This is far from the dumbest thing I've ever done. Do I need to post the story again from 2 years ago when I snorted an 8 ball and thought the people next door in my hotel were trying to kill me? So I called 911.....twice?
sounds like a good a link? just so you know i am not judging, here is my rock bottom story....
my worst/lowest moment was about 15 years ago.....after getting kicked out of the stratosphere for thrashing in the room with my buddies (wrestling and whatnot and neighbors said there was a fight) comes and I have rug burn from wrestling which made it look like blood on the walls, they dont believe we are pals and said someone heard people say "i will kill you etc" so we get escorted off the property literally 30 mins after checking in (we were all wasted of course).
I get my tough, drunk, idiot attitude and am trying to get one security dude who is escorting us off the property to go one-on-one in the parking lot across the street (surprisingly, he was totally professional and didnt beat my ass luckily)...I get split up from my buddies and then meet some guy who says he has some reefers....he says give me $20 or $40 or whatever....I reach for my cash to give him the bill and he grabs a hundy and runs for it....I run after his ass and almost catch him when he darts into a shady apt complex....he tries to slam the front gate to the complex so i cant get in, but I grab it and he isnt strong enough to force it/lock it eventually he lets it go and takes off into the complex....I start chasing him up these stairs and then realize I am being an idiot and stop....with a little idiotness left in me, I then call 911 and tell them this dude just robbed me on the corner of ____ and _____ and that he grabbed a $100 bill from me and ran.....
operator: "well sir, what were you doing on the corner of _____ and ______ with money in your hand...."
me: "uggggh, nevermind"
so i went and got a motel room for the rest of the night, flew back home in the morning and went to work the next day with a shiner and scratches all over my neck from thrashing with my buddies...could've been a lot worse....I have mellowed out so much in the last 20 years....your turn!