Yes General--But like I told Dante. OMT was getting confused with OldmanTED also called OMT. So when the new forum opened--I decided to let the oldman go. It was time.
My apologizes. When I first created my username, I was unaware that an "oldmantime" existed. I simply created it from feeling like an oldman and then my name. You have seniority here and I could change my name if you would like to return to "oldmantime". Let me know Whoson1st, because I Don'tKnowIson2nd.
TO: OldmanTed---No need to change your's. I just thought that when the new forum opened here and I couldn't make oldmantime's password work--that was a signal to move on. Whoson1st is very happy sur---and I know what you mean about feeling old.