If a guy who slaughtered thousands to take a land that didn't belong to him can have a federal holiday I think the original people of the USA can have a day too. Considering how supremely fucked over they got by whites, it is the least that can be done.
I heard it yesterday too.
It really is pathetic.
Another attempt to discredit whites.
All the whites ever did were make all of the inventions and advances used today. Medicine, technology, Architecture, Engineering, and the list goes on.
Imagine what the US would be like if the majority of the population were non white. Eventually that will be on the brink of happening until a group says enough is enough and puts the others where they belong.
no one had a claim to the land, you took what you could take and protect..
The whole idea of these people being indigenous is fucking comical. There were no 'original' homo sapiens on the North American Continent. These 'native Americans' migrated here just like the Europeans.