'You have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children': Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid rebukes Trump in stunning opinion column


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
You speak Greek?


Sep 22, 2007
Trump is a street fighter he doesn't know what the Marquess of Queensberry Rules are nor
does he care. You don't become a real estate billionaire in New York by being timid.

I really think the fight is what drives him. Growing the economy and creating jobs was
child's play for him, second nature if you will, he's been doing it his hole life.

If anything I think he has shown get restraint with his naysayers much more than I would have.

Sessions is still the AG despite showing that he is incompetent at best, Mueller is still
jerking his chicken at the taxpayers expense and the Democrats and Media continue their
wet dream to try and bring him down.

You call it thin skinned where as I call it him having the time of his life and enjoying
every second of it.

Reagan did exactly the same thing and is arguable considered the greatest president.
By the time Trump is finished he'll have given him a run for his money.

The only thing I question is some of the people he brought on board but I think that goes
with his business background, give someone a shot and if it doesn't work out fire them.

Oh and the next time I have a beer with him I'll be sure to let him know you think his
decision to revoke Brennan's security clearance was pretty weak and pathetic.

That ought to give him a good laugh.

"Street fighter," ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Cadet Five Time Bone Spurs, I'm-too-much-of-a-little-bitch-as-Prez-to-fire-anybody-to-their-face, Mr. "Born on the 3rd base(financially) and thinks he hit a home run?" And, Reagan is considered the greatest President> Why don't you "shower" us with all of the polls that say THAT-forget shower, show us ONE(not produced by Faux News)-and, while you're at it, why don't you show all the times 60 plus former CIA officers rebuked a President? You never fail to disappoint, 007, lol...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
"Street fighter," ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Cadet Five Time Bone Spurs, I'm-too-much-of-a-little-bitch-as-Prez-to-fire-anybody-to-their-face, Mr. "Born on the 3rd base(financially) and thinks he hit a home run?" And, Reagan is considered the greatest President> Why don't you "shower" us with all of the polls that say THAT-forget shower, show us ONE(not produced by Faux News)-and, while you're at it, why don't you show all the times 60 plus former CIA officers rebuked a President? You never fail to disappoint, 007, lol...

Care to tell everyone why you dodged serving in Vietnam?

Or, are you being hypocritical again and its ok if you didnt serve, but if the President doesnt, he is the worst ever!

Sep 22, 2007
Care to tell everyone why you dodged serving in Vietnam?

Or, are you being hypocritical again and its ok if you didnt serve, but if the President doesnt, he is the worst ever!

Where did I say that Twittler's 5 deferments made him the worst president ever, you non-reading, boulder-headed, lard ass runt? Furthermore, Obsessive Douche, you never answered what lefties are on Faux News; you never answered why you backed down from a self banning bet like the gutless tub of goo that you are after I busted you lying, again, and, you never responded to any of the following, after taking in the shorts on every question:

Obsessive Douche, YOU'RE the one who runs away like the fat little toad that you are from answering questions: Let us not forget, YOU'RE the genius who had the "impression" that all 19 of Dump's accuser were Democrats, now, where, pray tell did you GET that "impression?" And, you couldn't move your fat, stubby little fingers fast enough to post a fake Facebook posting where the Gold Star widow "ripped" Congresswoman Wilson, when anybody with an ounce of common sense-which, of course, would exclude you-could've instantly deduced that the posting was completely phony. Furthermore, I'm still waiting for you answer the following questions, Porky: If Dump merely "misspoke," why did he wait 27 hours to correct it?

1. Can you show me what his sentence was for the Witness Tampering, so this way I can tell you that you were right and I was wrong<<FIRST of all, you've just tacitly admitted that you lied, like the scum you are, in you are, by claiming that you answered these questions, but, as for this first question, ROTFLMAO!!!!!! There hasn't even been a TRIAL yet, moron, therefore, no sentence-but he DID have his bail REVOKED for there being probable cause for witness tampering, which is why his fat ass is sitting in jail-plus, that brought forth the UNBELIEVABLY stupid comment from you that "..."...except for this new one(charge vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses), which is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." And, why is THAT, exactly? Because of a gut feeling you have in your blubbery belly? Because Manafort is aligned with Republican scum? Because a friend of a friend of a friend has seen the statements by the TWO witnesses who said he tried to get them to lie? Why are you ignoring the statement of those two different people-neither of whom happened to be facing about 100 years in jail-just both happened to have reported that Mr. double-jail-anklet-converted-to-handcuffs tried to suborn perjury, but, don't tell me, let me guess, THEY are both lying, and the freshly minted jailbird facing 40 counts is the Shining Beacon of Truth, right? You're a hypocrite and a moron>>

2. Nope, you are the one passing on an IQ test. <<A 40 something old cab driver runt still hanging on to hihs supposedly high IQ. That's about as pathetic as it gets>>

3. Its actually joyful making fun of the mentally inept on therx <<More like the obsession of a psychotic stalking scumbag, and more evidence, as if more were required, that, your word is worth about as much, as, say, a degree from Dump University>>

4. Has Cohen flipped? Can you point to the post where I said Trump didnt care if Cohen flipped? Or are you just deflecting to other topics?<<Once again, your reading skills are abysmal: I never SAID that you said Dump didn't care if Cohen flipped, schmuck. Dump himself claimed, more than once, that Cohen wasn't going to flip-what I SAID was, why would he care whether or not Cohen flipped, if, he, Dump, was innocent?>>

5. No idea, the facts of the case havent been put out yet, so Im not going to assume anything at this point. We have seen how your threads go when you "Assume" things<<Gee, THAT'S strange, because you "assumed" all 19 of Dump's accusers were Democrats, that the obviously bogus "Facebook" post about Congresswoman Wilson was legit, and about a half dozen lies you posted about me were true-so, once again, you're a fat lying sack of shit.>>

6. No idea why someone "Feels" the way they do, Im not a psychic or spiritual median or any of that nonsense where I can tell how someone is feeling if I dont even know them.<<Sorry, Porky, you "felt" the things mentioned in # 5, and you obviously "feel" that the charges vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses) "... is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." without a SHRED of evidence to support that, so, keep on talking outta both sides of yer mouth, Oh Boulder Headed Runt.>>

7. Why did you keep babbling about collusion, and ONLY collusion when neither Mueller nor Rosenstein mentioned it at all? azzkick(&^:CountdownSlapping-silly90)):fckmad::madasshol:trx-smly0:bigfinger

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Nothing to see here. Many more military thought Obama was a weak embarrassment

Sep 22, 2007
Since you asked for one poll that showed REAGAN as the greatest president... here you go.


Lol, I "downgraded" from "shower"(or, at least, "consensus," which is what that idiot 007 implied), and you scrounged up ONE, from 7 years ago. Putting aside that Gallup is to polls what Faux News is to news media, it's odd, that in a 2014 poll, Gallup seems to have sharply changed their mind about that senile old prick, not to mention, even a remotely neutral observer would concede that Obama's ranking at the end of his 8 years was a lot higher than it was earlier-in sharp contrast to some OTHER presidents who were exactly the opposite :


Gee, Second-banana-to-a-chimp didn't even crack the Top 5 in modern times, let alone GOAT. Only a complete and utter moron would try and claim that Reagan was the GOAT. Speaking of which, do YOU, Obsessive Douche?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lol, I "downgraded" from "shower"(or, at least, "consensus," which is what that idiot 007 implied), and you scrounged up ONE, from 7 years ago. Putting aside that Gallup is to polls what Faux News is to news media, it's odd, that in a 2014 poll, Gallup seems to have sharply changed their mind about that senile old prick, not to mention, even a remotely neutral observer would concede that Obama's ranking at the end of his 8 years was a lot higher than it was earlier-in sharp contrast to some OTHER presidents who were exactly the opposite :


Gee, Second-banana-to-a-chimp didn't even crack the Top 5 in modern times, let alone GOAT. Only a complete and utter moron would try and claim that Reagan was the GOAT. Speaking of which, do YOU, Obsessive Douche?

Hows this for another poll? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...test-modern-president/?utm_term=.871d5121c015

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The guy called President Trump treasonous.

Sure sounds like a guy Trump would want on his team.

Hope Admiral William McRaven doesn't continue to have clearance.

What brazen jokers.

They act as if they don't know Brennan is nothing more than a libtarded talking head nowadays. Then again, they probably don't know. They're parrots, they're spoon fed, they swallow, they regurgitate

Nothing more, nothing less

Sep 22, 2007

I've no idea what that says, when I click on it, I get what's shown below. In any event, you're ducking question like the gutless. obsessive douche that you are. Do YOU think RR is the GOAT?

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New member
Aug 28, 2012
I've no idea what that says, when I click on it, I get what's shown below. In any event, you're ducking question like the gutless. obsessive douche that you are. Do YOU think RR is the GOAT?

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Says Obama is the greatest president (2nd place) Behind Ronald Reagan....Quinnipiac poll

So, why is every response from you an insult? I ask valid questions with no insults, but that seems to be the only way you can debate... which BTW isnt debating about a topic. Also, deflecting to other topics is not how to debate either.

Also... Why do you make up insults that arent factually true? Can you at least use insults based on FACTS that you will wager on? Like if I called you a PAUPER... Thats an insult based on fact I will be more than happy to wager is true. If I called you a low credit score welcher.... Thats another fact that can be used as an insult.... If I said you had 2 separate people either add you onto a house you never owned, or completely signed it over to you... thats a factual insult..... If I say that your wife had warrants out for her arrest in Henderson, thats a factual insult.... If I said you have sued people trying to collect legitimate debts from you, thats an insult thats based on fact....

So, at least use factual insults when you try an insult people, otherwise, it makes you look even more ridiculous here than you already do.

Sep 22, 2007

Says Obama is the greatest president (2nd place) Behind Ronald Reagan....Quinnipiac poll

So, why is every response from you an insult? I ask valid questions with no insults, but that seems to be the only way you can debate... which BTW isnt debating about a topic. Also, deflecting to other topics is not how to debate either.

Also... Why do you make up insults that arent factually true? Can you at least use insults based on FACTS that you will wager on? Like if I called you a PAUPER... Thats an insult based on fact I will be more than happy to wager is true. If I called you a low credit score welcher.... Thats another fact that can be used as an insult.... If I said you had 2 separate people either add you onto a house you never owned, or completely signed it over to you... thats a factual insult..... If I say that your wife had warrants out for her arrest in Henderson, thats a factual insult.... If I said you have sued people trying to collect legitimate debts from you, thats an insult thats based on fact....

So, at least use factual insults when you try an insult people, otherwise, it makes you look even more ridiculous here than you already do.

Why? Because you're a lying, psychotic, stalking, Obsessive Douche, and, I enjoy it, THAT'S why-plus, you run from inconvenient questions ike a little bitch(case in point, I notice you carefully avoid answering the Reagan question). No factual insults? You've been caught lying on numerous occasions, and and somebody sitting around snooping around other people's affairs-and constantly lying about them-is, absolutely a psychotic stalker. OBSESSIVE DOUCHE IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE. What don't you bring up those stats about how many of your threads I enter, and how many of MINE you infect? That will very clearly show your creepy obsession with me. It was especially pathetic how, for a short time, you pledged to ignore my posts, but, THAT didn't last long, did it? Get a life, you boulder headed, blubbery runt.:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:Countdown:fckmad:

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
66 years old and your passing a school bus with flashing lights ##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)##)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Why? Because you're a lying, psychotic, stalking, Obsessive Douche, and, I enjoy it, THAT'S why-plus, you run from inconvenient questions ike a little bitch(case in point, I notice you carefully avoid answering the Reagan question). No factual insults? You've been caught lying on numerous occasions, and and somebody sitting around snooping around other people's affairs-and constantly lying about them-is, absolutely a psychotic stalker. OBSESSIVE DOUCHE IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE. What don't you bring up those stats about how many of your threads I enter, and how many of MINE you infect? That will very clearly show your creepy obsession with me. It was especially pathetic how, for a short time, you pledged to ignore my posts, but, THAT didn't last long, did it? Get a life, you boulder headed, blubbery runt.:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:Countdown:fckmad:

Wager at the BASH posted in the other thread.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A street fighter? Now that's a good one. You're right, you don't become a billionaire that way. Being born into exuberant wealth and receiving the equivalent of a $14 million loan is a good start though. Street fighter? Dude has never been on the street.

I do think he cares and is ambitious. I'll give you that. I do think he governs with a chip on his shoulder. He is definitely trying to prove something.

Trump will have given Reagan a run for his money as greatest president ever? What makes you say that? He cuts some taxes and cuts some regulations, and now he's up there as an all-time great? Trump received an improving economy and is doing pretty much what reasonable people expected him to do. It's been predictable: be hands off on the economy, create some GDP growth and jobs, and be pretty bad in most other departments. He's not this evil fascist that stupid liberals paint him out to be. I can't stand that shit, but I don't see how he's stacking up as all-time great either. That's absurd.

I don't think he'll be impeached or removed, and I hate the left-wing media trying so hard to go after him for that. If you're against Trump, your best wish should be to wait until 2020 and vote him out of there. If he gets removed from office before that, he'll find an excuse and claim "he would've won" or some bullshit like that. The best way to remove Trump is to vote him out, so that he doesn't have an excuse for losing.

With that said, here's my personal gut feeling: I think he's a one-term president. I think he gets voted out in 2020 as long as the Democrats don't throw a shitty candidate like Hillary out there. They're probably going to take back the House in Mid-Terms and come up a little short in the Senate, but there will be enough momentum to carry them to get the White House back in 2020.

Also FWIW: I can't stand either fucking party, and the one thing I like most about Trump is that he truly is an anti-establishment outsider. He is not a Republican or a Democrat. I hope this starts a trend of electing presidents who are more from the "outside."
Let me first say when you started posting I thought you were a typical lib. I can see
that's not the case. We'll have to agree to disagree. Some of your assertions are just
flat out wrong. I don't know anything about that 14 million but if you can turn it into
billions you're pretty good at what you do.

The economy sucked when he entered office, to say anything different is laughable.

Trump will have given Reagan a run for his money as greatest president ever? What makes
you say that? Well I look at his first year and a half and say he's done more in that
time than any other president Reagan included. Can he continue? I don't see any reason
why he can't. We shall see.

I agree he won't be removed but he will be reelected regardless of who the Dems nominate.
Name me one person in the Dem party who has asperations of being president that can beat him.
There simply isn't one.

I'm not so sure the Dems win back the House. I know the current propaganda on all the polls
and media say so but all the polls and media said Clinton was a lock.

Anywho it's refreshing to debate without the childish name calling and other nefarious bullshit
that goes on down here.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Also, a good laugh? More like he would vent on Twitter about it for 30 minutes straight.

Seriously man, I don't hold it against anyone if they are big Trump supporters like yourself. But let's not act like he's this big, tough guy. He has a fragile ego and is bothered by criticism pretty easily. It's not a huge deal, it's just a personal flaw of his. We all have flaws.
That was my attempt at a little humor. I have as much of a chance of having a beer with Trump as I do getting laid by Melania.

Although the latter would be preferable.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The guy called President Trump treasonous.

Sure sounds like a guy Trump would want on his team.

Hope Admiral William McRaven doesn't continue to have clearance.

What brazen jokers.

So now the commie Mooslim clown is trying to walk back accusing Trump of treason???


Breitbart.com reported:

Host Rachel Maddow said, “After Helsinki, you were stark, and even a little bit scary in your criticism of his behavior. You said it rose to treason.”

Brennan responded, “I said it was nothing short of treasonous.”

Maddow then stated, “In this current controversy, that specific comment has been singled out by a number of people as a comment that maybe, by you, crossed the line, that was maybe –.”

Brennan cut in to respond, “Crossed what line?” He continued that he has a right to free speech

Maddow responded that she wasn’t questioning whether Brennan had the right to make those remarks, and then asked, “But do you stand by that consideration, and can you explain, can you elaborate what you mean by treasonous? It’s a very serious allegation.”

Brennan answered, “I know what the Russians did in interfering in the election. I have 100% confidence in what they did. And for Mr.
Trump to stand on that stage in Helsinki, with all the world’s eyes upon him, and to basically [say] he wouldn’t — he doesn’t understand why would the Russians interfere in the election. He’s given Mr. Putin and the Russians a pass time after time after time, and he keeps referring to this whole investigation as a witch hunt, as bogus, as — and to me, this was an attack against the foundational principle of our great republic, which is, the right of all Americans to choose their elected leaders. And for Mr. Trump to so cavalierly just dismiss that, yes, sometimes my Irish comes out, and — in my tweets, and I did say that it rises to and exceeds the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and is nothing short of treasonous. … I didn’t mean that he committed treason, but it was a term that I used, nothing short of treasonous.”:ohno:


Only the community organizer could have made such a despicable imbecilic coward of a human CIA director in the first place.

And people wonder why Trump won! Because of swamp-dwelling idiots like Brennan!

Jul 14, 2007
A street fighter? Now that's a good one. You're right, you don't become a billionaire that way. Being born into exuberant wealth and receiving the equivalent of a $14 million loan is a good start though. Street fighter? Dude has never been on the street.

I do think he cares and is ambitious. I'll give you that. I do think he governs with a chip on his shoulder. He is definitely trying to prove something.

Trump will have given Reagan a run for his money as greatest president ever? What makes you say that? He cuts some taxes and cuts some regulations, and now he's up there as an all-time great? Trump received an improving economy and is doing pretty much what reasonable people expected him to do. It's been predictable: be hands off on the economy, create some GDP growth and jobs, and be pretty bad in most other departments. He's not this evil fascist that stupid liberals paint him out to be. I can't stand that shit, but I don't see how he's stacking up as all-time great either. That's absurd.

I don't think he'll be impeached or removed, and I hate the left-wing media trying so hard to go after him for that. If you're against Trump, your best wish should be to wait until 2020 and vote him out of there. If he gets removed from office before that, he'll find an excuse and claim "he would've won" or some bullshit like that. The best way to remove Trump is to vote him out, so that he doesn't have an excuse for losing.

With that said, here's my personal gut feeling: I think he's a one-term president. I think he gets voted out in 2020 as long as the Democrats don't throw a shitty candidate like Hillary out there. They're probably going to take back the House in Mid-Terms and come up a little short in the Senate, but there will be enough momentum to carry them to get the White House back in 2020.

Also FWIW: I can't stand either fucking party, and the one thing I like most about Trump is that he truly is an anti-establishment outsider. He is not a Republican or a Democrat. I hope this starts a trend of electing presidents who are more from the "outside."

What Democrat do you think isn't a shitty candidate and will beat Trump?

We have a pretty good idea of the 7-10 people that are going to be vying for the nomination already.

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