can you find anything on keyshawn jhonson comments about pam oliver? I knew about this at 10 am and I've been wanting to talk about it all day, but cant find crap on it online. this is the best story of the day to me.cant understand the media opression at all. if this happened in tampa, itd be all over.
something about pam reporting that key argued with a coach and key said "i just want to take pam and spank her real real hard with a ruler becuase it just doesnt make any sense"
on espns radio show mike and mike they said "what key was said to have been doing happens all the time, pam is just doing her job and that is a very very sexist comment of key to make."
something about pam reporting that key argued with a coach and key said "i just want to take pam and spank her real real hard with a ruler becuase it just doesnt make any sense"
on espns radio show mike and mike they said "what key was said to have been doing happens all the time, pam is just doing her job and that is a very very sexist comment of key to make."