anyone just see a very nervous sheffield saying no comment a million times when asked about this on ESPN? you have to admit his hitting style sucks i wouldnt teach it to my worst enemy. anyone who just casually flings the bat around like that before swinging is obviously on steriods.
were looking at shef, giambi, posoda and a-rod theyare the 4 who look very un natural and have a look that can not be achieved from eating right and weight lifting alone. how will this affect the yankee hopefuls who dont have any pitching and were relying on steriod power types to begin with??!
were looking at shef, giambi, posoda and a-rod theyare the 4 who look very un natural and have a look that can not be achieved from eating right and weight lifting alone. how will this affect the yankee hopefuls who dont have any pitching and were relying on steriod power types to begin with??!