The Ravens better win in the next couple years. As awesome as he had been I don't see it lasting.
For one, teams will probably adjust, as they usually do in the NFL to anything that is different and new.
Second, he is going to get hurt. Even the big strong guys like Luck, Cam, Wentz get hurt and dinged up when they run, it takes a toll no matter who it is no matter how strong they are. Even the speed guys like Vick, RG3, it doesn't descriminate.
It's silly to me when I hear the Lamar Jackson touters say it's different for him because he avoids serious contact. Thats bullshit. I've seen parts of maybe 3-4 of his games this year and seen him get clobbers at least 4-5 times. The thing is, it doesn't have to be a big hit, it's more likely to be an innocent looking tackle where he leg gets caught or something.
He shouldn't change, he should ride his legs as long as they last. It's what makes him special, but I don't think it will last that long.