I have two parlays with Giants as last leg to win 1k. I want to hedge since 4 of the top 5 in LVH is on the Vikings. Should I try to get in game line to hedge or hedge now?
Can you give a little more info??? What are your lines for the Giants in your parlay? What is the line at your shop right now?
Regardless, I would personally hedge it before the game. You never know WTF is going to happen in the NFL. Guarantee a profit is my logic
You're shitting us, right? Atlanta wins, Seattle loses, Pack loses. Are you phucking kidding me??? Hedge that damn thing, I'd probably hedge it for half. I think given the outcomes of today, Minny is so damn motivated, they'll roll the Giants, who by the way, are playing for NADA, NUNCA, NOTHING! GL
I'm 11-2 today so I am up big today