Thanks for the inquiry.
Here is my take on your situation and anybody else that is concerned about post-up money offshore. The amount that you are willing to risk offshore is all dependant on each individuals own financial status. For instance, sending $10,000 offshore would'nt be much of a concern for somebody like Bill Gates now would it. For a peon like me, $10,000 or more in any particular book is something I would NEVER NOT be concerned with. To answer your question, the monetary figure is all based on your personal financial status. As a rule of thumb, never have money offshore that you could not afford to lose.
Having said all that, I know your main concern is about Bluegrass. For that, I am not sure. I know of other places that I would definetely feel more safe with my money. I am sure some other posters here can rely more information about Bluegrass than I am capable of. I dont recall them having to many complaints. I will let others here be the judge of that.
Thanks for the inquiry i need more $$$$. Best of luck to you in your offshore ventures.