Yes, we realize that. But your free proclaim of hatred and or dislike of 'Liberals', 'the leftys' and 'democrats' ; is exactly the brand of bravado that has torn your party apart and has sent this once proud nation on the downward course that it's on. Fighting to show agreement with one party, simply as a means to disagree with the other and winning those small battles, doesn't mean we are going in the right direction.
Nobody wants to be chastised repeatedly, when will you learn?! Good for you Neo-cons and your right wing radio and Fox news. Have banded together as a team but can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag with scissors in your hand.
So what if JM wins? It's still not what the right wanted. You get a less liberal BO, with no real political inventiveness or solutions.
"Blind hatred" :missingte
How bout
informed hatred?
So what do you suggest, Rob? What are my options? Throw away my vote on some loser who doesn't have a prayer and let BO win?
I cast my vote in the primaries for the candidate I wanted -- he lost fair and square.
I was born a CONSERVATIVE...I am not a "neo-con", sir.
"Neo-cons" are Democrats who became so repulsed by the policies within YOUR treasonous Jimmy Carter party, they had no choice -- out of pure patriotism and survival -- but to become Republicans. THAT's what a "neo-con" is, Rob.
Joe Lieberman (Gore's VP -- remember him?) is a "neo-con", Rob.
"Neo-cons" exist because YOUR PARTY STINKS!
STINKS! uke1:
Whatever happened to JFK Democrats? Ask not what your country (government) can do for you....ask what YOU can do for your country!
Whatever happened to GROWING the pie, Rob? As opposed to your divisive class-warfare economically-illiterate bullshit obsessing over the "haves" and "have nots" DIVIDING the pie?
Whatever happened to "let EVERY nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we pay
ANY price, bear
ANY burden, oppose
ANY foe, to ensure the success and survival of
I don't want quasi-Communism, I don't want far left Jimmy Carter foreign policy, I don't want far left fascists in black robes making social policy for the independent states....
I want your broken, bloated, corrupt federal government to FUCK OFF.
I want teachers and students and Americans to be able to peacefully pray and assemble in our schools, in our military, in Congress, per the First Amendment.
I want the health care industry DEREGULATED so Walmart can provide higher quality, cheaper care for struggling American families. I want the government to deregulate the oil industry and slash energy taxes, so people can afford to drive whatever god damn vehicle they want.
I don't want some pompous hypocritical, eco-fascist windbag/agent of "change" telling me that heating my home at 72 degrees is "selfish" and "that it's going to stop."
I want vouchers for education so kids and their parents can have real their kids can learn, math and science and history for opposed to be being brainwashed by the far left agenda of George Soros -- Gorebull Warming, condoms on bananas, Walmart is evil, socialism uber alles, America-is-imperialist revisionist history and so on...
I want to WIN the war and CRUSH the evil ideology of Islamofascism...your party is determined to LOSE IT!
I am a humble student of history and believe in the values this country was founded on, Rob....
Life, liberty and the
Pursuit of the Happiness."
You have a right to PURSUE happiness, Rob -- you are NOT
Read the Constitution, Rob, read the Bill of Rights, read the Federalist Papers...
Your quasi-Communist party HAS NOTHING in common with the values this country was founded on -- NOTHING.
If you think I'm wrong, name one traditional American value today's Democrats stand for, Rob?
From the 60s and onward this "new" perverted LEFT has destroyed my country, Rob. It has not been a gradual decline through the course of 'time' -- it has been a STEEP and abrupt drop off the cliff since the Age of Stupidity, the Age of Rebellion, the Age of Selfishness, the Age of Ignorance...the Age of everything I can think of that is BAD...
Bad for YOU, bad for me...BAD for my COUNTRY!
If Democrats behaved somewhat responsibly, I would give them a chance to set things back on course. But your party and it's Stalinist-like values will drive this country into ground even further.
I am a Patriot first and foremost, a conservative second and finally a Republican.
Apathy is worse than ignorance.
I "Joe C" have but ONE choice in this election to stop the George Soros Party -- ONE CHOICE, Rob...