The lemons have been squeezed in our eyes for years now - Pelosi, Reed, Obama, now the absolute worst, most corrupt of all, Hillary.
If we don't win this one, I don't think the producers will ever again control the country we built and maintain.
There are too many people receiving Government checks. They care about their own pockets before the country. They do not want the golden apple tree shaken. Even that General in Scott's poker game has sold his soul to the devil. Remember, he collects a likely sizable government check. When he says "care about people" he means himself and his cronies.
It would be a project but if you add up all the people who are directly employed by the government on Federal, State, and local levels, add in those formerly employed by those three levels of government (pensions), add in all those receiving "entitlement" checks, those who are out on disability, both bogus and real need, and finally many social security/medicare elders who are fearful of Republican cutbacks (although a phony boogeyman) and you have many, many, many people dependent on the government. Oh yea, two other categories, those who depend on Government contracts and grants.
Add 'em all up. Likely compromises over 50% of the voter base. Maybe well over 50.
If we don't win this time we can no longer win, boys. Where do we go from here?
The producers that are the backbone of the country and support all those government people and programs could be muzzled forever. What are our options?