why does history focus more on evil than good?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I won't name a number of 20th century bad do-ers, but seriously, why should they be in history books:think2:

Well, you cannot have a comprehensive study of history without including the major figures and events (good or evil). Maybe you meant, why is there so much focus on the wars? Well, wars have a huge impact in most cases. Aftermath of WWI in Europe help lead to WWII. Post WWII led to Cold War. Korea/Cold War (Red Scare/Communism) helped lead in Vietnam. 9-11 to Afghanistan and Iraq. Hell we are still dealing with North Korea!!!

A Separate Reality
Jan 14, 2002
why does history focus more on evil than good?

History does not focus on anything The reporters of history; written (newspapers, books etc,) and electronic (radio, TV, Internet, movies etc), focus more on negativity (evil) for profits sake. Positivity (good) does not sell, thats the way of the world. History's audience, (You and I) would rather read about the negative than the positive, positive is boring. The reporters of history cater to the audience, and the audience wants bad.

Go to your county morgue and ask what is there more of on a yearly basis, murders or suicides? If you are a reader of newspapers or internet, a watcher of TV or a listener of radio, you will answer with confidence, Murders! and you'd be wrong. Murders dominate the front page murder sells, suicide is stigmatized and we dont want to read or talk about it, suicide does not sell newspapers, suicide is not a profitable topic. 45 murders per day in the U.S. 86 suicides per day in the U.S.

Media, both written and electronic report more on negative events, that is were the money is, that is what people want to read about.

There are more countries at peace right now than at war. There are more people in the world helping others than hurting others. There is more Love than Hate in the world.

History happens both good and bad, what gets reported is dictated by politics, propaganda and profit.

Respect Freedom of the Press.



New member
Sep 20, 2004
He's plenty brilliant, but I say if he was perfectly healthy, no one outside of scientific circles would know who he is.

this is not true, Hawking research lies on the same general areas as Einstein, Plank , Fermi etc

even if he was perfectly healthy as Einstein etc were...his research would still come on top

Now the problem is not that, the problem is that the public in general is much more likely to know about Survivor, Big Brother or American Idol than Fermi, Oppenheimer etc

New member
Sep 20, 2004
@Stephen Hawkings; let's be honest, the guy has nothing else to do but sit around and think all day. His unproven theories are nothing more than really cool science fiction and have nothing to do with our reality. If Stephen wants to impress me with his math skills and insights he needs to go 16-0 ATS Week 1 NFL.

talk about not knowing wth you are talking about

first of all, its not that easy to "sit and think" when writing down your ideas in a piece of paper is a megahassle

I dont know what your 'reality' is but theoretical physics does have applications in real life.

here let me throw you a bone, quantum computing , "what does science fiction quantum mechanics have to do with poor pitiful me" = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_computer

this disconnection of the general public with what science does is the very reason the US is falling behind in anything other than creating financial scams that take down the world economy

all this science fiction stuff eventually can be used to obliterate someone nuclear bomb style for example

or we could try to sell CDO's to banks in a different planet and then watch them implode LOL

Mar 31, 2012
this is not true, Hawking research lies on the same general areas as Einstein, Plank , Fermi etc

even if he was perfectly healthy as Einstein etc were...his research would still come on top

Now the problem is not that, the problem is that the public in general is much more likely to know about Survivor, Big Brother or American Idol than Fermi, Oppenheimer etc
Well, we disagree, let me ask you this, who is the second greatest theoretical physicist(assuming hawking is # 1, which is not necessarily true)? Does the general public know about him?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Well, we disagree, let me ask you this, who is the second greatest theoretical physicist(assuming hawking is # 1, which is not necessarily true)? Does the general public know about him?

does the general public have a CLUE about anything???? no

I am actually disconnected from whats going on right now at CERN @ Switzerland so I am 100% sure I am out of date myself ( I could mention a few decent ones kip thorne, I loved his book about blackholes way back in 199x , you could mention the guys involved in current research at CERN for example)

the general public doesnt know anything about anything, even if their lives depend on it , really

New member
Sep 20, 2004
as the next carl sagan you could have this guy michio kaku

kip thorne had a few bets with hawking

There was another guy that had a big fight with hawking but I dont recall right now (I had like 8 beers watching the Real Madrid vrs Barcelona game)

Nov 10, 2011
Same reason people used to flock to colliseums to see people get savagedly killed and why we love watching violence on tv or in real like. We are fucked up and violent and barbaric deep down inside.

Also, everybody is always drawn to the dark side. It's more exciting.

Mar 31, 2012
does the general public have a CLUE about anything???? no

I am actually disconnected from whats going on right now at CERN @ Switzerland so I am 100% sure I am out of date myself ( I could mention a few decent ones kip thorne, I loved his book about blackholes way back in 199x , you could mention the guys involved in current research at CERN for example)

the general public doesnt know anything about anything, even if their lives depend on it , really
My point was that the main reason hawking was famous is because he's a cripple, not because he's brilliant, it sounds like you really do agree with me.

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Who cares if the general public knows about someone or not. That doesn't make their contributions any less important. You sound very defensive when science comes up. You sound threatened by the "evil" scientists.

New member
Apr 14, 2012
Wolfie_cr; Don't "pretend" to know what YOU'RE talking about. If you expect me to believe that you can comprehend the quantum computer then you'll have to do a little better than throwing a wikilink at me. Your language quite clearly identifies you as a parrot who is simply towing the party line.

Michio Kaku is a transhumanist, a scientific hack and a propagandist for CNN who can't wait until a REAL scientist pops a chip in his brain and tells him he's going to live forever; consequences be damned.

When Yahoo! starts posting articles about "doubt in the dark matter theory" and hence, the big bang being called into question, you know you're on shaky ground. What is a black hole? an invisible phenomenon in outer-space, that despite a half century or more of research has never gone beyond theoretical science let alone as a real, provable, observable thing. Talk about little green men!!! "theoretically" there is suppose to be one right in the middle of our galaxy and we can't find it?

Your a 50's house wife who thinks that technology is somehow going to make your life better. Why don't you wake up and take a look around and tell me how much better everyone's life is; now that we have techno-shit dripping off our noses like snot as we flounder around like a bunch of retards who need help going to the bathroom. You (meaning the public, because obviously I don't know YOU), maybe us is better, how about WE work more hours and get paid less money and have a shittier quality of life than our parents or even our grandparents.

One thing I hate about historians is that they're always trying to convince us that our ancestors lived miserable, meaningless lives for about 30 years before they all died of plague or leprosy. It's not true, they are lying to us to prove how great modern Rx (heheh) medicine is.

Isn't that the subject of this post, that winners write the history? So we really can't trust it because if we agree with that statement then no matter what we are admitting that history is a lie.

We must all begin to realize that we have a personal responsibility to find out the truth. It's time for us as human beings to start thinking for ourselves and not mearly accepting every load of bunk that comes out of the TV.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"we" (to use your context) constantly say "those freaking scientists always doing useless stuff" when practical applications are shown right on their noses whats the best they do ?

attack the messenger :) "you will have to do better than this son blablabla" or "you are throwing the party line", QUALITY comeback.

know the kind of characters I am dealing with when they come up with these comebacks "real, provable, observable thing", WHAT? is a real,provable,observable thing to you?

It seems the typical US mentality is, science is bad, everyone is a terrorist, everyone is in a conspiracy, the media deceives us, everyone is trying to kill us,everyone is a socialist, etc etc. Nothing is real these days except lunacy.

start with this:Throw the computer off the window, the tvs, cancel your electricity service , water too, cancel your medical insurance and get into the program you suggest. Next time you, your wife, son or grandson is sick do some sort of Indian-American invocation in your backyard.

Technology is "so bad" yet you use it to go on diatribes??

New member
Sep 20, 2004
My point was that the main reason hawking was famous is because he's a cripple, not because he's brilliant, it sounds like you really do agree with me.

I dont totally disagree that it helps with popularity but I would say it backwards only because it sounds insulting to me to say something like "you are famous only because you cant even speak by yourself"

I imagine he was mostly unknown until his book became a bestseller.

It never hurts to sell million of copies of something to become famous, talent or not if not look at current music "stars" :)

New member
Apr 14, 2012
"I know the kind of characters I am dealing with when they come up with these comebacks "real, provable, observable thing", WHAT? is a real,provable,observable thing to you?"

How about this.

"It seems the typical US (And many other Countries) mentality is, science is bad, everyone is a terrorist, everyone is in a conspiracy, the media deceives us, everyone is trying to kill us,everyone is a socialist, etc etc. Nothing is real these days except lunacy."

You know the story of the duck, looks like, sounds like, tastes like,...People are waking up all over the world and realizing that they are slaves to a system that constantly deceives them into forfeiting their human sovereignty for a few worthless pieces of paper that they can trade for plastic crap made in China.

"start with this:Throw the computer off the window, the tvs, cancel your electricity service , water too, cancel your medical insurance and get into the program you suggest. Next time you, your wife, son or grandson is sick do some sort of Indian-American invocation in your backyard."

I admit that I love my computer because it connects me to the sum total of all human knowledge. That is probably why our masters are trying to put the brakes on it with SOPA, CISPA and more. There is too much truth out there. My TV went out the window a long time ago. You have been fooled into thinking that new is better, you don't think that ancient man could cure ailments, purify water and live comfortably? The problem with the modern age is that even if something works perfectly well, if you can't make a profit off it it's no good. "Why would I want to drink a cup of herbal tea when i can take this pill and enjoy all of it's horrific side effects?" I've read about pagan religious ceremonies but I prefer to pray in the name of Jesus, it seems to work a lot better.

New member
Jun 3, 2009
It's time for us as human beings to start thinking for ourselves and not mearly accepting every load of bunk that comes out of the TV.

I've read about pagan religious ceremonies but I prefer to pray in the name of Jesus, it seems to work a lot better.


The irony of those two statements. Derp, you are a joke and your anti-science views are not appreciated on these boards. Please leave. Go join a religious forum and get the hell out of this one.

New member
Apr 14, 2012
Why does history focus more on evil than good? is the name of this thread in case you forgot, try and keep up. You're saying that just because I believe in God I can't think for myself? Sorry but that's not irony, that's just your opinion. I don't really care what your beliefs are but who are you to tell me to leave? What gives you the right to speak on behalf of everyone? If were all going to have to agree with you Mr. Wizard before we post anything it's going to get pretty boring around here real quick.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Why does history focus more on evil than good? is the name of this thread in case you forgot, try and keep up.

yet you go on diatribes about science, I am still waiting for the definition of "real,provable and observable" , no....a taxi ride to the nearest blackhole is out of the question :)

I suppose you also have real, provable and observable evidence for this " I prefer to pray in the name of Jesus, it seems to work a lot better." lets see it....

New member
Jun 3, 2009
This thread is now about you for hating science and doubting science and then saying how you pray to Jesus. It is clear you're an idiot and you know what else is clear? That you're scared of science because it threatens your little beliefs.

New member
Apr 14, 2012
wolfie_cr; Does science not play a role in history? Besides, you brought it up. If history is about where we were and where we are going then science plays a HUGE part in that. I believe in science as much as the next guy, I just don't believe every spoon-fed, quack theory, I'm told to believe.

You know scientists used to believe that seagulls were spawned from barnacles and meat transformed into maggots while doctors tried to cure people by bleeding them. Humans make mistakes but hopefully we learn from them. I'm just not one of those guys who takes everything at face value, like man-made global warming. Not only is it unproven (and to me,..surprise, surprise,...untrue) but now we all have to pay a tax on it!?!

If history has taught us anything it's that the SOBs in charge are always lying to us about practically everything. Why? To protect us from ourselves or to protect them from us. If you are comfortable with propagandist lies about history then I assure you that you are not alone. You don't have to and shouldn't believe everything you're told, our rulers are not acting in our best interests but in the interests of power and money. In the end we all put our faith in something, I choose to put my faith in Jesus Christ and he's never let me down,...for what that is worth in terms of being real.

NICOTINE, why don't you try contributing to the topic instead of being a douche-bag. If you have something to say about WHY DOES HISTORY FOCUS MORE ON EVIL THAN GOOD? Then I would be interested to hear it. Otherwise go start another thread called "Posters Who Do Not Agree With Me Must STFU or Leave".

Aug 20, 2007
History has lots of good and lots of bad. Maybe it seems to focus more on bad because there was more major bad events that happened? And as for now a days media reports bad because bad sells. There is a major science discoveries that are huge on a timeline, inventions, electricity, cars, medicine. You can make just as big of a time line of bad events also, black plague, hitler, wars, etc. I guess its just what you focus on. ...
But IMO it is much easier for people to do bad in this world than it is to do good and be known for it. Any idiot can pick up a gun, knife go cause harm and havoc and make the news. Go try and make the news for doing something good, seems close to impossible these days

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