Leslie Gore was a phenomenal and groundbreaking artist. Immensely unique, talented and humble.
She passed away pretty recently.
Its no way just this commercial. Fully 80% of TV ads now feature Feminist Message, Black Actors (overwhelmingly) and Effeminate Males.
This is a YUGE contributor to the drop in NFL ratings.
Its very very disturbing stuff. On a SUBCONCIOUS LEVEL, the content of the ads are repelling guys. This has made NFL Unwatchable for some guys.
And there may be guys who do not consciously realize WHY their desire to watch has declined.
Its due to seeing Liberal Messaging, and specifically emasculated "males"
the constant display of such is very troubling, on a subconscious level. To Hetero Guys.
Relating to a very real "threat" to the survival of their species. The downward spiral of that.
There are deep psychological reasons for the decline in ratings of NFL, among why less guys are watching.
One very real and big reason is the Anti-Hetero male messaging, content within the repeated ads.
Guys are naturally, rejecting this. "Survival" instinct, of sorts....
We, instinctively, turn from that which is like this.....against the best interests of our species.
Instinctual thing, no choice.....carved in our DNA.
Liberals are totally f**ked in the brain.
Its troubling, to sane guys.