What you don't need ID to vote in USA?? thats messssed up. so if i am in a family of 5, and if i knew 2 of my family members are not voting i can pretend to be them and cast another vote?
there are 1.2 million households in chicago
avg household size 2.56
200k households have only one parent
1.15 million people voted in chicago
that means that almost every household in chicago had someone go vote.
gotta figure that of the 2.56 people in each house that in 200k houses 2 are kids and 1 million .56 are kids
thats a million kids
population of chicago=2.7 million - million kids = 1.7 possible voters
possible voters=1.7 million
registered voters= 1.57 million
actual voters = 1.15
i guess the get out the vote program is working well in chicago