexist and is absolutely intolerant to other religions.
Jan 12, 2019
Islamists attack French church, slit priest's throat

Noemie Olive

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As the attackers came out of the church shouting “Allahu akbar” (“God is Greatest”) they were shot and killed by police.
The men arrived during morning mass in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a working-class town near Rouen, northwest of Paris, where the 85-year-old parish priest, Father Jacques Hamel, was leading prayers.
“They forced him to his knees and he tried to defend himself and that’s when the drama began,” Sister Danielle, who escaped as the attackers slayed the priest, told RMC radio.

“They filmed themselves. It was like a sermon in Arabic around the altar,” the nun said.
Three other worshippers were held hostage until the assailants were killed, one of them was badly wounded during the attack.
News agency Amaq, which is affiliated with Islamic State, a group France is bombing in Iraq and Syria as part of a U.S.-led coalition, said two of its “soldiers” had carried out the attack. Police said one person had been arrested.
France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor Francois Molins identified one of the attackers as 19-year-old Adel Kermiche, a local man who was known to intelligence services after his failed bids to reach Syria to wage jihad.

Kermiche first tried to travel to Syria in March 2015 but was arrested in Germany. Upon his return to France he was placed under surveillance and barred from leaving his local area.
But less than two months later he slipped away and was intercepted in Turkey making his way towards Syria again.
He was sent back to France and detained until late March this year when he was released on bail. He had to wear an electronic tag, surrender his passport and was only allowed to leave his parents home for a few hours a day.
The fact that he was still able to commit the attack will raise yet more questions over the intelligence services and legal procedures in a country still under a state of emergency.
It is less than two weeks since a Tunisian plowed a truck into a crowd in the French Riviera city of Nice, killing 84 people, an attack claimed by Islamic State.
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Police and rescue workers stand at the scene after two assailants had taken five people hostage in the church at Saint-Etienne-du -Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy, France, July 26, 2016. REUTERS/Steve Bonet“In the face of this threat that has never been greater in France and Europe, the government is absolutely determined (to defeat) terrorism,” President Hollande said in a televised address.The White House condemned the attack and commended the French police’s “quick and decisive response.”“NORMAL TEENAGER”One former school acquaintance remembered Kermiche as a normal teenager who became obsessed with hardline interpretations of the Koran after the attack on the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine in January 2015 and would later urge his friends to “fight for our brothers”.
“He tried to indoctrinate us,” said the 18-year-old, who gave his name only as Redwan.</figure>

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A horrified local resident, Cecile Lefebre, said: “I have no words. How do you arrive at this point, killing people in cold blood like this? It’s pure barbarity.”
Since the Bastille Day mass murder in Nice, there has been a spate of attacks in Germany, some of which also appear to be Islamist-inspired.
“In the face of this threat that has never been greater in France and Europe, the government is absolutely determined (to defeat) terrorism,” Hollande said in a televised address.

But former president Nicolas Sarkozy, who is expected to enter a conservative primary for next year’s presidential election, accused the Socialist government of being soft.
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“We must be merciless,” Sarkozy said in a statement to reporters.“The legal quibbling, precautions and pretexts for insufficient action are not acceptable. I demand that the government implement without delay the proposals we presented months ago. There is no more time to be wasted.”The center-right opposition wants all Islamist suspects to be either held in detention or electronically tagged to avert potential attacks.Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen, who is also expected to run for the presidency, said both Sarkozy’s and Hollande’s parties had failed on security.“All those who have governed us for 30 years bear an immense responsibility. It’s revolting to watch them bickering!” she tweeted.Hollande said France should “use all its means” within the law to fight Islamic State.Pope Francis condemned what he called a “barbarous killing”.“The fact that this episode took place in a church, killing a priest, a minister of the Lord and involving the faithful, is something that affects us profoundly,” Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said.In a telephone call with the pope, Hollande expressed “the sorrow of all French people after the heinous murder of Father Jacques Hamel by two terrorists,” and said everything would be done to protect places of worship, the presidential palace said.</figure>
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, a former conservative prime minister who now heads the Senate’s foreign affairs committee tweeted: “Everything is being done to trigger a war of religions.”
Additional reporting by Chine Labbe, Marine Pennetier, Michel Rose and Richard Lough in Paris and Jess Mason in Washington; Writing by Richard Lough and Paul Taylor; Editing by Jeremy Gaunt and Robin Pomeroy

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Jan 12, 2019
Fucking ads have to take up space when people just want to read news.

A couple politically correct morons on here still wont get it.
Jan 12, 2019
Well, he uses hate speech a lot and hasn't been banned. I understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but the things he says are very hateful and don't promote a good environment or any inclusion on this board.

Makes me not want to open any threads

Love that word " Inclusion" almost as I love the word " diversity"

Liberals love those 2 words. Their real meaning is anti white

I think the NBA all star game needs more diversity in it

Nov 21, 2008
All religions are not equal. It's false to state otherwise. Moderate muslims have a difficult time assimilating because they put way to much value in their ass backwards religion. Moderate christians, jews, etc. do not have this problem. Their prophet and example was a warlord, rapist, murderer, pedo ass dickfuck. The late Jesus was a jewish hippy and Buddha was pretty chill fat dude.

Mar 6, 2019
The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka was assassinated by a Buddhist monk in 1959. So much for peace huh? There are extremist factions in every religion

Sep 21, 2001
slight difference between one deranged nut case acting solely alone and a group of 50 people or so acting under the scope of their religion

there is not one Christian who can understand why that asshole killed the people in the Mosque - but EVERY Muslim in the world understand why these rodents killed all the people on Sri Lanka - not saying they think it's acceptable - but they can rationalize it

Mar 6, 2019
[FONT=&quot]We don’t know who did this, so I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but to what degree has Islamic extremism become an issue since 2009? And to what degree was it an issue before 2009?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That’s the key question. Over the past several decades, from at least the time of the conflict, or the early nineteen-nineties, members of the Muslim community have been victims of various ethno-religious conflicts. The Tamil community, particularly the Tamil Tigers during the war. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]heavily victimized the Muslim community. And, after the war, you had Sinhalese Buddhist groups urging the burning of Muslim businesses, and urging attacks on mosques, and things like that. We have actually seen a campaign to destroy ancient mosques. Over time, they have always been victims of either Sinhalese Buddhist authoritarianism or the Tamil community. We have rarely seen much pushback from the Muslim community.


Mar 6, 2019
there is not one Christian who can understand why that asshole killed the people in the Mosque - but EVERY Muslim in the world understand why these rodents killed all the people on Sri Lanka - not saying they think it's acceptable - but they can rationalize it
Also this is quite comical. There isn’t one Christian who can understand why a Nationalist went on a killing spree against Muslims? There are 4 or 5 ON THIS BOARD who basically said Muslims got what was coming to them when it happened

New member
Oct 29, 2006
slight difference between one deranged nut case acting solely alone and a group of 50 people or so acting under the scope of their religion

there is not one Christian who can understand why that asshole killed the people in the Mosque - but EVERY Muslim in the world understand why these rodents killed all the people on Sri Lanka - not saying they think it's acceptable - but they can rationalize it


New member
Oct 29, 2006
There are 4 or 5 ON THIS BOARD who basically said Muslims got what was coming to them when it happened

Wrong. Any people who praised the wacko for taking out innocent people in mosques are not Christians.

Those are called conservative trolls. They are not anywhere close to being followers of the Christian faith.

New member
Apr 20, 2019
Wrong. Any people who praised the wacko for taking out innocent people in mosques are not Christians.

Those are called conservative trolls. They are not anywhere close to being followers of the Christian faith.

very true

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