yes and i must say i have a cousin i am close with who is a 1rst srg. e8 in the 101rst airborne and he says the soldiers couldnt stand obama they know our military will get soft with a dem in office like obama .the terrorists are licking there chops and plotting something bigger then 911 i would wager heavy on that.also i say obama wont last as president i put the over under at 12 months theres too many radical racists in our country both black and white.what makes me see how racists blacks are is white people went out and voted for obama despite his color based on who they felt was best for the usa. blacks cant do that they would of voted for mike tyson if he was running just because hes black. blacks are way more racist then white people trust me ive lived in detroit all my life.Biden said it himself that something will occur doing Obama's presidency. Now in the first terms of many of the Presidents there has been an attack on our Nation. Do you guys believe that their will be an attack on our country? If yes, how long?
Why must you always come into my threads in be a hater? I make mistake sometimes with the things I read and when I post them I make a mistake. But man oh man you always must come in and be a hater and always question my intelligence.don just keeps getting smarter.
who was the last president that did not have to deal with a terrorist attack?