Why was TRK banned?


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
This is one I am not completely sure about. Last I heard Ken was trying to get TRK to call him, from there it evidently went bad. Either TRK refused to call or things went downhill after the phone call. With all the DOS excitement I am behind on some forum matters, wish I could tell you more.

New member
Jun 21, 2001
So the guy who kept records to give the people posting picks and this site some credibility is gone. I don't get it.

Big Lou

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
the answer is that trk wanted $450 per month, and apparently shrink did not want to pay it.

To be the best, you have to beat the best
Oct 20, 2000
He counts picks in a gambling forum, that's all, it's not too hard and worthless in my eyes.

I don't care who's padding their record or who's not, and neither should you!!!

New member
Oct 20, 2002
This is posted at another website. I will not post email unless it's out in a public forum.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Below are the actual emails between myself and Ken dated 11/13 to 1115.
I will be putting up the early October emails by tomorrow:

At 01:04 PM 11/13/2003, you wrote:
TRKS email:

Ken , I just want to make sure ,what with the new ownership that I am still on the active payroll and can expect my Neteller payment in November as usual. Please let me know.
Thank You
Sam aka TRK
KENS email:

Please give me a call to discuss November...

TRKS email:

Ken last night (NOV 14th) will be my last night posting the Challenge updates, as soon as I get a response from you and you let me know exactly where we stand I will resume posting the Challenges.While I would prefer to stay at the RX ,I must be honest with you and tell you that if our agreement that we made in the beginning of October for $450 per month can no longer be kept then I can no longer do any of the Challenges, and I then will explore other avenues. Ken I am not trying to pressure you in anyway at all, I am just trying to be as straightforward with you as possible.
Ken I think we can get this settled one way or another by a simple email response stating your position.
So I will leave it up to you ,however please understand that if I do not get a response today I will actively look elsewhere. Ken I am sorry if you feel pressured in anyway, however I must also do what I think is right for me.
The way I see it is the bottom line is this
1)If you feel you can pay me as we agreed (on the 15th of each month) ,than just shoot me an email and let me know.
2)If you feel you cannot pay me ,or that I will have to wait to be paid ,then just let me know that in an email also.
To get on the phone and discuss this matter would be a waste of time for both of us as we agreed on terms back in early October, and those are the only terms that I want to accept.
Ken in closing whatever you choose to do I would like to thank you for allowing me to post on your forum of the past 2 years, and if we do go our separate ways I wish you all the best!
Pease let me know either way via e-mail
Thank You
aka TRK
Kens email:

The new ownership cannot work with someone having that attitude you displayed below...

Good Luck in your future endeavors...


TRKS email:

Okay thanks Ken ,no problem here,one thing if I get badmouthed on your site by any of your moderators making me look like the bad guy without knowing the full story, you just keep in mind I have a copy of every correspondence between us since the beginning of October when you welcomed me aboard for $450 a week! Now I will be a gentleman about this and just say we left on mutual terms ,however if I see anything written about me by your moderators in reference to this painting me as the bad guy then those correspondences become public!
Ken good luck in the future!----- Original Message -----
KENS email:

I don't intend to badmouth you but if you think I am going to be held accountable for what other people think about you, then go **** yourself!


TRKS email:

Ken if the new ownership CANNOT work with someone who wants to get paid as promised,Then I cannot work with that type of ownership anyway!
TRKS email:

I will tell you one thing! If I go on your site and see any shit about me leaving the RX ,because I just had some sort of agenda or any shit like that I will not only post the emails ,but I will also download the file of our conversation held on Oct 2nd (in which our deal was made).
So while i am not looking for any trouble,dont think for a second i will sit back and have your people defend you WHEN THEY KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED!
now if you don't like that then **** you too!
And yes you WILL be held accountable for what the people who work for YOU say!----- <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Oct 20, 2002

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Part of the email is missing. Here is the entire email
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Ken , I tried to reach you at the number you gave me all day on Friday, at any rate Ken I need to know what your intentions are regarding my working at the RX and getting apaid every month.
Ken I am pretty bendable in most situations except when it comes to working and money. I fully understand if you can longer pay me and do not have a problem with that, but you must tell me if thats the case so I can explore other options just as any other person would. I need you to understand that if I don't get paid when regularly scheduled then I can no longer extend my services.
Ken you can let me know by email if you like.
I just need to know can I expect to be paid (the said amount,on the said date,on or around NOV 15th) or will that be a problem.
Ken if that creates a problem than rather then waste both my time and yours,you can just let me know in a return email and I will explore other avenues if i choose too.
Once again I hold no hard feelings on whatever your decision is.
Please let me know.
Thank You

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Here's what my whole problem is in this situation. All Shrink had to say is that the new owner is going in a different direction. Thanks for your fine work the last two years and here's the money that we owe you.Instead he says fvck you, you aren't getting paid and you're banned.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
"heading in a new direction"

ummm...which direction would that be??


New member
Sep 21, 2004
TRK seemed to do alot around here. Seems like a pretty shitty way to treat someone who had helped out around here so much for a couple of years. Shrink, good to know you have nice people skills.

Sep 21, 2004
Another credible person has left again. GL to you TRK. You were always a class act.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I like TRK but it's not the end of the world, people accept and leave jobs over money every day of the week. And yes it's always "handled poorly" by at least one side, usually both. Hopefully since Peep's place is smaller and he is without all these expenses they can pay him as much as he deserves. I know Raiders and Uncle are getting paid over there, maybe Peep can pass a little on to TRK. I doubt he will have any trouble getting a sponsor.

Anyway we will have a guy who is going to track our guys in the next few days. If someone feels more comfortable going with TRK of course we understand, I have seen some of the e-mails myself. We just do what we can here and let things sort of fall into place Good luck TRK!


New member
Sep 1, 2002
I like Patrick McIrish but it won't be the end of the world when he is gone. People leave jobs every day for all kinds of reasons and it really just isn't worth giving a shit about someone who was promised something that didn't happen. After all, if that person doesn't like an unlubricated ass-fvcking, they should just move on. Stop the hate, let the hate go, so to speak.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
Here's what my whole problem is in this situation. All Shrink had to say is that the new owner is going in a different direction. Thanks for your fine work the last two years and here's the money that we owe you.Instead he says fvck you, you aren't getting paid and you're banned.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree Raiders. Shrink has a way with words.

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