Im disgusted with both of them.
All the best canidates for both parties lost in the primaries IMO.
We need to really break up this 2 party system in the worst way, but it looks hopeless. The media is just too powerful these days.
People cant think for themselves anymore I guess.
You would figure with an alltime low approval rating for a president(REPUBLICAN), and an alltime low approval rating for congress (DEMS), this would be the perfect time for someone like a Ron Paul to get traction. But sadly these fine men cant even get 5% of the vote.
I remember voting for Ross Perot the very first time I was every old enough to vote.
I did not vote him because I cared for him, I voted for him because he was the first 3rd party canidate that had a real shot of breaking up this 2 party system. If we would have not dropped out then got back in, I believe he would have had a real shot of winning.
He did a real diservice to people like Ron Paul.
I think if Perot could have won that election, it could have shown to the American voting public that a 3rd party can win. This would have done wonders for people like Ron Paul in later years.
I am just so sick of all of this.
I cant watch another debate.
I hate both of them.
I was going to hold my nose and vote for McCain until he went to DC and supported the bail out plan.
That was the day he lost the election, and my respect as a canidate.
If you are trully a Maverick this would have been a great chance to prove it.
If he would have been against the bail out he would have won the election.
Just imagine the polls if Obama was in favor of it, then Wall Street still tanks.
This would have showed the entire nation that John McCain was indeed a true maverick.
They both suck and thats sad.
All the best canidates for both parties lost in the primaries IMO.
We need to really break up this 2 party system in the worst way, but it looks hopeless. The media is just too powerful these days.
People cant think for themselves anymore I guess.
You would figure with an alltime low approval rating for a president(REPUBLICAN), and an alltime low approval rating for congress (DEMS), this would be the perfect time for someone like a Ron Paul to get traction. But sadly these fine men cant even get 5% of the vote.
I remember voting for Ross Perot the very first time I was every old enough to vote.
I did not vote him because I cared for him, I voted for him because he was the first 3rd party canidate that had a real shot of breaking up this 2 party system. If we would have not dropped out then got back in, I believe he would have had a real shot of winning.
He did a real diservice to people like Ron Paul.
I think if Perot could have won that election, it could have shown to the American voting public that a 3rd party can win. This would have done wonders for people like Ron Paul in later years.
I am just so sick of all of this.
I cant watch another debate.
I hate both of them.
I was going to hold my nose and vote for McCain until he went to DC and supported the bail out plan.
That was the day he lost the election, and my respect as a canidate.
If you are trully a Maverick this would have been a great chance to prove it.
If he would have been against the bail out he would have won the election.
Just imagine the polls if Obama was in favor of it, then Wall Street still tanks.
This would have showed the entire nation that John McCain was indeed a true maverick.
They both suck and thats sad.