Why Islam and The West can not coexist


Nov 4, 2009


Aug 6, 2006
^^^Now there's a POS 4ya (BROWN). "Greivance Politics" at its worst.

"Western countries are invading or occupying Muslims countries"

False narrative used as fodder / excuse making in the Western press, and to whip up a frenzy in the home nation to focus the blame and anger outward instead of where it should be directed -- at the regime itself! The regime that has pillaged from the population and destroyed all semblance of a healthy society.

Nov 4, 2009
^^^Now there's a POS 4ya (BROWN). "Grievance Politics" at its worst.

WHY is a guy who's Philosophy is this a COLLEGE PROFESSOR in USA?

I genuinely do not Understand. "Freedom of Speech, Religion" I grasp how he has the right to say whatever

but WHY is able to TEACH KIDS?

I know theres plenty of Leftist Liberal Teachers, in USA, but this guy is advocating for the Inhumane Treatment of Women. Defending this.

Brown, he has made me Realize that if people like this are Teaching, in this country: Civil War is inevitable here. Just a matter of When.

Aug 6, 2006
Dunno ML. If it happens at the HS level a few kids tell their parents and they raise hell and get the fucker out. Should be the same for 18 year olds away from home as well, but in that case I guess mom and dad never hear about it. There has to be a counter movement to this type of activism, but from who? When you consider the liberal far left is already in bed with the Islamic far right (what % of that is wilful stupidity is???) who's left to stand up besides the parents who sign the tuition checks? Is he on staff as a university professor? If so I would write to the dean and the university president, as well as every newspaper in DC. His father-in-law got deported because people spoke up. Let's get him a flight on Saudi Air ASAP.

Aug 6, 2006
Apparently the sick Fuckers that comprise the EU somehow believe not only Islam, but Islamic Terror and The West can coexist (as long as the targets are Jews).

Palestinian Kids Jump for Jihad at European-Funded Dance Competition - Itamar Marcus (Palestinian Media Watch)
The Yafa Cultural Center in Nablus recently hosted a folk dance competition for youth where children danced to the prize-winning song "Pull the Trigger."
"We replaced bracelets with weapons. We attacked the despicable [Zionists]....Jihad is needed. Pull the trigger."
The center receives funding from the German development agency GIZ, Norway, and the EU.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Dunno ML. If it happens at the HS level a few kids tell their parents and they raise hell and get the fucker out. Should be the same for 18 year olds away from home as well, but in that case I guess mom and dad never hear about it. There has to be a counter movement to this type of activism, but from who? When you consider the liberal far left is already in bed with the Islamic far right (what % of that is wilful stupidity is???) who's left to stand up besides the parents who sign the tuition checks? Is he on staff as a university professor? If so I would write to the dean and the university president, as well as every newspaper in DC. His father-in-law got deported because people spoke up. Let's get him a flight on Saudi Air ASAP.


Faculty - SFS


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[h=4]BIO[/h]Jonathan Brown is the Alwaleed bin Talal Chair of Islamic Civilization in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and he is the Director of the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding. He received his BA in History from Georgetown University in 2000 and his doctorate in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago in 2006. Dr. Brown has studied and conducted research in countries such as Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, South Africa, India, Indonesia and Iran. His book publications include The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunni Hadith Canon (Brill, 2007), Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World (Oneworld, 2009) and Muhammad: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2011), which was selected for the National Endowment for the Humanities' Bridging Cultures Muslim Journeys Bookshelf. His most recent book, Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenges and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy (Oneworld, 2014), was named one of the top books on religion in 2014 by the Independent. He has published articles in the fields of Hadith, Islamic law, Salafism, Sufism, Arabic lexical theory and Pre-Islamic poetry and is the editor in chief of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Law. Dr. Brown’s current research interests include Islamic legal reform and a translation of Sahih al-Bukhari.

[h=4]CV[/h]Download cv.pdf

[h=4]WEB SITE[/h]http://drjonathanbrown.com/


New member
Oct 20, 2005
WHY is a guy who's Philosophy is this a COLLEGE PROFESSOR in USA?

I genuinely do not Understand. "Freedom of Speech, Religion" I grasp how he has the right to say whatever

but WHY is able to TEACH KIDS?

I know theres plenty of Leftist Liberal Teachers, in USA, but this guy is advocating for the Inhumane Treatment of Women. Defending this.

Brown, he has made me Realize that if people like this are Teaching, in this country: Civil War is inevitable here. Just a matter of When.

THIS warms my heart. If i can do anything to raise just a thought or raise some doubt about anyone researching and writing and the time it takes to try and do it well enough is worth it. I know that sounds corny but its true. The more we are connected as Pro-Westarian men the stronger this country is. I welcome all races into this and all creeds except for Islam. We cannot accept an ideology whos name is literally "submit".

Jul 4, 2012
Muslims are the least popular religious group in the U.S. They’re disliked even more than atheists.

despite the improved attitudes, Muslims remain the least popular of all religious groups asked about in the Pew survey. By comparison, respondents gave Jews a rating of 67, Catholics 66, and mainline Protestants 65. Even atheists were rated higher at 50.

The author does mental gymnastics to avoid the real reasons for this.

Aug 6, 2006
^^^Yeah I always wondered what chants an atheist screams out when he's shooting up a train station or a mall.

Nov 4, 2009
Hannity did such a poor job in that interview. I remember that one, that was a few years ago i think. He has since had that guy on a few times since. Instead of getting all riled up and talking over that guy he should have just let him talk and probe and talk. His audience should be smart enough to figure out what the dude is saying. Like calling it "Islamofacism" that was dumb. He clearly said Islam means "Submission" just let him walk himself into oblivion with that nonsense. Then about the gays receiving capital punishment. He should have worked that one too. Tucker Carlson does that at times too, its kind of annoying. Let the person being interviewed self-incriminate themselves. Dont try and be confrontational. Its like these guys are trying to get brownie points or look a certain type of way. Im not saying you shouldnt disagree or counter but probe and probe and probe above all else. I think if youre prepared for these things you just let the fucking lunatics talk themselves into more shit than confronting them so much. This was a good one because he said shit most muslims wont say in public much less basically network news.

I find Tucker Carlson to be the WORST re: Interrupting then talking over his guests. My Conclusion is that Tucker got moved to that Prime Time Slot, as result Of Megyn Kelly's Departure so Tucker is (even more) stressed about trying to get those Brownie Points in (than he has been in the past).

I have trouble even watching Bill O'Rielly, bcuz of how he interrupts then proceeds to Talk Over, Drown Out eventually cause to Shut Up:

those he interviews.

This is probably my biggest Pet Peeve, about News Interviews. And the reason that I learn NO thing, from their Interviews.

I'd genuinely like to understand how those these guys interview JUSTIFY their Behaviors & Beliefs, how these make sense to them.

These Fools jumping in, flattening, steam-plowing and thus in essence: Censoring those they interview. Its not helping me at all.

I hate to fall back into Cheerleader Mode here for Tomi Lahren but she manages to Hold Back from doing this Talking Over those she interviews, at least more than others manage that.

People try and steam-roll Tomi all the time though. Cuz she gets them so Mad. :):)they can't hold back.

Aug 6, 2006
Now you know why Larry King stayed on TV and radio so long, he listened.

New member
Oct 20, 2005

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I find Tucker Carlson to be the WORST re: Interrupting then talking over his guests. My Conclusion is that Tucker got moved to that Prime Time Slot, as result Of Megyn Kelly's Departure so Tucker is (even more) stressed about trying to get those Brownie Points in (than he has been in the past).

I have trouble even watching Bill O'Rielly, bcuz of how he interrupts then proceeds to Talk Over, Drown Out eventually cause to Shut Up:

those he interviews.

This is probably my biggest Pet Peeve, about News Interviews. And the reason that I learn NO thing, from their Interviews.

I'd genuinely like to understand how those these guys interview JUSTIFY their Behaviors & Beliefs, how these make sense to them.

These Fools jumping in, flattening, steam-plowing and thus in essence: Censoring those they interview. Its not helping me at all.

I hate to fall back into Cheerleader Mode here for Tomi Lahren but she manages to Hold Back from doing this Talking Over those she interviews, at least more than others manage that.

People try and steam-roll Tomi all the time though. Cuz she gets them so Mad. :):)they can't hold back.
I like
Tucker Carlson alot too. I mean much of his views i (we, you and I) share but i sometimes cringe when he doesnt keep his composure. You have to trust your audience is sharp enough to decide for themselves. Or maybe we give the general public too much credit. For example.... I was at a store today and some cat walks in with an American flag A-Shirt but he was like 60. Had a giant Tom Sellek stache and tinted eye glasses. Looks like he smokes two packs of lucky strikes a day, before lunch. Starts talking about how hes a Vietnam vet and why doesnt he get a discount.... soon Trump will save his (cashiers) job because the illegals were threatening the dudes job (i was at an AT&T store). Said it was a shame they didnt have an American flag up in the store.... just total cringe-worthy nonsense and im thinking "is this what THEY think the Trump voters is"?

Secondly i switched to an Iphone today. Swiped through the news and its prepacked obviously from outlets and its insane...

1.White House bars Time and 2 other News Outlets From Briefing

2.Crowds gather as Obama goes on New York coffee run

3.In December, spicer said barring media access is what a 'dictatorship' does. Today, he barred media access

4.Meet the 16-year old Canadian girl who took down Milo Yiannopolous

Its a new phone i didn't put shit on it yet. And thats the 'News' im getting? Its 100% negative news for conservatives. I mean gathering for Obama to watch him get a fucking coffee? Fuck that. THEY GUY WAS A FUCKING WAR MONGERING PUPPET. Nobody sold more weapons than him and he started more shit than Bush, FACT. And thes leftists swarm to him? We have a serious problem in this country when it comes to media and the fact they wont even entertain the idea tells you its bigger than just party politics. There is an agenda.

Post Script: Go HEAT:)

Aug 6, 2006
Arab Editor Lauds Released Murderer of Israeli Schoolgirls as Beacon of Pan-Arabism (MEMRI TV)

  • Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Arab news website Al-Rai Al-Youm and former editor-in-chief of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi, said that the entire Arab nation was celebrating the release of former Jordanian soldier Ahmed Daqamseh, who served a 20-year prison term for the murder of seven Israeli schoolgirls.
  • "The entire Arab nation is celebrating (Daqamseh's release), not just the Jordanians. The vast majority of this nation considers Ahmed Daqamseh a national hero, an Islamic hero, and an Arab hero, in the full sense of the word. That man defended the honor of the Jordanian land and of the Arab nation," he told Hizbullah's Mayadeen TV.
  • "He has become a beacon for many people, who yearn for the good old Arab days, when pan-Arab sentiments still existed, and most Arab regimes still considered Israel to be the enemy."

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Arab Editor Lauds Released Murderer of Israeli Schoolgirls as Beacon of Pan-Arabism (MEMRI TV)

  • Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Arab news website Al-Rai Al-Youm and former editor-in-chief of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi, said that the entire Arab nation was celebrating the release of former Jordanian soldier Ahmed Daqamseh, who served a 20-year prison term for the murder of seven Israeli schoolgirls.
  • "The entire Arab nation is celebrating (Daqamseh's release), not just the Jordanians. The vast majority of this nation considers Ahmed Daqamseh a national hero, an Islamic hero, and an Arab hero, in the full sense of the word. That man defended the honor of the Jordanian land and of the Arab nation," he told Hizbullah's Mayadeen TV.
  • "He has become a beacon for many people, who yearn for the good old Arab days, when pan-Arab sentiments still existed, and most Arab regimes still considered Israel to be the enemy."
I noticed this briefly without getting the whole backstory last week. It's disgusting. That's the real problem here. The value of life is just isn't there. If you don't value freedom and others lives what are we really talking about then? As a Libertarian i have struggled with this premise as freedom of religion is paramount. It was only when i stopped looking at Islam as a religion is when i could finally make sense of it and it quickly ended up in my dustpan for uselessness and remains there to this day. Its public enemy N0.1 in my book.
Sep 21, 2004
I noticed this briefly without getting the whole backstory last week. It's disgusting. That's the real problem here. The value of life is just isn't there. If you don't value freedom and others lives what are we really talking about then? As a Libertarian i have struggled with this premise as freedom of religion is paramount. It was only when i stopped looking at Islam as a religion is when i could finally make sense of it and it quickly ended up in my dustpan for uselessness and remains there to this day. Its public enemy N0.1 in my book.

You are a smart man.

Aug 6, 2006
Fletcher a pro-refugee pamphlet is out (I kid you not) for Jewish people at Purim called "A Purim Guide: How to Talk About Refugees." I'm sure the part about asking the people if they want to become Americans or turn America into the country they are leaving is not included. Some people never learn:

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Fletcher a pro-refugee pamphlet is out (I kid you not) for Jewish people at Purim called "A Purim Guide: How to Talk About Refugees." I'm sure the part about asking the people if they want to become Americans or turn America into the country they are leaving is not included. Some people never learn:
Sometimes i think i love the Jews more than many Jews love the Jews. Im 100% serious. Its fucking insane. "Dont let Donald Trump slam the door on refugees" its insane

New member
Oct 20, 2005
You are a smart man.
You and i had our bouts throughout the years but ill concede defeat now 20/20 when it comesto Islam. You were right all along. I dont think i ever supported Islam perse but i tried to lump it in as a religion like the rest. Kudos and respect to you
Sep 21, 2004
You and i had our bouts throughout the years but ill concede defeat now 20/20 when it comesto Islam. You were right all along. I dont think i ever supported Islam perse but i tried to lump it in as a religion like the rest. Kudos and respect to you


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