since the season is longer and daily updates I am going to try to make this $100 buy in, but if everyone prefers $50, can do that also. It will be through yahoo, head to head each week. probably going to limit it to a max of 3-4 roster moves a week (just so people cant swap starting pitchers each day). exact # can be decided by those in league. pretty much standard scoring catagories.
hits, runs, rbis, steals, avg, walks, hrs, wins, k's, saves, whip, era
feel free to post in here or pm me with any questions. this will be like the 4th league i have run on here. if $100 and 10 team league, payout below. cut in half if $50.
hits, runs, rbis, steals, avg, walks, hrs, wins, k's, saves, whip, era
feel free to post in here or pm me with any questions. this will be like the 4th league i have run on here. if $100 and 10 team league, payout below. cut in half if $50.