Youwager Lied About Ownership


New member
Jan 25, 2016
Long story short, I was at thegreek for over a decade before they closed to us. I scrambled around a bit for a new home, settled on YOUdumbarseWager.

I have sent this place too much to mention, but a salaries worth per year. Anytime I ever asked for something EXTRA, i was treated like somebody who just had signed up.

I asked to speak to somebody who cares about the bottom line of the business, not some secretaries who block all messages and chats from going through to people who count.

They talk brashly and arrogantly, knowing that since they are in costa rica they can do whatever they want.

I tell you in 3 years I have rarely missed a day let alone of playing and sending.

Anyway, I ask for an owner, somebody I may speak with, they give me the name of Freddy Harris, who I have been sending emails to for months. Just last week I learned Freddy had passed away.

So they let me keep emailing this man, knowing full well he could not respond, this way it would make me think he was just ignoring me and wasnt going to do more than they would

Do you think it's right for women book keepers and clerical people to be speaking for entire ownership, and with the great paying customer not really knowing if management or ownership, and people who care about a really really great customer, knows they might leave?

How is this allowed? Imagine walking into a bank and the teller telling you you cant withdraw any money today? And when you ask for management, they say well, I speak for management, and I said you cant withdraw your funds today. Are you supposed to take that? And/or believe that?

These are people who dont even know sports, and they decide what management supposedly said and didnt?

At the greek, Spiro was always available, and Wally the manager was a great guy. They didnt always oblige my requests, but they at least were there to answer, and I knew it was them answering. This should not be allowed at youwager, too many upfront books who think an everyday player is worth more than a snub off. There is no reason to ever trust youwager again

If anybody would like transcripts of chats and when they actually gave me Freddys name, after he had passed, or want to see first hand the way ive been treated by secretaries there, just hit me up, ill send you all I have

Sep 21, 2004
You are bitching and whining..... but yet you firmly state that you have jumped thru these ignorant assed hoops for 3 years.

After you have put up with it for 3 years....... who cares? Somebody better rush you a list of all the other obvious things a guy should not do. Don't play in traffic....... etc?

New member
Jan 25, 2016
cause they werent always like that Senior. Theyve been kicking me around for months, and i KEEP sending. The point is they have no loyalty to any customer, regardless how much or often they send. And with that kind of commitment in sending, they should afford u the right to speak to somebody. If you cant see that you really are a marshhead

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you are not dealing with Bank of America, or Walmart or McDonalds.

you are dealing with an offshore bookie.

you are not going to speak to the owner, you are not going to file a complaint with the BBB if you are not satisfied.

you'll place your bets, you'll get paid

don't keep more offshore than you can afford to never see again

big mistake comparing offshore guys with the legit corporate world... it may feel like that at times but don't be fooled.

good luck

New member
Oct 18, 2011
LInesfreak, i hope you find what you are looking for - i think you better off going with anything that is not off shore, if you looking for customer appreciation.

New member
Jan 25, 2016
I see so the mistake was believeing they were legitimate? The girls working there have their resumes online as if they are working legitimate jobs, how are their resumes to be taken seriously if the company is a sham?

If they flat out told me they were just a bookie hiding in costa rica, that would be ok, but they think they are a business And if e

verybody thinks they are not, why do people keep playing offshore?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"business" is retaliative to jurisdiction.

a company in the US follows the US rule book, which is US law. if in Canada then their rule book is Canadian law; China, China law, and so forth.

international business is like having a Canadian football team play an NFL team, it is the same game but each team is used to different rules.

you are used to dealing with companies and people that follow one set of rules, the offshore bookie is following a different albeit similar set of rules.

the bookie assumes that you know that you are playing by their rules, and you are assuming that you are playing by your rules.

no company is going to come out in plain english and say "we are bookies hiding offshore" or "Budweiser beer contains ingredients that kill you"

New member
Jan 25, 2016
"business" is retaliative to jurisdiction.

a company in the US follows the US rule book, which is US law. if in Canada then their rule book is Canadian law; China, China law, and so forth.

international business is like having a Canadian football team play an NFL team, it is the same game but each team is used to different rules.

you are used to dealing with companies and people that follow one set of rules, the offshore bookie is following a different albeit similar set of rules.

the bookie assumes that you know that you are playing by their rules, and you are assuming that you are playing by your rules.

no company is going to come out in plain english and say "we are bookies hiding offshore" or "Budweiser beer contains ingredients that kill you"

You're starting to sound like a "Shill" The forums are loaded with them.

Your giving me reasons why the book is NOT to be trusted with all your sentences, YET, you make me sound like the bad guy, for TRUSTING them.

Any book that does not allow you to talk to somebody important is chit. Any book ive ever been at before Somebody would get on the phone. These customer service people know that there is no way reach anybody else, and so they answer without even asking.

Then they say they ar epaid to speak for management.

The problem is the BOOK, not the country, not the player, the BOOK.

Im wriitng to let people know this. so stop talking about something you dont know

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Your giving me reasons why the book is NOT to be trusted with all your sentences,

yes, do not trust any company.

YET, you make me sound like the bad guy, for TRUSTING them.

sorry, not trying to make anyone sound like a bad guy.

Any book that does not allow you to talk to somebody important is chit. Any book ive ever been at before Somebody would get on the phone. These customer service people know that there is no way reach anybody else, and so they answer without even asking.

Then they say they ar epaid to speak for management.

if you have a problem with facebook you are not going to get zuckerburg on the phone to discuss your issue, if you have a problem with Chase Bank you are not going to talk to Jamie Dimon. if you have a problem with an offshore book you are not going to talk to the owner.

you'll talk to a customer svc rep, and maybe his/her boss, and then maybe his/her boss... but that is about it.

now every once in awhile you'll get a rouge rep that will not follow company procedures. but if you talk to 1/2 a dozen different reps and they all give you the same answer then they are doing what the owner wants.

then you need to decide whether you want to continue the business relationship.

your problem is with this book, but I am telling you all the larger books operate the same way. a smaller book that is desperate for business might jump thru more hoops for you. just remember if a book is kissing your ass to get your business it might be because they are small and small books can fold overnight.

good luck

New member
Jan 25, 2016
yes, do not trust any company.

sorry, not trying to make anyone sound like a bad guy.

if you have a problem with facebook you are not going to get zuckerburg on the phone to discuss your issue, if you have a problem with Chase Bank you are not going to talk to Jamie Dimon. if you have a problem with an offshore book you are not going to talk to the owner.

you'll talk to a customer svc rep, and maybe his/her boss, and then maybe his/her boss... but that is about it.

now every once in awhile you'll get a rouge rep that will not follow company procedures. but if you talk to 1/2 a dozen different reps and they all give you the same answer then they are doing what the owner wants.

then you need to decide whether you want to continue the business relationship.

your problem is with this book, but I am telling you all the larger books operate the same way. a smaller book that is desperate for business might jump thru more hoops for you. just remember if a book is kissing your ass to get your business it might be because they are small and small books can fold overnight.

good luck

So, if you feel this way, say something about the book. But you wont, cause you are a shill, in disguise

Guys who protect the book, and try to do it in slick ways to not make it obvious, but it still is. Why in the world do you care what I think? If you dont like what i said, move along, somebody else might find it enlightening

Not all major books do this, Ive been with many, I didnt settle with many as a home cause of some places taking months to be paid, etc. I believe youwager pays their customers, which is a good thing, but they need to be called out for how they treat their great customers

It be one thing if I knew what the manager said, but they dont even check they just say "We cant do this...we cant do that" and your supposed to believe that WE is Them.

I dont expect to speak with Calvin Ayers of Bovada, but Ill gurantee you it wont be a female office workers who dont know 2 nfl players running the entire shop

New member
Sep 21, 2004
here's what i know about youwager

they have been around since before 2000.

i've never played there

i don't know anyone that works there

it sounds like they treat their players like shit, but most offshore books do.

the books i play at get poor grades for customer service, but high grades on payouts

i don't know if youwager has payout problems or not, but poor customer svc and poor payouts = i'm gone

kinda like girls, FAST, GOOD, and CHEAP... you can't have all 3, just pick 2

New member
Jan 25, 2016
ok so you dont know anything about the proposed book.

So, not a shill, just somebody with nothing better to do

New member
Jan 30, 2016
Stop whining and get a life you ve been rude this is a forum ,you respect others opinions

New member
Jan 25, 2016
I would agree paying is important, but equally important is getting the money there in the first place. They have repeatedly given me blacklisted names to send with either western union or moneygram, and refused to reimburse me. even when the reason is stated as "invalid receiver" Loyal players who end very week are going to get Blacklisted ultimately they know this and for the longest time they only could except mg or wu, and they encouraged you o use different names to avoid your blacklist d name

A few months ago they gave me a name to send mg, hours later it still wasn't verified. Well, it turned out their processor went down. No reason,no warning, just they went down, and because of this the money could not be picked up, not tomorrow, o the next day, never. So, the money was lost. Then youwage says, you shouldnt use different names to your own, yeah, after the encourage you to do it. But if it gets lost, youwager wont do a thing for you

New member
Jun 8, 2009
I think the OP is a whining little bitch....don't like the way you are treated.....move on!

Or keep crying about it like a girl...either way nobody cares!

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