Really? What exactly is your definition of a great guitar player as this is very subjective? Many get all jacked up on guys that can play a million notes a second commonly referred to as cock-rock. People get all jacked up about guys like Eddie Van Halen who was a great guitarist over a period of time. But exactly what memorable guitar songs has Eddie provided us over the last 15 years? Jimmy Page made some great albums over a small period of time as well. Not dissing these guys but longevity and relevance should be a keep element when discussing the all time greats. Does the guitar fit in with the rest of the song? Alot of guys play guitar recklesslly and selfishly in terms of having solos that don't fit with the song, not Edge.
On the surface the Edge plays very simplistic in terms of mainly utilizing just a few chords. But the delay and echo effects that he uses are anything but simplistic. He basically created a revolutionary sound that in a way has changed some of the landscape of rock music over the last 20 years when you consider some of the bands heavily influenced by him and U2. He and the band have made consistently good and relevant music over 30 years which is unprecedented considering some of the big acts over our lifetime. There are many ways to play instruments and for someone to basically invent a sound from a guitar that basically had been stagnant since the 70's and mid 80's is pretty impressive. Do you think what he plays is easy to duplicate? There are 100's of U2 tribute bands and mainstream bands that have immitated him but none sound the same. Consider this quote from Bob Dylan..."Everybody’s going to remember your songs, it’s just that nobody’s gonna be able to play them". So if you think his guitar playing is easy you are dead wrong.
Have you listened to Achtung Baby? From opening to closer that is quite possibly one of the top 5 best and freshest guitar albums of the last 20 years. Finally, Edge has made some great studio sounds but his true genious lies in the live shows. In the studio his philosphy has mostly been to play within context of the song and what the rest of the band are doing. He is not about showing off and going on endless solos that don't fit the context of the song like many do. But in the live setting he is a little more free in letting loose and further adding color to the U2 sound.
Also, in terms of complexity he uses upwards of 20 different guitars during a live tour. If you have never seen this band live you are truly missing a great expierence.