good question
it could be...
and it's not far
remember how long ago
you guys used to burn the niggaz,
and you also were slaves in the past from
the white boys...
romans/germans :: whites/blondes.
anyways, nowadays there is a lot of white population
open minded that not worry about looking their kids
mixing with black ppl
for example i can say, colin powel is not black, he is white/black
(mulato) it's a mix,, most of the nowadays artists,rappers, are
half and half, they have discriminations, because the black
dudes don't accept them as a real blacks, and whites the same...
but, since the time is passing by, we have seen
how UNITED STATES has open their mind, and are
accepting more razes, except for the new fad to hate
the muslims,,, (now america thinks they're jews [the town of god],?)
i will say yes, but in 50 more years, when all the UNITED STATES
population it's totally mixed.