Who would cook a lab LIVE in boiling water?

Feb 6, 2007

Good post. Classic scene.

Feb 19, 2011
I could understand the culture thing. but the bottom line is this is how we learned to survive.

I'm a huge Animal Lover ... but i understand when eating Meat is just a way of life.
Now I could never Kill my Food ... that I just can't or won't do

Did you grow up in the city BAS? I know where I'm from... hunting deer and turkey and butchering cows, hogs and chickens was just part of life.
Jan 17, 2007
Did you grow up in the city BAS? I know where I'm from... hunting deer and turkey and butchering cows, hogs and chickens was just part of life.

Grew up going to either a butcher ( not a live stock Butcher ) or Supermarket for our food. Nobody in my Family were Hunters, but I do have a Uncle in Sicily that's a farmer
and I'm sure he does his own food.
I do have a couple of friends that are Hunters, just not my thing.

Jun 28, 2014

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It’s no secret that our pets love us like crazy. Every time we’re trying to go somewhere, they do their best to tag along. Anybody who’s ever packed their suitcase near their cat or dog will agree.
Here are 20 of the most adorable pets that just cannot believe that you would want to leave without them.
source : brightside.me
[h=3]1. If you take out the hair-dryer I’ll fit in just fine![/h]

[h=3]2. He’s leaving us, bro.[/h]

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Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
I once watched a video where these monsters were baiting live kittens and using them for shark bait.

After seeing that I am no longer surprised what some people are capable of doing.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Easy answer cap...... Cauz cows & chickens don't grow fond of you, attached to you, protect you, love you no matter what, and have some type of intelligence, like dogs do.

Just no comparison at all...

Really? Why do animals have to become attached to humans to keep them from be slaughtered in torturous ways?

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Just hearing about this makes me sad. I'm fine not seeing it.

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