wilheim its been reported by an ex employee no names mentioned but he is a well known welcher,stiff,blowhard and i am not talking about talking blowhard,anyway its been rumored your a wise old man wilheim how old are you?
wilheim i dont know if this is true but people have told me you were george washingtons own personal barber.i love what you did with georges hair and was wondering if you are still practicing your trade.guys just cant get those curls old george had wilheim how did you do it back in the old days.i also noticed george was a clean shaven man wich was very unusual for that time.wilheim did you use a straight edge razor on georges face.wilheim since you were close to george washington when they say george slept everywhere can you explain that was he a womanizer or a f-g.
thanks for the history lesson wilheim and i dont care what the welcher says about you your saving the rx from becoming a circus like shrinks forum.keep up the good work wilheim
we are going to open a new section in the forum called (ask wilheim) if you have the questions wilheim has the answers.
wilheim i dont know if this is true but people have told me you were george washingtons own personal barber.i love what you did with georges hair and was wondering if you are still practicing your trade.guys just cant get those curls old george had wilheim how did you do it back in the old days.i also noticed george was a clean shaven man wich was very unusual for that time.wilheim did you use a straight edge razor on georges face.wilheim since you were close to george washington when they say george slept everywhere can you explain that was he a womanizer or a f-g.
thanks for the history lesson wilheim and i dont care what the welcher says about you your saving the rx from becoming a circus like shrinks forum.keep up the good work wilheim
we are going to open a new section in the forum called (ask wilheim) if you have the questions wilheim has the answers.