Willie, Dave and the poly forum 'pubs


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
enfuego doesn't understand political ideology, just republican vs democrat. since I abhor his behavior and the hypocrisy for therxforum 'pubs I must be a liberal...there is only room for 2 choices in his mind. also love he's created his own narrative of that particular post which was never condemning trump for 2 bad stock days but pointing out the hypocrisy among therx poly pubs on what is worth a circle-jerk vs what should not be discussed. I was very happy with the market rise under Obama and quite happy about the rise under Trump...i just disagree with the styles.

looks like i hit the nerve on greenbacks too.

maybe this place has some hope of cleaning up after all

Some stranger behind a computer screen can't get to my nerves.

Keep swinging for the fences though

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Great post rolltide. I've been saying the same thing since I stated posting down here after the idiot was elected. They think that anyone who opposes drumph is a liberal democrat. @):mad:

Not sure about any hope of cleaning up though.

Start by cleaning up your hatred fake news threads.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
BZ starts hate Trump threads on a daily basis.

You ain't fooling no one.


RX Original
Oct 21, 2001
BZ starts hate Trump threads on a daily basis.

You ain't fooling no one.

Thank you. I cannot stand the pathological liar and will continue to expose the fraud.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
you guys definitely missed the point of my thread by just piling on dafinch, as predicted. seriously you allow 1 meaningless person to draw this amount of hate and venom from you? no doubt he's trolled you guys very well

i was asking my fellow conservatives, rinos or real ones, to take some personal accountability in how they treat others in this forum and see if it can return to what it was 10 years ago

clearly it's passed that point and now just a 'pub mob and trump circle jerk that can't wait to come up with the most vile, disgusting comment to outdo yesterday's attempt.

so i'll just use the ignore feature a bit more frequently.

carry on...
Well I hope I didn't. Let me see if I got it right. You take this forum
seriously. It bothers you that anonymous posters call each other names.
Fill free to stop me at any point. You like Trumps policies but hate him
personally. You feel that the pub mob is bad for the forum. You really
would like it if civility would rule. Well guess what? That ain't going
to happen down here. This is the wild, wild west so to speak. The only
reason Vit and Guesser got banned is because they took their act to the
main forum after they lost a bet.

There is no one more critical of the Republican controlled Congress than I
am. (With the possible exception of Joe) I like to think of myself as a
fiscal conservative, nothing more nothing less. Those who consider themselves
Moderate, Independent, (or my favorite Moderate Independent) whatever that is
and Libertarian are fence sitters with no conviction.

Now I don't care what political persuasion a person is and I certainly don't
think that anything I do or say will change that.

I've disagreed with just about everyone here at one time or another, Republicans
and Democrats alike. The difference is I try to invoke discussion with Republicans
while my only reason to respond to Democrats is to mock.

So my advise to you, wanted or not, is to take this forum with a grain of salt and
only use it as a source of amusement.

Jul 14, 2007
When I read the OP figured it was a bump from 2012 or something.

Poli forum being toxic is nothing new. The more polarized the political environment the more subservient and submissive people are to politicians rather than ideology or principles. Nice hustle if you can get it.

Jul 14, 2007
People like BZ pretty much why I’ve never called myself libertarian even though a lot of my views go that way. It’s become a euphemism for “I have no conviction about anything and just want a safe space from being called a liberal”

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Keith my friend, respect around here disappeared a long time ago. What lefty is worthy of respectful dialogue? I don't even bother trying with the crew we have.

most of the threads on page one are seemingly started by the same person and they're pure garbage

Serious threads disappear to page 2 rather quickly. The last two threads I started down here were about trying to recruit people for a forum contest and then mocking democrats for crying Trump is violating the Constitution when he's trying to enforce immigration laws (they really do have it all backwards)

What about decorum on the national stage? or in the media? It's simply nonexistent today, the resist resist resist movement says it all.

As always, I'll have a respectful debate with someone who is respectful and at least somewhat informed. The lefties around here are as fucking stupid as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, just a waste of oxygen. Especially those that still want to argue about how to grow the economy and create jobs. What does it take to reach them? When will they ever learn something? They still think Obama's the answer

I venture in here to amuse myself and to laugh at something. Laughing is healthy y'know

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Keith my friend, respect around here disappeared a long time ago. What lefty is worthy of respectful dialogue? I don't even bother trying with the crew we have.

most of the threads on page one are seemingly started by the same person and they're pure garbage

Serious threads disappear to page 2 rather quickly. The last two threads I started down here were about trying to recruit people for a forum contest and then mocking democrats for crying Trump is violating the Constitution when he's trying to enforce immigration laws (they really do have it all backwards)

What about decorum on the national stage? or in the media? It's simply nonexistent today, the resist resist resist movement says it all.

As always, I'll have a respectful debate with someone who is respectful and at least somewhat informed. The lefties around here are as fucking stupid as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, just a waste of oxygen. Especially those that still want to argue about how to grow the economy and create jobs. What does it take to reach them? When will they ever learn something? They still think Obama's the answer

I venture in here to amuse myself and to laugh at something. Laughing is healthy y'know
yeah, maybe i need a better sense of humor as i can't laugh at one 70 YO man telling another 70 YO man to shove an acid-filled dildo up his wife's ass simply because of a huffington post article or an abc news poll

like i said, i left the poli forum for a long time as i was tired of folks like akphi, zit, and vitterd just looking to pick fights every day. but coming down here for the past 40 or so days has been a true embarrassment to see how folks on my side of the political spectrum treat people.

then again i have now been labeled in with vitterd and dafinch as a stupid, moron liberal so what do it know. :)

i only regained sanity when i put akphi, zit, and vitterd on ignore so not sure why you guys don't do that with dafinch. if dafinch brought me to the level of filth that he does with gas man, enfuego, nfl trends, and greenbacks i would have to truly think about what my life has become.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
People like BZ pretty much why I’ve never called myself libertarian even though a lot of my views go that way. It’s become a euphemism for “I have no conviction about anything and just want a safe space from being called a liberal”
very strange that you believe such a close link exists between libertarian and liberal. i am a libertarian and believe I am far more conservative than most of you republicans that agree with things like federal recall of state legislated weed rules. small government, states right ... my motto but i actually believe in it... i don't just believe what fox news or trump tell me to believe (and i will only watch msnbc to laugh)

not sure how that can be construed as a liberal platform

New member
Aug 28, 2012
yeah, maybe i need a better sense of humor as i can't laugh at one 70 YO man telling another 70 YO man to shove an acid-filled dildo up his wife's ass simply because of a huffington post article or an abc news poll

like i said, i left the poli forum for a long time as i was tired of folks like akphi, zit, and vitterd just looking to pick fights every day. but coming down here for the past 40 or so days has been a true embarrassment to see how folks on my side of the political spectrum treat people.

then again i have now been labeled in with vitterd and dafinch as a stupid, moron liberal so what do it know. :)

i only regained sanity when i put akphi, zit, and vitterd on ignore so not sure why you guys don't do that with dafinch. if dafinch brought me to the level of filth that he does with gas man, enfuego, nfl trends, and greenbacks i would have to truly think about what my life has become.

Exactly why I decided yesterday to not even respond to his fake news posts or anything to do with DaFinch. If everyone else did the same, the problem would fix itself. Then we possibly might get some decent political discussions around here.

As of right now, If I ask "Who is reporting this stuff? Anonymous sources?" ... The reply I usually get back is - "Fuck you you welching cock sucker. What about those anonymous sources that were right this one time. How about this time you shoved an ant covered dildo in your ass you child molesting scum asshole, go fuck your mother after you diddle your daughter you short eyed runt"

Better to leave the bitter old man alone, he obviously is either really mentally off, or just hates himself and the world.
Sep 21, 2004
yeah, maybe i need a better sense of humor as i can't laugh at one 70 YO man telling another 70 YO man to shove an acid-filled dildo up his wife's ass simply because of a huffington post article or an abc news poll

like i said, i left the poli forum for a long time as i was tired of folks like akphi, zit, and vitterd just looking to pick fights every day. but coming down here for the past 40 or so days has been a true embarrassment to see how folks on my side of the political spectrum treat people.

then again i have now been labeled in with vitterd and dafinch as a stupid, moron liberal so what do it know. :)

i only regained sanity when i put akphi, zit, and vitterd on ignore so not sure why you guys don't do that with dafinch. if dafinch brought me to the level of filth that he does with gas man, enfuego, nfl trends, and greenbacks i would have to truly think about what my life has become.

I think it's quite amusing you lump me in with akphi and vitterd. My only guess is that I rub you the wrong way. That's fine. I think you're a funny poster, but you come across
as an arrogant prick much of the time - with a bit of hypocrisy lumped in. Plus, you lack reading comprehension skills at times.

Jul 14, 2007
very strange that you believe such a close link exists between libertarian and liberal. i am a libertarian and believe I am far more conservative than most of you republicans that agree with things like federal recall of state legislated weed rules. small government, states right ... my motto but i actually believe in it... i don't just believe what fox news or trump tell me to believe (and i will only watch msnbc to laugh)

not sure how that can be construed as a liberal platform

I didn't say a close link exists philosophically, not sure what you are talking about?

I said the term has been bastardized by people like him and for many that refer to themselves as such it is nothing more than a safe space so they don't have to answer for conservative or liberal ideals around friends and relatives during polarized political times.

And I don't agree with federal recall of those things and have never said I did, I'm politically libertarian in most cases. I deviate on a few instances like I think anti-trust law has probably become too relaxed over the last 70-80 years and I think mass-migration-open borders dogma has gone too far.

But on issues such as monetary policy, criminal justice system, military indusrial complex/interventionism, federal public works projects being boondoggles, I'm very libertarian.


RX Original
Oct 21, 2001

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
well i'm talking about your direct quote that people that call themselves libertarians are really saying “I have no conviction about anything and just want a safe space from being called a liberal”

tells me you really think libertarians are just liberals in disguise.

but after explaining your positions we're quite close on ideology. i have no problem tearing apart nearly every liberal idea that is presented but i must also re-frame most republican ideas to better fit my philosophy. I rarely outright disagree with a republican viewpoint like the fed weed stuff. that to me are the type of policies that saw me leave the party and vote a straight libertarian ticket for the last dozen or so years.

no doubt there are left-leaning libertarians, like barman, who are liberals at heart on all social issues but not to the point where the govt should mandate state's actions. the socially liberal policies of the past 8 years probably even turned him off....

but i still enjoyed to hear his views along with willie, fletch, etc back when the poli forum was populated by a few of us with 120+ IQs

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Says the ignorant prick. @):mad:
now you see why i classify zit as just the republican vitterd and keep him on ignore. would not have even seen what he said unless you quoted it

arrogant prick is a complement vs what he used to call me. see, what the ignore feature can do for us all?
Sep 21, 2004
now you see why i classify zit as just the republican vitterd and keep him on ignore. would not have even seen what he said unless you quoted it

arrogant prick is a complement vs what he used to call me. see, what the ignore feature can do for us all?

Funny... You responded directly to my posts multiple times in the last couple weeks.

Lying doesn't become you.

Jul 14, 2007
well i'm talking about your direct quote that people that call themselves libertarians are really saying “I have no conviction about anything and just want a safe space from being called a liberal”

tells me you really think libertarians are just liberals in disguise.

but after explaining your positions we're quite close on ideology. i have no problem tearing apart nearly every liberal idea that is presented but i must also re-frame most republican ideas to better fit my philosophy. I rarely outright disagree with a republican viewpoint like the fed weed stuff. that to me are the type of policies that saw me leave the party and vote a straight libertarian ticket for the last dozen or so years.

no doubt there are left-leaning libertarians, like barman, who are liberals at heart on all social issues but not to the point where the govt should mandate state's actions. the socially liberal policies of the past 8 years probably even turned him off....

but i still enjoyed to hear his views along with willie, fletch, etc back when the poli forum was populated by a few of us with 120+ IQs

I wasn't referring to you and was just speaking anecdotally but many people that do refer to themselves as libertarians I think are full of it, similar to what Dave007 said in his post. Or they're libertarians because they think the weed should be legal or something, not really because of any adherence to free markets or federalism. Someone like BZ in his posts captures this well, and he isn't the first person that I've run into like this.

I don't think most people who self-identify as libertarian are reading biographies on Jefferson or the writings of Von Mises, Hayek, clicking reason.com or listening to the Peter Schiff podcast on a regular basis, put it that way.

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