You Are Very Naive If You Believe AIG is Soley Responsible For This Collapse..


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Misdirected “Bailout Rage” Sets Pretext For New Financial World Order

Greedy Wall St Execs are flotsam jetsam compared to global banking elites

Steve Watson

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A so called “bailout backlash”, a huge rise in public antagonism toward banks and Wall Street, is set to provide the Obama administration and the governments of the G20 nations a pretext to usher in a new era of international centralization and control over financial practices and institutions.

The backlash or “bailout rage” as others have dubbed it, has been further heightened by revelations regarding AIG’s squandering of almost $100 billion in taxpayer rescue funding - which it siphoned off to Goldman Sachs and a number of European banks - in addition to the company’s plan to continue issuing massive bonuses to the people in the very division that were responsible for it’s spiraling derivative-driven downturn.

The intention to use such practices to push for increased authoritative regulation is clear.

“Mr. Obama’s advisers argued that to at least some extent, this was a sentiment they could tap to push through his measures in Congress,” reported The New York Times yesterday.

However, the Times article also highlights the fine line that Obama and other heads of state must tread in utilizing such backlash for their own gain.

“The danger, aides said, is that if he were to become identified as an advocate for the banks and Wall Street, people could take out their anger on him.”

This is the stumbling block that must be overcome in order to uncover the real solutions to the induced global financial collapse.

While the practices of those at AIG, Goldman Sachs and their ilk are abhorrent, they represent a mere drop in the ocean compared to the actions of our governments and their central bank bedfellows, who have provided for such circumstances in the first instance anyway.

The Federal Reserve still refuses to answer specific questions about where $2 trillion in bailout funds has gone, a subject that Bloomberg News sued the Fed simply to try and discover.

Staggering scenes unfolded two weeks ago at a Senate budget Committee meeting when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke arrogantly refused to state where any of the bailout money had gone despite repeated questioning by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.

The economic “stimulus” is the latest phase of an overarching effort to foment another Great Depression, or rather a Greater Depression. It is a debt and inflation tool designed to pump up another bubble in the economy. It is a built-in demolition of an already stressed economy. It is how the global elite and the banksters will take control and create a world banking empire and one-world government that is accountable to no one.

It is blatantly apparent that Obama is merely one of the select frontmen for this, an agenda which is truly global in scale.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Why are you posting an article from an Alex Jones website if he is working for the bad guys?

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Thanks. A thread about a thing that does not exist does not deserve a lot of critque.

Feb 13, 2007
Flotsam & Jetsam=Jason Newsted's band before he joined Metallica (after the death of Cliff Burton).

Feb 13, 2007
Flotsam & Jetsam=Jason Newsted's band before he joined Metallica (after the death of Cliff Burton).

Speaking of which, Jason Newsted will rejoin Metallica this weekend when the band is "inducted" into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

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