I'll take the fix and buy the girl
No shit. Donald Trump didn't land that 34 year old from his looks.
Anyone worth their salt would take a true 100% bet. Girls are a dime a dozen...even the hot ones. Go to an average bar in any medium to large city. 1 out of 10 girls is guaranteed to be hot. Vlad's cum does not discriminate though. I once even did a Patriots fan.
No shit. Donald Trump didn't land that 34 year old from his looks.
Anyone worth their salt would take a true 100% bet. Girls are a dime a dozen...even the hot ones. Go to an average bar in any medium to large city. 1 out of 10 girls is guaranteed to be hot. Vlad's cum does not discriminate though. I once even did a Patriots fan.
+1several years ago, I had access to info on a fixed game. It was an added basketball game. I bet the game, but I did not bet it like it was free money. I wasn't 100% convinced that it would actually happen. It did happen and it ended up that I didn't even get down as much as I could get on an NFL game.
I guess my point is, that somebody talking about a game being fixed, isn't totally different than somebody talking about a key injury etc. Especially if you are 7 or 8 guys deep in the communication line.
So I'm gonna be the only guy that says I'm gonna probably fuck the girl.
And its quite the assumption to believe you could buy a night with your dream girl