To meet the rest of you sick and demented fvcks like me. After reading through alot of other post and topics.............too friken funny, especially the one how to ask a girl for anal
The road rage one was good also. By the way it sounds I would have done you guys proud last night when I seen Larry Flynt at the local book store. I should have thrown him out of his gold wheel chair and tell him I only read Playboy
Seriously, Hustler is more my taste, and I bet it took him about 10 years to write the book for as slow as he was moving.
Lets make some money this Football season guys!
The road rage one was good also. By the way it sounds I would have done you guys proud last night when I seen Larry Flynt at the local book store. I should have thrown him out of his gold wheel chair and tell him I only read Playboy
Lets make some money this Football season guys!