------>>> Your Right to GAMBLE Online is being attacked in September -- VOTE against this here --


------>>> Your Right to GAMBLE Online is being attacked in September -- VOTE against this here --

  • Yes. I clicked on the link to send the form to my Representative and Senator

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  • I've already sent the form to my Representative and Senator

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  • No I don't really care to help out unless I get a BONUS or something

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I don't think this will help

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think it's too late and Online Gambling in the U.S. will be maded illegal

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  • Total voters

New member
Sep 21, 2004
FatherTime, you may actually be right on both counts! Remember, the congressional clock runs for TWO years, and we are only coming to the end of the first. I doubt we will take final action the matter this year, but we can pick up where we left off in 2004. The time squeeze comes at the end of next year. If nothing is passed before the Nov. '04 federal elections, proponents would have to start from scratch in Jan., 05. So my guess is there will be a push by kyl and others to get it done at some point next spring or summer.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
nomad - The best way to contact your Rep in your area is to get him/her on the phone and state your concerns...even better visit their office and state your concerns face-to-face.

Let them know you will be visiting their office often and wil be bringing others that have the same concerns to talk to these reps.

The Profreedom's FORM email to your rep is so it is EASY for people who normally wouldn't do anything to send their opinion to their Reps and the more and more people that send these emails HELP back Profreedom's effort.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I BET...having worked for and helped elect two Members of Congress (and I still work for one, handling this issue among other things), I sincerely appreciate your advice on the best way to contact them..LOL.

Seriously, We're on the same side here. The point is that unless the industry gets involved in A BIG WAY--not just one casino with form letters--anti-net gambling bills have an excellent chance of passage. The industry, to my knowledge, has shown little to no interest in undertaking such a campaign.

Phone calls--good. Visits don't happen--too much time and distance for most people. Visiting a Member's local office isn't that effective because local offices, for the most part, aren't involved with legislation. They're too busy tracking down lost Social Security checks or helping someone get a passport to even know what this issue is all about. Actually, the best thing to do is write a letter in your own words, follow up a week later with a phone call. Form letters and form emails may make you THINK you are accomplishing something, but even in large quanities they are not taken seriously. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Instead, why don't you start working Monday morning on orgainzing the off-shore industry to alert their customers and call them to action about this? If the industry could only convince 5 to 10% of their customers to take 10 mins to draft a nice note to their Rep and Senator, it would be more effective than you can imagine.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
nomad - Let me correct myself...I didn't write the above post directly to you I like I was trying to give YOU advice...on how to contact your rep.
I meant it in general to all posters that may want to go a little farther than just the email from ProFreedom...especially after you posted your opinion of the lack of effectivness of the emails from ProFreedom.

I don't claim to be an expert in this or anything that directly involves politicians (LOL)...the purpose of this thread is to get the issue in front of online gamblers.

With your expertise and experience in all of this someone LIKE YOU should be getting in touch with the ProFreedom people and see what if any impact all of this is doing for their special interest group and if it's going to make a different and MOST IMPORTANT...if they are oraganized enough with the right people to pull it off and getting the right attension.

I totally agree with what you wrote in your last paragraph and have voiced the same months ago in this forum...but I am NOT the one to get the Sportsbooks to do this.

You are much better qualified...so I will nominate you to help us all out. Thanks and Good Luck

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
Nomad's point about the Offshore Industry's silence is a strong one. (IMO).

IB--Do you know of any efforts made by them or any single one about this issue?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I BET...let's see here. The industry doesn't care enough to lift a finger on this, even though its their livelihood that would be affected. I am not part of the net gambling industry, know abolutely no one in the industry, already work full time for a member of congress, and no, I'm not gonna quit my job to do this. We ain't talking about a half hour's worth of work here. And you want me to do what the industry should already be doing? Tell you what, if they'll get on this forum and contact me, as an industry, and demonstrate some sincere interest in this matter, I'll recommend some independent lobbyists who could be very helpful to them.

The only reason I made the suggestion to you was because your handle and interest suggested to me you were part of the industry. Sorry if I was mistaken. The sad thing is that I am sure some in the industry have read this thread...and their response has been to do virtually nothing.

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
Bump--For I Bet!

Tell me nomad is Kyl as egotistical as he appears to be? The guy's not even someone I would want as a neighbor. (He appears to me to be a little "nutso"). I don't like all the politics of John McCain, yet I personally much prefer him over Kyl.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
oldmantime - Thanks. This nomad person does seem a bit egotistical just because he is on the fringes of politics.

The point he made is the same many of us have made especially WildBill...the industry is not organized to stand as one voice and try to fight this. And there are many reasons behind that.

And yes it would be nice for the prescription to put a link for this on their home page and yes it would seem logical for ALL SPORTSBOOKS to put this same link on each one's home page as well. This may HELP spark a unity among the books to get together...maybe THE SHRINK would bo the man to help influence all the books to put SOMETHING on their home pages so all gamblers are AWARE of what is going on and that maybe they can do something.

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
Well-I Bet--in poker they would call it calling someone's bluff, if nomad has a connection to a powerfull lobbyist. Would seem to me that in itself might be enough to bring together the top 10 or so books to unite for that purpose.
Again as Krackman has pointed out--"Be carefull of internet friends".
I KNOW it is difficult to get the industry united or people in general for that matter. But time maybe to see if nomad's holding "4 Aces".

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Father Time...As far as Kyl goes, he is generally considered a good guy, genial and easy to talk to. Like some, he is convninced of the righteousness of his beliefs. My former boss worked with him years ago when both were members of the House Armed Services Committee and thought him to be a straight shooter. People may not like his views, but he is usually right up front about where he stands. McCain plays the press like a fiddle.

Are you from Arizona?

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
No-I'm not from Az. However I saw Kyl on a Larry King show some time ago and he seemed a cocky asshole to me. You are probably correct about McCain--but I admire his stance of soft money!!
I bet even Kyl doesn't like that--Bush didn't like. I know McCain takes a stance against College Betting and I can see his point there to some extent. But he appears much more middle of the road thatn Kyl. (And I'm definately an Independant)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just an outside story ...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
Kyl Expects Anti-Internet Gambling Bill To Pass Congress
by Glen Shapiro
Law & Tax News

New York, 20 September 2003

Speaking last week, Senator John Kyl (R-Ariz) predicted that his bill outlawing internet gambling will pass Congress this year, despite opposition from the US mainstream casino industry to provisions contained within the Senate legislation which would prevent states from legalizing online betting.

In a version of the bill passed by the House of Representatives earlier this year, state-sanctioned sites offering wagers on horse and dog racing were exempted from the ban, which is principally aimed at cracking down on internet gambling services offered to US citizens by offshore operators.

However, the Department of Justice complained that allowing state authorities the right to legalize some forms of internet betting could increase the amount of betting activity taking place, an objection which led to the introduction of stricter legislation in the Senate.

Both bills, however, seek to prevent the use of credit cards and electronic fund transfers for the purposes of online gambling.

Responding to Senator Kyl's confident assertion, president of the American Gaming Association (AGA), Frank Fahrenkopf insisted that the states should be allowed to choose if they want to legalize internet betting, and went on to suggest that the Senate bill "can easily be fixed by including language which would say gambling must be legal in states where the (internet) gambling transmission is coming from."

However, there are fears that if that kind of change is made, the possibility of increased competition could mean that the legislation loses the support of tribal gaming interests, which have thus far supported the bill on the understanding that reservation-based casinos would be allowed to retain technological links for bingo and other gambling activities.

Somehow it went under my radar that the Kyl Bill had support of the tribal casinos.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
nomad, you just confirmed what I think of McCain. The clenched teeth when he talks is so phony. He comes to Vegas to gamble(shoots craps) but is on a crusade to stop college betting. I actually hope he is successful. It would be great for the off-shore business!

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
I have become increasing suspicious of college games if 33% of college kids are gambling. I've seen that number at two places and don't know if correct. But at least McCain is not against all sports gambling--which is a MAJOR difference from Kyl's stance.
As for clenched teeth--as a POW I can imagine he had to be that way for a lot of times. I'm not saying he's my hero--but he's not a Kyl clone.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NOTE: Congress got back to work early so it's not 100% guaranteed that they might not get to the gaming bills. But they are busy with other more important issues, and now they have a new one...Bushes $87 Billion request for Iraq.

If congress doesn't meet this session about the gaming bills then we have to really get to work NOW as this delay bought us MORE time to defend our RIGHT to gamble online as our form of ENTERTAINMENT.

Lawmakers have indicated the full Senate will vote on S. 627 when Congress returns from their August recess in September. This is why it’s so urgent you and your friends send letters to Congress telling them to vote against this attack on your freedom!


Click here to VOTE against this

Are you going to click on the link above and at least make an effort to try to HELP SAVE Online Gambling Entertainment as we know it today?

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