Who is the most overrated singer or band of all time IYO?

Jan 14, 2007
I have never listened to a Rush song for more than 20 seconds, every time I hear that ear-crushing voice, I have to shut it off or leave the room.

Never understood why anyone listens to the Grateful Dead either...

how good can a band be if you have to be high to listen to it..

Jul 14, 2007
I have never listened to a Rush song for more than 20 seconds, every time I hear that ear-crushing voice, I have to shut it off or leave the room.

Never understood why anyone listens to the Grateful Dead either...

I like Phish but Grateful dead or Rush can't get into.

Also sure I'll get have some people scratching their heads for this 1 but Zeppelin doesn't do a ton for me either
Sep 14, 2007
So many to choose from but I'd have to agree with Grateful Dead as most overrated but I've never seen them live(probably because I never liked their music lol) and I judge most bands by their live performances. I've been to well over 100 concerts in my life and Springsteen was definitely in top 10 in concert. Great show!!!
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not really a Springsteen hater, but this was pretty funny... some of the comments were pretty funny too...

Sep 21, 2004
[h=2]A Dissenting View on the Mythicization of Bruce Springsteen[/h] By John Sharkey III
Add Comment | Comments: 110 | Posted Mar. 27, 2012

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Who's the boss? Not Bruce Springsteen.

Bruce Springsteen. The Boss. Blue Collar Rock King. He’s just a Jersey boy done good after years of working on the docks to make ends meet, just a common man breaking his ass to get by, who struck it lucky singing about his girl, his hometown and his Glory Days.
My floppy, white ass.
I’ve been fuming over the popularity of this faux working-class bozo for the better part of the last decade, and now, in what has to be the peak of the mountain of his current resurgence, I bring my unpopular opinion to you.
As someone who has worked in shitty warehouses, print shops and glass factories for the bulk of my life, I can tell you, it’s no fun. In fact, it sucks. Badly. And to paint over the grim reality of that life with a romantic brush is insulting.
The only people, I’ve found, who romanticize the up-at-dawn, back-breaking blue-collar lifestyle are people who’ve never lived it. Like the bearded, skinny jackasses I run into at parties I wasn’t invited to who lovvvvve Bruce because he’s “the realest” artist they or any one of their other freelance web designer friends have ever heard.
This Everyman image Springsteen has cultivated over the years—my god, how did he pull it off? His first record came out when he was 23. Twenty-three. Unless he was working in a coal mine at age 7, he knows very little about the kind of broke-down toil of which he croons so sincerely.
Still, I get it: You can’t blame Springsteen for selling goods to a public eager to buy them. There is a market, and someone has to provide for it.
Did I say “market”? I did. Make no mistake, Springsteen’s image, from top down—what he wears, what he sings about—is a marketing choice. Every breath is calculated, every move researched and deployed with precision. He’s no different than Lady Gaga marketing herself to the fashion industry or Coldplay to feminine hygiene products. The purity you’ve placed upon him is a myth.
He’s been perceived as such an angel for so long, it seems odd even to question it. So people don’t. There’s a whole new generation coming up who blindly bathe in the light of the Cult of Bruce without even questioning whether, for instance, in Ticketmaster’s controversial attempt to cut down on Springsteen scalpers by only selling nontransferable electronic tickets, the man himself actually tried to help his fans escape this lose-lose scenario.
It’s this new generation of Springsteen fans who are the most annoying. They look at the musical landscape and see vapidity. They see Nicki Minaj and Rihanna. They see Chris Brown, Ke$ha and Katy Perry. They want to disassociate with the airheads who call this kind of music their own. So they adopt Springsteen as a signifier of their own validity, their own worth. To listen to Springsteen at an early age is to distance yourself from your bubblegum-listening peers. They see substance in Springsteen, so they strap him on as if he were a shield against vacuousness.
And so Bruce is now more popular than ever, because he’s playing to two markets. He’s got the lifers who have grown up with him, who continue to hear him played on a never-ending loop on WMMR and WXPN—plus a new generation of whiners who think listening to him makes them less whiney by association.
Right now, Springsteen is everywhere; he cannot be escaped. He’s got a new (atrocious) album out, Wrecking Ball . He was the keynote speaker at South By Southwest. He’s got a goddamn exhibit at the National Constitution Center. And, this month, there are two Bruce tribute bands playing here—one at Johnny Brenda’s, one at the christening of Xfinity Live!—on top of the man’s own two shows at the Wells Fargo Center on the 28th and 29th. No small feat for a guy who hasn’t done anything artistically challenging since putting out his best work some 30 years ago.
Look, we all need heroes and people to idolize. I’m no different. I need figures to cling to in these tough times too—to find some solace in grand, larger-than-life escapism. I can’t deny the power of “Born To Run.” I just wish more people were willing to admit “Working on a Dream” is faux-populist horse shit. And don’t even get me started on “We Take Care of Our Own.”
Springsteen isn’t terrible enough to demonize, but he isn’t great enough to canonize, either. He’s the Tim Tebow of music: not very good, but different enough from the rest to stand out. He’s a piece of toilet paper clinging to the bottom of American culture’s shoe. And because he’s remained stuck there so long, we’ve attached undeserved meaning to him.
He’s a rock musician, not The Boss.
And anyway, bosses are assholes.
Dec 21, 2008
I have never listened to a Rush song for more than 20 seconds, every time I hear that ear-crushing voice, I have to shut it off or leave the room.

Never understood why anyone listens to the Grateful Dead either...

Agree with you 100% sir.

Bruce Springsteen is on my list, only song I like is State Trooper which was featured on The Sopranos.

U2 and The Grateful Dead are solid choices.

I would add Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Nov 8, 2012
I feel like Bruce and Billy Joel are idols for those who live in the northeast. I was in elementary school when the born in the usa album came out. However most Bruce fans will tell you that all of Bruce's stuff before that album is his best stuff and the born in the usa album is when he "crossed over".

I saw him in concert a few yrs back. He put on a really good show. Only thing that sucked for me is that i didnt know many of his songs (most songs were before the born in usa album)

Dec 12, 2006
I agree about Bruce Springsteen, never liked him.

Jan 20, 2002
All the hate for Bruce. Go figure. His early stuff was ground breaking. Up to The River I can listen to over and over. My votes are for Journey ans Boston.

Capper Tracker
Jan 15, 2009
Maybe its where im from and the time I grew up but Boston was on when you partied and Journey was on when you got laid lol
All the hate for Bruce. Go figure. His early stuff was ground breaking. Up to The River I can listen to over and over. My votes are for Journey ans Boston.

Nov 16, 2008
I guess if you're on acid or mushrooms, the Grateful Dead are supposed to be good, but I never saw what was so good about them

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
Grateful Dead my favorite band of all time. You either love it or hate it. There is no in between. Agree with The Judge early springsteen is great. Band I think is overrated would be Kiss or Aerosmith.
Sep 21, 2004
I like Phish but Grateful dead or Rush can't get into.

Also sure I'll get have some people scratching their heads for this 1 but Zeppelin doesn't do a ton for me either

Led Zeppelin needs to be on the list, just for the fact that they plagiarized half their songs.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' Targeted for Plagiarism[/h][h=2]Lawyers representing the group Spirit claim song's intro resembles their 1968 track "Taurus"[/h]

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Michael Putland/Getty Images
Led Zeppelin

<section style="font-size: 14px;">
BY KORY GROW | <time style="font-family: 'Gotham Narrow SSm 4r';">May 19, 2014</time></section>UPDATE: Jimmy Page has quasi-responded to the lawsuit. Speaking to French magazine Liberation, the guitarist said, "This is ridiculous. I have no further comment on the subject."
As Led Zeppelin promote the extravagant reissues of their first three albums for an early June release, a lawyer representing deceased Spirit guitarist Randy California is claiming the hard-rock legends stole the intro for their 1971 single "Stairway to Heaven" from Spirit's 1968 song "Taurus." Attorney Francis Alexander Molofiy wants to prevent the release of the Led Zeppelin IV reissue when the time comes, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. "The idea behind this is to make sure that Randy California is given a writing credit on 'Stairway to Heaven,'" Malofiy said. "It's been a long time coming."
The 10 best Spirit songs that don't sound like "Stairway to Heaven"
Led Zeppelin and Spirit, who had a hit with "I Got a Line on You," played four gigs together in 1968 and 1969 (shows at which Businessweek claims Spirit played "Taurus"). Led Zeppelin also reportedly played a medley of songs that included Spirit's "Fresh-Garbage" – a song that appeared on the same LP side as "Taurus" – on their first U.S. tour.
In an interview with Listener magazine published the year of his death, California said he felt "Stairway to Heaven" was a "rip-off." "The guys made millions of bucks on it and never said 'Thank you,' never said, 'Can we pay you some money for it?'" he said. "It's kind of a sore point with me. Maybe someday their conscience will make them do something about it."
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xd8AVbwB_6E?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" id="fitvid69870" style="max-width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 1723.90625px; height: 970.578125px;"></iframe>
Spirit and California's family have waited until now to challenge the song's authorship because they did not have the means to pay attorneys. At the end of California's life, he would play sitar at an Indian restaurant in exchange for food.
"Stairway to Heaven" and the 40 Greatest Led Zeppelin Songs of All Time
A rep for Led Zeppelin declined to comment for Businessweek's story, but Page discussed the band's history with crediting songwriters after the fact in a recent interview with The New York Times. When asked why the group waited to credit Willie Dixon for bits of lyrics and melody that made their way into "Whole Lotta Love," he acknowledged, "Within the lyrics of it, there's [Dixons's] "You Need Love," and there are similarities within the lyrics. Now I'm not pointing a finger at anybody, but I'm just saying that's what happened, and Willie Dixon got credit. Fair enough."
Reissues of Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II and Led Zeppelin III are due in stores on June 3rd. Each is available in a deluxe edition that contains a full disc of never-before-released studio takes and live tracks.


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Sep 21, 2004
Dang... would a mod please edit that stupid huge video out of the last post? I tried but could not...

Sep 21, 2004
Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Jay Z, PitBull. Pretty much anyone who the NFL now considers for their Halftime show. :youmad:

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