Will the lefties praise Bush if Saddam was taken out yesterday with a

surgical strike? Something their hero Clintoon couldn't or wouldn't do?

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Yes I would, but I just heard on CNN the only fatality so far has been an Iraqi woman. Its the same with Bin Laden is he alive is he dead, until there is indisputable proof to the contrary, Saddam and Bin Laden are both still alive and probably waching this whole thing on TV and laughing at the idiotic talking heads on US television. Another star just came on CNN (Rumsfeld). More propaganda from the Sec. of Defense. Threats against the Iraqi soilders. Hey I hope it works, but only time will tell.

i`ve got a news flash....the ONLY thing you`ll hear on cnn is that women and children are being killed...aaron brooks,judy woodruff and the gang are about as leftwing as fox is rightwing.....at least,maybe more..absolutely anti-anything the administration does.....you might want to watch msnbc...although affiliated with cnn,they are for some reason,much more objective....

New member
Sep 20, 2000
I watched cnn last nite after saddam "appeared" after the attack.I could not believe what I saw and heard from Arron Brown,Wolf Blixer, and Christi Amampour..They reported with almost glee that saddam was still around, and commenting how smart he was blah,blah,blah..unfxckinbelievable..I'd love to see them obliterated by "collaterall damge"
Opinions are like sphincters, everbody has one. CNN, Fox, MSNBC. Cartoon Network, Sci/Fi Channel, Turner Movie Classics, take your pick.

Will you guys please using the left as if it was a dirty word!!!
I wipe the "left" off of my ass after a dump

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
Was that a Saddam clone or what that appeared on Iraqi TV? If Saddam was in the building he's no longer with us.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Remember all the lefty whining. Why don't we just kill Saddam and not invade and blah, blah, blah and all the BULLSHIT. Well, Bush tried and will see if we got him soon.

Go Bush and the US military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004

That's a defense mechanism they always use, left means anit-American, communist, fruit, bleeding heart, bla bla bla.

Don't worry though, reasonable people know there is very little difference between the far right the KKK and the Neo-Nazis.
The left runs Bush in the ground and then they always end the tyraid with, we support the troops though. What a crock of SHIT. The left has cut the military for years and rendered the FBI, CIA and local police unble to do their jobs because of all the political correctness BULLSHIT.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
My problems with Bush have to do with factors such as, his big brother tactics, he wants to drill wildlife reserves, he's bad for our international image, it's embarrassing to have such and unintelligent man as our president, stuff not like that, this war is just one more on the list.

I don't believe I've said anything about the troops. I hope as few as possible die, but it's their job, it's a voluntary Army.

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