Wrestling a Bear at your local bar?


That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Ok I just saw this on the news in Ohio and it makes me pissed. This bar in Cleveland, Ohio has a cage where you can wrestle a bear for 3 minutes and if you pin it you win 1,000 dollars.
So all these drunk "tough" guys go in and smack this bear around and try to pin it. The bear is obviously trying to defend itself to an extent. The bear is trained to be gentle to people and not freakin maul them. So I see this college wrestler come in and smack the bear down and they interview him and he is being cocky/drunk.
I really want to go to this bar and f'in smack down the owner and these "tough" guys trying to hurt this animal. It pisses me off the way they are treating this bear.
Sure call me gay but that is not a way to treat another living being especially a basically defenseless animal. I really want to go to this bar and smack half these MO FOs down. This kind of stuff pisses me off.
Sep 21, 2004
How can they get away with this?

Animal cruelity?
Liquor Commish?

What channel was this on?

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
it was a local channel in Cleveland, Ohio--I believe it was on their local Fox news.

They said 20 states have passes laws outlawing this in their states but Ohio has not yet. They put this on the news hoping to have an impact and get some laws passed to outlaw this crap.

The owner stated that this gets the bear exercise and he enjoys "wrestling" with people.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
The sad thing is if the bear gets pissed, like if I guy kicks the bear in the nuts, that would piss me off if I was a bear, actually that would piss me of as a man but anyways if the bear gets pissed and bites on of the guys arms off, the bear will put down. Which is stupid because if I was a bear and I had to wrestle drunk idiots at a bar I would get pissed and want to bite some guys arm off actually if I as a man if I had to wrestle drunk idiots in a bar I would get pissed and want to bite some guys arm off.

Pick n' Roll
Feb 10, 2006
Talking about a man having a limit, this bear is a freakin wild animal for god sake. Sooner or later, some drunks will get their heads rip off because this bear will snap with all these abuses it's taking night in and night out.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
I wrestled a bear once when I was in college. There were a lot of rules...things you couldn't do, such as strike the bear or kick him. He was de-clawed and had a muzzle on, but that didn't stop him from playfully knawing on my nose through a small gab in his muzzle after he pinned me. I thought he bit my nose off for a moment. Anyways, he was about 600 lbs and 7 feet tall when he stood. He had his trainer close by in the ring. This particular bear had allegedly pinned "Superstar Billy Graham". The bear knew 18 collegiate wrestling moves, and he beat the hell out of me for about 3 or 4 minutes, and was flooring me over and over again with double-legs take-downs as he would just swipe your legs out from under you with his huge arms. The ring mat was pretty hard too. He could hold you also by wrapping his huge wrists around your arm or leg.

It was pretty cool. It's not often you go to a mall to get a hamburger and end up having a bear beat the shit out of you.

New member
May 3, 2006
I wrestled the Charmin' Bear at a supermarket promotion. I kicked the crap out of him. We knocked down a bunch of oranges but it was worth it.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Anti-liberal said:
I wrestled a bear once when I was in college....
It's not often you go to a mall...and end up having a bear beat the shit out of you.

I would like to take this moment to Publicly congratulate the bear :103631605

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