Who is the most worthless poster?**


Who is the most worthless poster?**

  • Mr. Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Unemployed" Mr Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "my mommy & daddy pay my tuition" Mr Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "I have a MALE roommate" Mr Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
** The non-DickyW edition

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Since I rarely venture from the mezzanine-(the OH being the basement) I wouldn't know Mr K if I drove over him with my car!!

havin said that--here is my list for MWP in no particular order and a quick comment to boot

Henhouse--a bigot-a liar--and just plain stoooopid

TicTac---sells solvents that probably damage the environment from a website his mommy pays for.

JJ Gold--bald,fat and wonders why he has to play with his dick on a Saturday night.

Railbird--if bullshit were money this cunt would be Bill Gates.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lander - You're cracking me up. I didn't know those things about MrKennedy........BUTT then again I would have to WONDER why a poster would call themselves MR...?

But for worthless poster this wweek I would have to say JJGOLD

This guy has been a BIG let down. More like JJ-RUST...LOL

But what do I know?

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"JJ Gold--bald,fat and wonders why he has to play with his dick on a Saturday night."

I like jj, he might seem overinvolved with the forum, and sometimes he is, but since he came over from major wager he's been a very welcome addition, he's chilled considerably, he's honest, know his shit, and is on the side of the player. JJ's good guy, not everyone's cup of tea maybe, but a good guy nevertheless.

"Railbird--if bullshit were money this cunt would be Bill Gates."

Bullshit IS money and hence this cunt Bill Gates, is, well this cunt Bill Gates.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
My list would include.

1. ID- hasn't written a worthwhile post yet. The latest one accussed a book of stiffing her but she later backed off and said it didn't. A good stiffing is what she needs.

2. Shack- Lies, scams and plays the race card. Very sad in my opinion.

3. Railbird- Knows every celebrity and sports figure but still can't pick a game to save his life.

4. MFG- Worst capper to ever grace the RX and continues to lie daily.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
J Dee wrote

I like jj, he might seem overinvolved with the forum, and sometimes he is, but since he came over from major wager he's been a very welcome addition, he's chilled considerably, he's honest, know his shit, and is on the side of the player. JJ's good guy, not everyone's cup of tea maybe, but a good guy nevertheless

I probably think he is useless because he has aligned himself with Railbird--hence--guilty by association

J Dee also wrote

Bullshit IS money and hence this cunt Bill Gates, is, well this cunt Bill Gates

With all due respect Jack-wtf does this mean???

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Never mind Jack--I found this--he is a cunt

Why you and everyone you know should hate Bill Gates if you don't already.
Besides his stupid smirk, the Gates envisions himself as the leader of the technological world. Well, who elected him? Is it right that one person should try control the fate of everyone having to do with computer technology? And what if he's wrong? Why is it so important to him to have enough money to buy all of Romania if he so chooses?

I'm sure the people who pay ludicrous amounts of money for Microsoft technical support (per incident!) have plenty of nice things to say about Billy.

If Bill Gates sees himself as netgod (even though it took years for Microsoft to recognise the Internet existed in the beginning), why is his primary concern making money instead of making good products? Shouldn't he be benevolent to us, his little paeans? Why are we forced to pay him tribute? Well, I refuse to prostrate myself before him. The 'net is not a piece of clay for him to mould, nor is it a spade so he can bludgeon its users. The internet is a tool for the exchange of information, and not, as many people believe, merely another instrument to make money. Satan can take his little vision of the future and stick it right up his ass.

Even Adam Smith loving, scum sucking, materialistic money-grubbing capitalists should hate Gates for his destruction of the concept known as competition- Bill Gates didn't work half as hard at programming as he did with behind-the-scenes deals with major firms (like IBM) and shameless and aggressive promotion, not to mention other dirty tricks. It's like the VHS-Beta thing all over again...VHS was an inferior standard that was merely better promoted, and triumphed because of it (there's "competition" at work!). Windows (aka MacOS revisited) is not any better of an interface than UNIX, X, OS-2, or MacOS; it merely has more products available for it, because of Bill Gates' marketing strategy. Microsoft has always targeted developers, trying to make them develop only for Windows, so that the majority of applications would reinforce Microsoft's monopoly.

Besides, he's kinda creepy. Anyone who spouts as much new-age/corporate/ideology/hidden agenda crap as Billzebub should be under serious suspicion to begin with ("Embrace and extend?" How much more Big Brother can you get?). Anyhow, any of you who have ever seen the episode of Northern Exposure where the Devil comes to town as a mild-mannered, bespectacled salesman should be really spooked by the resemblance.

* A little note about religion- No, I am not some demented fundamentalist claiming that Bill is the actual "anti-christ" or whatever it is that they believe in. I simply use the personage of "Satan" or "the Devil" to signify that William Henry Gates 3rd is really (really) "evil." I don't believe in "god". Neither do I believe in "Satan". It's all just figurative. Don't sweat it. See the post someone sent me concerning Satanism in the responses page,

But didn't Bill Gates invent DOS/Windows/the Internet?
No. Bill Gates invented none of these things. No matter how much he tries to tell you that Microsoft is such a great innovator, you must realise that MICROSOFT HAS NEVER INVENTED ANYTHING! That's right. Go ahead- try and name something you think Microsoft invented:

DOS - bought from a small software company for $50,000 and orginially called QDOS
Windows - stolen from Apple, who stole it from Xerox
Windows95 - stolen from later versions of Mac OS (you think that taskbar came from nowhere?)
WindowsNT - Windows grafted onto Digital Equipment Corp.'s VMS (an early challanger to UNIX that ran on refrigerators**); Microsoft hired away almost the entire VMS team from DEC.
Word - stolen from Wordperfect and AmiPro
Excel - M$ bought up a small company that produced a spreadsheet which eventually became Excel
The list goes on and on. Microsoft has never innovated once. So shut up, Bill! Quit your Kermit-like whining!
And now Microsoft wants to own the Internet. Guess what- the Internet is not a Microsoft product! Microsoft didn't really even notice the Internet until 1995! But of course they want to try and take it over- by buying up as many Internet-related companies as they possibly can!

Is the Year 2000 problem an attempt by Billzebub to cause chaos and destruction?
It sure looks that way. If you take a look at Micro$oft's Y2K compliance list, you'll se that as recently as 1998, they were releasing software that was not Year 2000 compliant! And most of their software isn't really compliant anyway!
Just about the only software that is Y2K compliant are the Windows2000 and Office2000 product lines, according to Microsoft!
And if you don't upgrade for ludicrous amounts of money? That's right- you're screwed! And you have no idea how screwed! Just take a look at Microsoft's Y2K compliance list- it's good for a laugh (to keep from crying).
The Ranting continues! click here for more vitriol & fun! >> or skip to page: 3 4

New member
Sep 21, 2002
Bullshit IS money and hence this cunt Bill Gates, is, well this cunt Bill Gates

Early, exactly, that's why bullshit sometimes IS money, and hence bill is the 31st RICHEST FVCKING COUNTRY IN THE FVCKING GLOBE, and well, he's always been a cunt, i ll grant him that.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Raiders-hands down. Never met a lie he couldn't tell. He makes up so much lies I can't imagine anyone could ever believe his crap. HE is all flame and no fire. Biggest flamer at the RX.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

4 outa 4 aint bad

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i looked back at your list
and it uis pure brillance

4 pieces of <excretment> who hink they know something


<door knobs>

New member
Jun 20, 2001
JackDEE, I respect most of your opinions, but JJGOld? Any poster that thinks Rail is a sharp capper, I can not respect as a knowledgeable capper.

BUt, I like earlyspeed don't have a long history on him.

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