Ok I just saw this on the news in Ohio and it makes me pissed. This bar in Cleveland, Ohio has a cage where you can wrestle a bear for 3 minutes and if you pin it you win 1,000 dollars.
So all these drunk "tough" guys go in and smack this bear around and try to pin it. The bear is obviously trying to defend itself to an extent. The bear is trained to be gentle to people and not freakin maul them. So I see this college wrestler come in and smack the bear down and they interview him and he is being cocky/drunk.
I really want to go to this bar and f'in smack down the owner and these "tough" guys trying to hurt this animal. It pisses me off the way they are treating this bear.
Sure call me gay but that is not a way to treat another living being especially a basically defenseless animal. I really want to go to this bar and smack half these MO FOs down. This kind of stuff pisses me off.
So all these drunk "tough" guys go in and smack this bear around and try to pin it. The bear is obviously trying to defend itself to an extent. The bear is trained to be gentle to people and not freakin maul them. So I see this college wrestler come in and smack the bear down and they interview him and he is being cocky/drunk.
I really want to go to this bar and f'in smack down the owner and these "tough" guys trying to hurt this animal. It pisses me off the way they are treating this bear.
Sure call me gay but that is not a way to treat another living being especially a basically defenseless animal. I really want to go to this bar and smack half these MO FOs down. This kind of stuff pisses me off.