The first week in January, possibly earlier, there began to be heard rumblings here and at the other forums regarding PanAm. Most of what was said was what I consider to be warnings rather than bashings. Reports of quickly falling limits, half-time lines changing far too often at the confirmation screen sometimes simply not allowing a bet on a given side at all as happened to me in the LSU game. Hassles being tranfered from clerks to managers in requesting payouts and grumblings of general dissatifaction grew from a trickle to an outpouring in a matter of days. Nothing concrete yet though. But that should have been enough.
I withdrew my balance of a dime and a half the day after the Sugar Bowl. Yes I was pissed about the night before and pissed about being transferred around from clerk to manager to yet another manager. I could sense their reluctance, but I got my Neteller quickly. I'm by no means patting myself on the back for acting quickly and I most sincerely hope that all of you get every last dollar that is owed to you.
I didn't act quickly in the GA debacle but was very lucky indeed to come out with a handsome profit. I thank Royal greatly and will play with them again if and when I feel safe there. However I owe them nothing more than a thank you. The money I made is my money now and I refuse to expose it to undue risk. This business at this times requires a high degree of risk management. Risk maagement on top of the already obvious necessity of risk management is not pleasant situation.
The point here is that when you begin to see the handwriting on the walls of these forums take it seriously these days. Go head and start the run on the book and feel no phucking remorse: its your money and the stores that die should die and the sooner the better. Be a speed horse as these runs begin. Get out of the gate fast, first and get your money. Cause I'm thinking we're gonna see a few more runs and soon.
I know little about the offshore world, but you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.