www.SportsOptions.com MNF NO vs. SF 8 Prop for FREE shot at $2000.00 plus a FREE First Class air trip to Super Bowl, Limo, 3 nights Hotel, and 10K in


New member
Sep 21, 2004
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? ------------------------------- YES

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?------------ UNDER

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. ----------------------- San Francisco

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. ---------------------- San Francisco

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? --------------------------------- San Francisco

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) ------------- San Francisco

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. -------------------------------- UNDER

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? ---------------------------- New Orleans

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? Yes

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half Over

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. SF

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. New Orleans

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? SF

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 ...SF

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. Under

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. Sfran

May 22, 2005
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? no

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? under

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. SF

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. SF

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? N.O.

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) SF

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. under

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win N.O.

New member
May 1, 2000
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? no

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? under

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. sf

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. sf

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? sf

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) sf

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. over

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. NO

New member
Sep 20, 2004
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter?

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points.

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points.

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half?

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack)

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points.

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win.

Please note that those who answered the first 8 questions prior to mike 0187 are locked into those questions. All of those who answered after mike0187 must answer the new questions. Sorry for any inconvenience, but the first 8 were so easy, we would have been unable to continue the contests.Thank you for playing.
Sports options would like to greatly thank all of our loyal customers who continue to make www.sportsoptions.com the #1 Sports betting tool in the world!!!
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New member
Feb 3, 2006
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? Yes

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? Over

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. New Orleans

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. New Orleans

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? New Orleans

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) New Orleans

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. Under

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. SF

Sep 21, 2004
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? no

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? under

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. SF

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. Saints

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? Saints

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) SF

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. under

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. SF

New member
Sep 20, 2004
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter?no

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?over

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points.San Francisco +2'

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points.San Francisco +2'

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half?New Orleans

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack)San Francisco +'

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points.Over

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win.NO

Who dat gonna beat dem Saints?

New member
May 31, 2006
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter?
2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?
3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points.

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points.
5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half?
6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack)
7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points.
8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win.

Nov 1, 2002
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? YES

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?UNDER

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points.San Francisco

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points.San Francisco

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half?New Orleans

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack)New Orleans

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points.OVER

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win.New Orleans

New member
Aug 8, 2009
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter?.....yes
2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half?.....yes
3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points......49'ers
4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points.....yes
5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half?........NO
6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack).....49'ers
7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points.....under
8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win.....saints

New member
Sep 20, 2010
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? NO

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? under

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. Saints

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. Saints

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? Saints

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) San Fransisco

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. under

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. Saints

Feb 25, 2008
1) Will there be a turnover in the fourth quarter? YES

2) Will both teams score over or under 24.5 points in the 1st half? OVER

3) Who will cover the 1st quarter? No minus 2.5 points. 49ERS

4) Who will cover the 4th quarter? No minus 2.5 points. SAINTS

5) Which team will score first in the 2nd half? SAINTS

6)Which team will have more sacks? No minus .5 (half a sack) 49ERS

7) Will 2nd half go over or under 23.5 points. OVER

8) Which team will be penalized for more yards? a tie is a win. 49ERS


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="691"><col style="width: 31pt;" width="41"> <col style="width: 94pt;" width="126"> <col style="width: 44pt;" width="59"> <col style="width: 67pt;" width="90"> <col style="width: 44pt;" width="58"> <col style="width: 34pt;" width="46"> <col style="width: 34pt;" width="46"> <col style="width: 40pt;" width="53"> <col style="width: 44pt;" width="59"> <col style="width: 53pt;" width="71"> <col style="width: 31pt;" width="42"> <tbody><tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td colspan="11" class="xl28" style="height: 13.2pt; border-right: 0.5pt solid black; width: 516pt;" align="center" width="691" height="18">SportsOption's Monday Night Football 8 Prop Contest</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td colspan="11" class="xl34" style="height: 13.2pt; border-right: 0.5pt solid black;" align="center" height="18">Monday, September 20, 2010</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl27" style="height: 13.2pt; border-top: medium none;" height="18">Rank</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">Poster</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">Yes/Yes</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">Under/Under</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">No/NOR</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">No/SF</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">No/SF</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">Yes/SF</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">SF/Over</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">NOR/NOR</td> <td class="xl27" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">Wins</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl35" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">1</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">betmonkey</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">W</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">SF</td> <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">7</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">2</td> <td class="xl26">mike0187</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">SF</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">3</td> <td class="xl26">M.Saracen</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">Yes</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">4</td> <td class="xl24">bdgear</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">5</td> <td class="xl24">mightyminnow</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">6</td> <td class="xl24">Miklos</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">7</td> <td class="xl24">WharfRat</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">8</td> <td class="xl24">patswin</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">9</td> <td class="xl24">THE POSTMAN!</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">10</td> <td class="xl26">jonnyangel</td> <td class="xl26">No</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">SF</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">11</td> <td class="xl24">Poker King Jim</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">12</td> <td class="xl24">JAKEPEAVY21</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">13</td> <td class="xl24">Ben51781</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">14</td> <td class="xl24">Santo</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">15</td> <td class="xl24">G. MONEY</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">16</td> <td class="xl24">OAKAS</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">17</td> <td class="xl24">stump</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">18</td> <td class="xl24">BROMOx</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">19</td> <td class="xl24">jam</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">20</td> <td class="xl26">hosnatcher</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">Yes</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">No</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">21</td> <td class="xl26">Lakershomer</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">Yes</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">No</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">22</td> <td class="xl24">D2bets</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">23</td> <td class="xl24">soonerdawg1</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">24</td> <td class="xl24">World Number One</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">25</td> <td class="xl24">msubulldog</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">26</td> <td class="xl24">ClubmanCoop</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">27</td> <td class="xl24">Fishhead</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">28</td> <td class="xl24">goodcall</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">29</td> <td class="xl24">willowjoe</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">30</td> <td class="xl24">Akillies</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">31</td> <td class="xl24">anjac</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">32</td> <td class="xl24">chach</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">33</td> <td class="xl26">trytrytry</td> <td class="xl26">No</td> <td class="xl26">NA</td> <td class="xl26">Yes</td> <td class="xl26">Yes</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl26">NOR</td> <td class="xl26">W</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">34</td> <td class="xl24">bertex</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">35</td> <td class="xl24">Soriano12</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">36</td> <td class="xl24">The Sports Scientist</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">37</td> <td class="xl24">sharky99</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">38</td> <td class="xl24">Wrigley</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">39</td> <td class="xl24">sakras</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">40</td> <td class="xl24">Brock</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">41</td> <td class="xl24">Betallsports</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">42</td> <td class="xl24">Mr. Leisure</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">43</td> <td class="xl24">cmoney17</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">44</td> <td class="xl24">CujoLatte</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">45</td> <td class="xl24">EliteLegends</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">46</td> <td class="xl24">BIGSHOTMAXXX</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">47</td> <td class="xl25">Samy Farha Jr</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl25">SF</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">48</td> <td class="xl24">clarkd32</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">Over</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">49</td> <td class="xl24">CaPPiNg TiGeRz</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">50</td> <td class="xl24">Profit01</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">51</td> <td class="xl24">gskiman</td> <td class="xl24">No</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl25">Under</td> <td class="xl24">SF</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 13.2pt;" height="18">52</td> <td class="xl24">Dante</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NOR</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">NA</td> <td class="xl24">W</td> <td class="xl24">2</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Great Game tonight but unfortunately no big winners..

Great job by JOH grading the contest..Many thanks, wil...

Thanks to SportsOptions for giving everyone a chance at some great prizes.

Special thanks to SportsOptionsGuru for creating this incredible dual contest..

Thanks to all who participated..

Look for a new thread soon..


Stumblin' around, drunk on burgundy wine.
Oct 11, 2004
Yes, thanks SportsOptions. Fun contests for MNF.


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
In the event that there are no winners on given week, as a consolation, all of those who get 7 of 8 will receive a free month of sports options!!!

Appears betmonkey qualifies here.

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