Why does 5DIMES list many of their VIDEO POKER varieties as FULL PAY when they are not?


Active member
Oct 20, 1999

On their DOUBLE BONUS machine it is listed as FULL PAY when in reality it is not.

Instead of paying 800 for QUAD ACES, they only pay 750.............and by doing such, makes the game -EV and NOT full-pay 100.17% as they state.

This is just ONE example, there are more.

Dec 12, 2006
Such as?

Dec 12, 2006
Well, you stated "there are more," hence my question "such as."

New member
Jan 30, 2009
I never can get that Adobe Flash Thing to download properly when I try to play 5 Dimes Video Poker.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Fishhead, I recommend you ask 5Dimes themselves for an accurate answer.

BOL. wilheim

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Fishhead, I recommend you ask 5Dimes themselves for an accurate answer.

BOL. wilheim

OK, done..................

Jeff: hello
Billy: Hello. How may I assist you today?
Jeff: 5d1729492
Jeff: pw is tampabay
Jeff: hello?
Billy: hello
Jeff: Question on bonus casino
Jeff: You state that the DOUBLE BONUS variety is FULL PAY......when it is not.
Jeff: Why?
Jeff: It only pays 750 for ACES.......fullpay pays 800
Billy: Just a moment please
Jeff: ok
Billy: Checking with my manager, just a moment.
Jeff: ok, take your time
Billy: 5 credits actually pays $750 for FOUR ACES, where are you seeing that it pays $800
Jeff: right.......FULL PAY should be paying 800
Billy: Where are you getting those payouts from.
CoBrowse session has been requested by Billy.
CoBrowse session has ended
Jeff: FULL PAY pays 800, not 750
Billy: http://www.5dimes.com/chartdoublebonus.html
Billy: That is the link of our payouts on the different options.
Jeff: FULL PAY pays 800 for four ACES, not 750
Jeff: right
Jeff: Why only 750 on ACES and not 800, which is FULL PAY?????
Billy: Where are you getting those payouts from again?
Jeff: FULL PAY on DOUBLE BONUS pays 800 for four aces........however, your casino only is paying 750, which is not full pay.
Jeff: .....but you are advertising it as FULL PAY
Billy: We pay what it shows on that table that above.
Jeff: yes, understand.......but you are advertising it as FULL PAY, it is not.
Jeff: FULL PAY pays 800 for four ACES.....not 750
Billy: Where is it advertise FULL PAY again?
Jeff: Go to Bonus casino......it states FULL PAY
Billy: I will check with my manager again.
Jeff: ok, please do
Billy: sure
Jeff: Full Pay Double Bonus Min. Bet: 5¢, Max. Bet: $25 FULL PAY
Jeff: It pays only 750 for ACES....full pays 800 for ACES.
Jeff: By doing such, this is NOT fullpay
Jeff: FULL PAY DOUBLE BONUS pays out 100.17%, by reducing the ACES to 750, the payout is under 100%, thus not 100%+
Jeff: ........and not FULL PAY
Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Tony'.
You are now chatting with 'Tony'
Tony: greetings, allow me a moment to check this game
Jeff: TONY, you're kicking my ass
Jeff: give me a break bro
Tony: we have no games paying over 100% at this time other than the two promotional games
Tony: robots make it impossible to offer anything over 100%
Jeff: Correct, thus the double bonus is not FULL PAY as advertised
Tony: for me, if it pays 100% or just short of it, it is "full pay"
Tony: let me check my math on that one
Jeff: Not FULL PAY.......do not advertise as such
Tony: and see how close i got to 100%
Jeff: ok...thanks Tone
Jeff: Tony
Tony: if its close to 100%, its my version of full pay
Jeff: Your version, but not to most......should correct
Jeff: No biggie........
Tony: in my version it is "full pay"
Tony: as full as i'm going to be
Jeff: but you should not list as FULL PAY in my opinion
Tony: as 100% is "full"
Tony: anything over 100% can't be done in this day and age of internet robots playing the games
Jeff: I understand and respect your stance, but you should not list the game as FULL PAY then....
Tony: it is what it is
Tony: anything else should be named "over pay"
Tony: 99.977%
Tony: someone puts gas in your car and gets the tank 99.977% full
Tony: its called "full"
Jeff: Well, the games you list as FULL PAY, are not regarded as FULL PAY in the gaming community....just sayin
Tony: then i'm sure you can find better paying versions elsewhere
Tony: as that is as high as i'm going
Tony: and i'm not changing the name
Jeff: No regulation offshore, thus I cannot dispute your advertising........but disagree..
Jeff: As always, respect your position.
Tony: i can't argue with your statements about full pay
Jeff: FULL PAY is not 750 for ACES
Tony: but i'm still not going to change it
Tony: i don't think i can be any more honest than that
Jeff: ......just don't believe you should be listing it as 'FULL PAY"
Tony: and if 99.97 isn't enough
Tony: then "sorry" is all i can say
Tony: i list other games as "full pay" that aren't exactly full pay
Tony: but its as full as i can make them
Tony: can't overflow the tank
Tony: 100 is as high as i go with them
Jeff: 5DIMES does a great job overall, just believe that in this case it should not be listed as FULL PAY..........thanks for your VALUABLE time, as I know you are busy.
Tony: you may well be right, but i'm not going to change it
Jeff: Ok, do you want me to post this as such on the forums?
Tony: you can post my official statement: "99.977% is as full as our FullPay tank gets here"
Jeff: Ok, thanks.....as stated, respect and understand your position.....(now please let me win once in awhile). :).........TAKE CARE SIR
Tony: have a good evening

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
5dimes has another problem now.. a player says they made 32k off of a 50$ deposit and they confiscated funds.. wonder what will turn out from this...


"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Tony very respectful in the chat, good to see. I understand where both of you are coming from.

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
Fish, Your discussion with Tony was laughable ! Tony doesn't understand that if you advertise full pay... You must produce Full Pay ! Nobody is interested in his opinion of " Full Pay ". Here in Nevada any Casino trying to pull that trick would be in danger of having their license pulled. Total Joke . Nobody is trying to tell 5 Dimes what they must set their payback scale at. However they cannot advertise " Full Pay " when it's clearly not. Of course they can do whatever they want because nobody can do anything about it. Did Wil give them a call about this ?

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Fish, Your discussion with Tony was laughable ! Tony doesn't understand that if you advertise full pay... You must produce Full Pay ! Nobody is interested in his opinion of " Full Pay ". Here in Nevada any Casino trying to pull that trick would be in danger of having their license pulled. Total Joke . Nobody is trying to tell 5 Dimes what they must set their payback scale at. However they cannot advertise " Full Pay " when it's clearly not. Of course they can do whatever they want because nobody can do anything about it. Did Wil give them a call about this ?

I don't believe a call is necessary.

Oct 31, 2004
Maybe it means you will get full pay if you request a withdrawl even if you get 2 royal flushes and play more then 100 hands an hour. Tony even admited on the chat that they pay out even if someone uses a bot.

Did anyone catch that?

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Maybe it means you will get full pay if you request a withdrawl even if you get 2 royal flushes and play more then 100 hands an hour. Tony even admited on the chat that they pay out even if someone uses a bot.

Did anyone catch that?

If a game does not pay 100% or more, Tony should embrace BOT use..................

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Fish, Your discussion with Tony was laughable ! Tony doesn't understand that if you advertise full pay... You must produce Full Pay ! Nobody is interested in his opinion of " Full Pay ". Here in Nevada any Casino trying to pull that trick would be in danger of having their license pulled. Total Joke . Nobody is trying to tell 5 Dimes what they must set their payback scale at. However they cannot advertise " Full Pay " when it's clearly not. Of course they can do whatever they want because nobody can do anything about it. Did Wil give them a call about this ?


However, Tony writes his own rules.

"if its close to 100%, its my version of full pay"


J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
I don't believe a call is necessary.

False advertising by one of the RX's sponsors should certainly deserve a call ! In Las Vegas that same Casino will lose their gaming license if they refuse to correct their false statements. It just proves that the offshores are above the law.

New member
Nov 27, 2006

So basicly if you play 1000 dollars of action, 25 cents at a time, and play PERFECT you should get $999.70? Is my math right there?

So this is all about 30 cents on 1000 dollars of action?

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
False advertising by one of the RX's sponsors should certainly deserve a call ! In Las Vegas that same Casino will lose their gaming license if they refuse to correct their false statements. It just proves that the offshores are above the law.

Very true, excellent points Kermit.................

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