Lol there's no way this can be fucking real
Attention Whore Online Troll MAXIMUS (AWOLTM)
Within All Species of Earth we see, over time, an Evolution that leads eventually to a Supreme Form of that species Emerging. A Level of That Species which accomplishes a Pinnacle of being what that Species is, of doing it Better than any previous member of that Species.
Normally this takes awhile.
Not In This Instance.
The Species that is Attention Whore Online Troll MAXIMUS has evolved to the Pinnacle of doing what AWOLTM does faster than any species thus far ever.
Credit Perez Hilton & Kanye West for this.
Lol there's no way this can be fucking real
You're Right. Its Not. But it also is.
Attention Whore Online Troll MAXIMUS
like theorizing that theres no way that BEAR actually took a shit in that woods or no WAY, this can't be real, that Jason Heyward / Jason Werth actually managed to hit into yet another inning ending Double Play.
Real but Unreal. She is Acting.
To Troll and as I said earlier to Get Paid.
Cuz she is a fat hopelessly useless piece of shit.
Tell Me Again how "every life is precious"? On what Basis that remains a belief that we should continue with.....have?
As we are now in the presence of
Attention Whore Online Troll MAXIMUS ?