Why Trump is so petty about the NFL

May 3, 2018
Not a single intelligent and objective response about this. Not one acknowledgement from any of the extremist rightys. If they had any decency and integrity they'd admit against overwhelming evidence that it's Trump's petty vindictive nature and grudge against the NFL from decades ago ass kicking that he received and not his patriotism that was behind him taking shots at the NFL when like a hyena he saw a weak point and attacked.

What more can you expect from Republicans who try to gang up like hyenas and try to discredit anybody that doesn't fit their agenda? He's a ghost! Fake news! He's stupid! He doesn't know how to copy and paste so all content must be fake news! Lol. It gets funnier and funnier.

Republicans are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. At least I'm objective. Honestly I can't stand the Democrat party either but at least they pretend to care. Republicans are the most uneducated, selfish, racist, unpatriotic, hypocritical and spiteful genetically inferior savages out there. The majority of them sitting in their trailerparks on welfare complaining about dem Mexicans taking are their jobs uck yuck...

All I needed was for one Republican to step up and admit it's Donald's petty grudge not his patriotism that fueled his actions against the NFL. Not one Republican with integrity. That's why they have no credibility and resort to bullying tactics. Ganging up and trying to discredit you for the most idiotic reasons lol.

At least I'm objective and give credit where it's due even if it's the other side. These savages just have a major agenda and care more about their party than America.

No point trying with their children. This was an experiment (although all factual and true) and you extremists rightys proved to be very very predictable and hypocritical.

Got guys appalled at what I said about Donald possibly molesting his daughter and people are acting shocked and disgusted yet those same people stood by quietly or joined in when they called Obama racist names or called Michelle a gorilla or took cheap shots at his kids. That's the true face of Republicans. Hypocrites and true evil.

Done. Have a nice night! Lol.
Dec 11, 2006
Stop at "hurt, not offended".

Nate Boyer is placating all sides but he is "hurt" when his fellow players don't honor the flag and the anthem.

Thanks for proving our thesis.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Well I don't know if he's done more yet but he's on the right track. Jealous? Why would I be jealous lol. Another delusional fantasy of a extremist righty.

I have nothing invested in Obama or Trump. Only thing was that Obama was a Democrat so there's that but nothing to lose sleep over. Obama served 8 proud years. Trump has a long way to go before he can boast anything. And he's not taking over after a blundering Bush.

Again...Trump isn't your President alone he's mine too. Way to go Trump! I have always maintained that when he was elected he should be given the support of all Americans. So don't know where you get that I am hurting that he's President. It hardly affected me when Obama was in power for 8 years and hardly affects me that Donald is President now. You guys get too worked up over that kind of stuff.

I'll still call a spade a spade though. His petty grudge against the NFL is not patriotism but stemming from a major loss to the NFL years ago.
How long has the electricity been off at your house?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I think its because Bloodhound Bob turned up the heat....
May 3, 2018
I think its because Bloodhound Bob turned up the heat....

You seem to be the most uneducated of the bunch...you're embarrassing your own kind (extremist rightys) with your weak arguments and silly uneducated comments.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Lol, never. But you seem to know a lot about losing electricity. Speaking from personal experience? Lol.
You said you didn't know if Trump had done more yet. I figured it was either because
you had no access to the news or you were illiterate.

I took the high road. Next time I'll know better.
May 3, 2018
You said you didn't know if Trump had done more yet. I figured it was either because
you had no access to the news or you were illiterate.

I took the high road. Next time I'll know better.

In all fairness, Trump is doing a great job and I've said that in many threads. I also stated that if he continues this way AND the Democrats don't put up a viable candidate this time I'd actually vote for Trump again. Doesn't mean I won't bash him here and there or condone some of his personal behavior and they way he conducts himself but I'd definitely vote for him.

I think advisers will convey to Trump how crucial it is that he tone down some of the extreme comments he makes that chases away Democrat or ''on the fence voters'' I think he will oblige. If he can tone down some of the sexist, racist, discriminatory words then he can definitely win again. Which unlike many of the moron Democrats getting their panties in a twist like their lives just ended, isn't the worst thing in the world.

Again long way to go. I still believe he benefited a little from taking over after Obama whereas Obama took after the blunders of Bush. No point arguing this. Nobody on here is willing to give credit where credits due. I mean the man only found and killed Osama. Ask the victims of 911 if that's a trivial feat. Bush fulfilled his father senior Bush's wet dream of finally killing Saddam. Bunch of corrupt assholes will rot in hell with their evil grins. Both Bush and senior bush.

Thing about Trump is he shook America awake. We needed it. Politicians have been filling their pockets, fulfilling their agendas, both Democrats and Republican leaders.

Then here comes Trump who, at heart is neither Republican nor Democrat (he went on record saying he would run as a Democrat if he saw himself winning that way but he chose Republican after the response and played up the part and there's nothing wrong with that) and he shook things up.

I still don't agree with him trying to discredit the media altogether. I still don't agree with many of his ignorant comments. I definitely don't agree with him siding with Israel! That's my main beef with him to be honest. One of many but the main one.

Israel has used America as a battering ram, our young soldiers dying for their agenda and Trump catered to them. I think somewhere down the line he will regret it on a spectacular scale.

I still think he is in murky water with the unprecedented conflict of interest with his businesses profiting from his being President but to me that is small potatoes and how many Presidents have filled their pockets? All of them.

No, my main issue with him is the racist or discriminating and dividing comments but the Israel thing really disappointed me. If it weren't for that I'm 90% pro Trump I think.

The Trump molesting Ivanka thread? Just a satire showing how disgusting it is when Republicans involve family members of Hilary or Obama, memes about gorillas or monkeys or a lot of disgusting things about wives and children. What kind of men attack daughters and wives? You guys don't have wives or daughters at home? I swear by how bitter some of the old white men are on here you'd swear they had or are having their white daughter fucked by some black guy. I swear that guy in that viral youtube vid where he disowned his sexy little white daughter for dating a black and another one where she took a black guy to a prom...I swear that guys posts here LOL. Maybe it's gasman haha. That guy gets worked up fast.

This thread about the NFL and Trump? Just showing how bias and hypocritical Republicunts can be when they won't, not for one second admit something to be true even when there's overwhelming evidence. When we all know that if it was a Democrat leader THEY would be the ones posting this evidence and yelling HEY! He's not a patriot look at this! This is the real reason why he's got an axe to grind with the NFL. Not one man here had the integrity to admit it because it goes against their agenda. Like it matters if they admit it. Lol.

They shun their favorite actors and claim to stop watching the NFL all because of difference of opinion. They are sick and obsessed. My childhood hero was Stallone. He supports Trump. I didn't start creating threads about him or start hating on him in real life or rip down his posters. Guys start trash talking a legend like Robert De Niro because he's anti Trump. So who cares? Trump brings a lot of it on himself. The tweeting and sexist and racist comments etc? Attacking the NFL for his petty reasons?

There's nothing more American than NFL football. Nothing more American than media holding government accountable. Yes there is bias but to be repeating fake news fake news like lemmings (only when it goes against your agenda, when it fits it's real news) So some black players feel like members of their community are being targeted unfairly by cops(they are) so they feel like speaking out. So some players decide to kneel. Republicans with agendas immediately started attacking them. Made it about them disrespecting the Flag or America. Is anybody with half a brain really going to sit here and tell me that these black players don't love America and the flag? Obviously they feel like something is wrong and they were protesting. These guys aren't our enemies. There's some social problems in America and instead of addressing them morons are like he's anti American, NFL is trash not watching it anymore. Bullshit dude.

NFL isn't going anywhere and I'll admit I hated the kneeling and the distracting and I always hated Kaepernick before he started the anthem protesting but especially after that. But I don't call these players anti American and I can't wait for NFL to start I love it. I absolutely love it. I'm not that fickle that I'll turn on them over this issue that will pass.

I also hate extremist Democrats that try to push gay/lesbians agendas on us. Any of you watch FREAK or this one other pro gay movie. (I've seen both but I watch tons of movies. Like 300 a year) And first of all they were both ok. But it was so obvious in both those movies they are making you root and love the gay guy. trying to make us all more tolerant of it. (but then are movies about gun violence promoting gun violence or movies about cars promoting cars, or movies about heterosexual love promoting that? I don't know maybe I'm the one being bias now because I don't condone gay or lesbian living, I don't know I'm human)

But the lashing out people who are merely wearing red Trump hats, or hating on Trump without knowing the issues and policies (I protested a video about dumb republicans who hated Obama but knew absolutely nothing about him or his policies, morons on both sides) the using minorities as vote banks, just seeing them as an easy vote and so much more. Yes the illegal immigration. I don't condone that but I condone immigration. We need it. The Chinese and the Indians? 2 of the most educated, well mannered, Patriotic, hard working and low key most successful immigrants groups in the West. All they do is work and raise families and how often do you hear of that Indian guy that shot or stabbed somebody? So no, I'm not against Immigration. Immigrants are what made this country and Immigration is what will continue to make it strong because although we all were born here and love America for that reason, these folks come here to live in this country for a better life and this many times results in them loving America more than us, making them more American than us.

What was my point...I got lost...

Yeah, the Trump and Ivanka thread. I love Ivanka. I think she's a beautiful, classy girl. I love how she carries herself. I don't know why people on here can't see how sick and twisted and bias and mostly hypocritical extremist rightys on here are. I'm tired of typing. I can't explain it. There's something very wrong with how they think and behave. They are sick. But that's ok.

I have to go cheer on my baseball games.

Look guys, we all don't have to like each other but we all do have to get along. That's how a society functions. Calling people ni**ers or spics or this and that on the street. Ranting about illegal immigration on a public bus like an animal, shooting cops or affecting NFL games to protest violence against blacks, creating phony hysteria and paranoia over Muslims (how many Muslims killed Americans IN America in terrorism related attacks compared to whites shooting up schools or Vegas etc) Throwing away millions of dollars to companies in subsidies only to watch them pack up and move overseas to avoid paying taxes, spending more millions in useless army bases all over the world(not all but some are not needed but no government has the balls to be the one to make the big move and shakes things up are shut them down, out of sight out of mind, play the safe way, not an election issue so don't touch it even though it's costing America millions.)

All the ranting is about blacks on welfare, blacks protesting. When corporate welfare is way more expensive and hurting this country more. When we have military bases set up costing us millions that we don't need for them to be there. When we side with Israel and create more enemies. Put our American lives on the line for those evil greedy Jews yet again. When we fight among ourselves over differences. When we attack Mexicans on the streets or abuse them instead of focusing on the illegal immigration problem, when we attack whites for wearing Trump hats.

Hey America has a lot of problems but still one of the greatest countries in the world. But we all have to learn to be more tolerant and civil. The hypocritical attitude and agendas have to stop. Republicans think Democrats are evil and unpatriotic and Democrats think Republicans are evil and unpatriotic. It's about winning the election, our side winning is all that matters, and the other side spends 8 years attacking the winner, attacking the first lady or the children, now it's the Democrats turn to attack winner and his wife and children and Republicans point fingers at sore losers but remember 8 years of being sore losers? The hypocrisy! Lol.

Honestly I'm like Trump, I'm neither Democrat nor Republican at heart. I'm a patriot, not a nationalist but a patriot. Some of you need to look in the mirror and see that your agendas and bullshit isn't fooling anybody. And Dave I don't mean you even though I quoted you. I mean a few others.

Okay I feel like I wasted my breath yet again. Time to go watch some baseball. Life is too short to waste on politics. Lol. I can't see how my life personally has changed from when Obama was President to Trump being President. And that's a good thing. Some of you take all this too seriously.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
In all fairness, Trump is doing a great job and I've said that in many threads. I also stated that if he continues this way AND the Democrats don't put up a viable candidate this time I'd actually vote for Trump again. Doesn't mean I won't bash him here and there or condone some of his personal behavior and they way he conducts himself but I'd definitely vote for him.

I think advisers will convey to Trump how crucial it is that he tone down some of the extreme comments he makes that chases away Democrat or ''on the fence voters'' I think he will oblige. If he can tone down some of the sexist, racist, discriminatory words then he can definitely win again. Which unlike many of the moron Democrats getting their panties in a twist like their lives just ended, isn't the worst thing in the world.

Again long way to go. I still believe he benefited a little from taking over after Obama whereas Obama took after the blunders of Bush. No point arguing this. Nobody on here is willing to give credit where credits due. I mean the man only found and killed Osama. Ask the victims of 911 if that's a trivial feat. Bush fulfilled his father senior Bush's wet dream of finally killing Saddam. Bunch of corrupt assholes will rot in hell with their evil grins. Both Bush and senior bush.

Thing about Trump is he shook America awake. We needed it. Politicians have been filling their pockets, fulfilling their agendas, both Democrats and Republican leaders.

Then here comes Trump who, at heart is neither Republican nor Democrat (he went on record saying he would run as a Democrat if he saw himself winning that way but he chose Republican after the response and played up the part and there's nothing wrong with that) and he shook things up.

I still don't agree with him trying to discredit the media altogether. I still don't agree with many of his ignorant comments. I definitely don't agree with him siding with Israel! That's my main beef with him to be honest. One of many but the main one.

Israel has used America as a battering ram, our young soldiers dying for their agenda and Trump catered to them. I think somewhere down the line he will regret it on a spectacular scale.

I still think he is in murky water with the unprecedented conflict of interest with his businesses profiting from his being President but to me that is small potatoes and how many Presidents have filled their pockets? All of them.

No, my main issue with him is the racist or discriminating and dividing comments but the Israel thing really disappointed me. If it weren't for that I'm 90% pro Trump I think.

The Trump molesting Ivanka thread? Just a satire showing how disgusting it is when Republicans involve family members of Hilary or Obama, memes about gorillas or monkeys or a lot of disgusting things about wives and children. What kind of men attack daughters and wives? You guys don't have wives or daughters at home? I swear by how bitter some of the old white men are on here you'd swear they had or are having their white daughter fucked by some black guy. I swear that guy in that viral youtube vid where he disowned his sexy little white daughter for dating a black and another one where she took a black guy to a prom...I swear that guys posts here LOL. Maybe it's gasman haha. That guy gets worked up fast.

This thread about the NFL and Trump? Just showing how bias and hypocritical Republicunts can be when they won't, not for one second admit something to be true even when there's overwhelming evidence. When we all know that if it was a Democrat leader THEY would be the ones posting this evidence and yelling HEY! He's not a patriot look at this! This is the real reason why he's got an axe to grind with the NFL. Not one man here had the integrity to admit it because it goes against their agenda. Like it matters if they admit it. Lol.

They shun their favorite actors and claim to stop watching the NFL all because of difference of opinion. They are sick and obsessed. My childhood hero was Stallone. He supports Trump. I didn't start creating threads about him or start hating on him in real life or rip down his posters. Guys start trash talking a legend like Robert De Niro because he's anti Trump. So who cares? Trump brings a lot of it on himself. The tweeting and sexist and racist comments etc? Attacking the NFL for his petty reasons?

There's nothing more American than NFL football. Nothing more American than media holding government accountable. Yes there is bias but to be repeating fake news fake news like lemmings (only when it goes against your agenda, when it fits it's real news) So some black players feel like members of their community are being targeted unfairly by cops(they are) so they feel like speaking out. So some players decide to kneel. Republicans with agendas immediately started attacking them. Made it about them disrespecting the Flag or America. Is anybody with half a brain really going to sit here and tell me that these black players don't love America and the flag? Obviously they feel like something is wrong and they were protesting. These guys aren't our enemies. There's some social problems in America and instead of addressing them morons are like he's anti American, NFL is trash not watching it anymore. Bullshit dude.

NFL isn't going anywhere and I'll admit I hated the kneeling and the distracting and I always hated Kaepernick before he started the anthem protesting but especially after that. But I don't call these players anti American and I can't wait for NFL to start I love it. I absolutely love it. I'm not that fickle that I'll turn on them over this issue that will pass.

I also hate extremist Democrats that try to push gay/lesbians agendas on us. Any of you watch FREAK or this one other pro gay movie. (I've seen both but I watch tons of movies. Like 300 a year) And first of all they were both ok. But it was so obvious in both those movies they are making you root and love the gay guy. trying to make us all more tolerant of it. (but then are movies about gun violence promoting gun violence or movies about cars promoting cars, or movies about heterosexual love promoting that? I don't know maybe I'm the one being bias now because I don't condone gay or lesbian living, I don't know I'm human)

But the lashing out people who are merely wearing red Trump hats, or hating on Trump without knowing the issues and policies (I protested a video about dumb republicans who hated Obama but knew absolutely nothing about him or his policies, morons on both sides) the using minorities as vote banks, just seeing them as an easy vote and so much more. Yes the illegal immigration. I don't condone that but I condone immigration. We need it. The Chinese and the Indians? 2 of the most educated, well mannered, Patriotic, hard working and low key most successful immigrants groups in the West. All they do is work and raise families and how often do you hear of that Indian guy that shot or stabbed somebody? So no, I'm not against Immigration. Immigrants are what made this country and Immigration is what will continue to make it strong because although we all were born here and love America for that reason, these folks come here to live in this country for a better life and this many times results in them loving America more than us, making them more American than us.

What was my point...I got lost...

Yeah, the Trump and Ivanka thread. I love Ivanka. I think she's a beautiful, classy girl. I love how she carries herself. I don't know why people on here can't see how sick and twisted and bias and mostly hypocritical extremist rightys on here are. I'm tired of typing. I can't explain it. There's something very wrong with how they think and behave. They are sick. But that's ok.

I have to go cheer on my baseball games.

Look guys, we all don't have to like each other but we all do have to get along. That's how a society functions. Calling people ni**ers or spics or this and that on the street. Ranting about illegal immigration on a public bus like an animal, shooting cops or affecting NFL games to protest violence against blacks, creating phony hysteria and paranoia over Muslims (how many Muslims killed Americans IN America in terrorism related attacks compared to whites shooting up schools or Vegas etc) Throwing away millions of dollars to companies in subsidies only to watch them pack up and move overseas to avoid paying taxes, spending more millions in useless army bases all over the world(not all but some are not needed but no government has the balls to be the one to make the big move and shakes things up are shut them down, out of sight out of mind, play the safe way, not an election issue so don't touch it even though it's costing America millions.)

All the ranting is about blacks on welfare, blacks protesting. When corporate welfare is way more expensive and hurting this country more. When we have military bases set up costing us millions that we don't need for them to be there. When we side with Israel and create more enemies. Put our American lives on the line for those evil greedy Jews yet again. When we fight among ourselves over differences. When we attack Mexicans on the streets or abuse them instead of focusing on the illegal immigration problem, when we attack whites for wearing Trump hats.

Hey America has a lot of problems but still one of the greatest countries in the world. But we all have to learn to be more tolerant and civil. The hypocritical attitude and agendas have to stop. Republicans think Democrats are evil and unpatriotic and Democrats think Republicans are evil and unpatriotic. It's about winning the election, our side winning is all that matters, and the other side spends 8 years attacking the winner, attacking the first lady or the children, now it's the Democrats turn to attack winner and his wife and children and Republicans point fingers at sore losers but remember 8 years of being sore losers? The hypocrisy! Lol.

Honestly I'm like Trump, I'm neither Democrat nor Republican at heart. I'm a patriot, not a nationalist but a patriot. Some of you need to look in the mirror and see that your agendas and bullshit isn't fooling anybody. And Dave I don't mean you even though I quoted you. I mean a few others.

Okay I feel like I wasted my breath yet again. Time to go watch some baseball. Life is too short to waste on politics. Lol. I can't see how my life personally has changed from when Obama was President to Trump being President. And that's a good thing. Some of you take all this too seriously.

What Blunders of Bush? Explain in detail what led to his "Blunders"?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
In all fairness, Trump is doing a great job and I've said that in many threads. I also stated that if he continues this way AND the Democrats don't put up a viable candidate this time I'd actually vote for Trump again.
Shush()* That is the point where I stopped reading.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
This OP never voted Trump.

You're full of shit
May 3, 2018
What Blunders of Bush? Explain in detail what led to his "Blunders"?

IRAQ among many. Not mention his big oil and bailouts of companies that packed up after taking millions and went abroad. Get an education. Bye.
May 3, 2018
No I never voted Trump. i was ranting away, mind on baseball and what I meant to say was, AGAIN, I'd vote for Trump if things go well next couple years. As in, again I'm saying. Nevermind, you morons have so few wins in debates that you jump on any little thing to try to ''win'' and argument.

As for greenbacks how do you even show your face after losing a bet? Is that how your father raised you? Your mom? Is that what you teach you children? LOL

Okay just stepped int to say BYE GUYS! Have fun and don't get so worked up over trivial matters. Relax.

May 3, 2018
Shush()* That is the point where I stopped reading.

Lol no you didn't. You're full of it but that's ok. Nobody more full of shit than greenbacks who is a proven welcher. LOL. The guy has no shame...goes to show how he was raised....

:aktion033:pointer::howdy: Bye guys! For the last time. Logging out. Enjoy life. Don't take things so seriously.

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