I was engaged to a broad who was half native American, she would drink and get crazy as fuck, but she fucked like a pro. Wild as hell. Her brother was a crazy fucking drunk. Neither could handle their alcohol.Yeah, pretty funny. Probably gonna be called a racist but who gives a crap. I have known quite a few Native Indians throughout my years and I must say I liked each of them. Good senses of humor, decent work ethic, but they all do drink booze like it's water. Don't really know what the answer is but just a part of their culture, just like any other culture.
I think I know the reason for this thread. It's really not difficult to figure out why either? They were a group of people who were railroaded into poverty and have a higher incidence of depression, this in time has spread over generations. Sadly the Native Americans have historically done very little to combat depression and alcoholism with their youth.
I have a serious question, why did you get engaged to a woman who couldn't handle her alcohol and got crazy as fuck?
Railroaded into poverty? Kind of like what the democrats do to the blacks.I think I know the reason for this thread. It's really not difficult to figure out why either? They were a group of people who were railroaded into poverty and have a higher incidence of depression, this in time has spread over generations. Sadly the Native Americans have historically done very little to combat depression and alcoholism with their youth.
I have a serious question, why did you get engaged to a woman who couldn't handle her alcohol and got crazy as fuck?
Railroaded into poverty? Kind of like what the democrats do to the blacks.
See Guessers answer as to why I got engaged to her.
Railroaded into poverty? Kind of like what the democrats do to the blacks.
Funny how those groups the government 'helps' the most end up the worst off.
The left's policies make poverty more comfortable while penalizing those who try to rise out of it. So the poor stay poor...generation after generation.
It has nothing to do with guilt but poverty is definitely one reason why alcoholism is more rampant
It has EVERYTHING to do with guilt - liberal white guilt.
Just how many more 'generations' are we supposed to subsidize these "victim" groups? You think it's morally right to force one person to pay for someone else's mistake? How can you possibly continue to justify this socialist garbage? My generation has NOTHING to do with the plight of Natives.
The left's agenda is a great disservice to the "poor" - promoting envy and a sense of grievance, to what other people have produced doesn't lift the poor out of poverty, it exacerbates the problem.
What these "blame society" government programs most definitely DO accomplish is lift politicians to positions of power and self-aggrandizement while promoting socially counterproductive results with other people's money.
There is simply no way of justifying it - morally, rationally, economically, socially...
Little squat sits in the teepee with Cheif Running Bear.
Littel squat asks, "Daddy, how do we get our names?"
Cheif Running Bear says, "That's simple squat...when a little squat is born, the father looks out of the teepee and the first thing he sees is what we name our little ones..."
"For example, when your brother was born, I looked out the teepee and saw an Eagle Soaring...thus his name, Soaring Eagle. When your sister was born, I looked out the teepee and saw a stream with fast running water, and that is her name, Running Water"
"Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?"