Who is the All-Time Scumbag Tout/Scamdicapper!!!???


Sep 20, 2004
Mike Warren
Stu Feiner
Jack Price
Kevin Duffy
Dr Ron Bash (lol)
Jimmy The Fixer

:beavis1: :carto1710 :eyebrows: :notlisten :ohno: :uzi: :shoota: :nopityA:

the list is much much longer...

My vote goes to Jack Price, lowest of the low.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Boy, it would be hard to top MIKE WARREN when taking everything into consideration.

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
I'm Stu Feiner...... Isnt that what he says right before he tells you that he was 19-1 last week...

Sep 20, 2004
I worked for Mike Warren for a short time back in the early 90's, it was bizarre!!!

I had no idea what I got myself into.

Sep 20, 2004
I use to crack up when Dr. Ron Bash would always tell us how he coached jerome kersey, like that meant he had some 'extra ability' to tell me why Miami would beat the Bills by more than 3....

These clowns that claim to be Dr.s to make themselves look more authoritative :lolBIG:

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Journeyman said:
I worked for Mike Warren for a short time back in the early 90's, it was bizarre!!!

I had no idea what I got myself into.

Are there lots of scammers in the Baltimore area?

Sep 20, 2004
For some reason yes there seems to be many sports services in that region...ATS, Warren, The scorephone boys, TheSwami....

scumbag Art Sinclair, who had a radio show and was a local sports broadcaster who sold picks, til he was picked up this summer for soliciting a 13 yr old girl (allegedly, pending trial)....you could say yes there are.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Journeyman said:
I use to crack up when Dr. Ron Bash would always tell us how he coached jerome kersey, like that meant he had some 'extra ability' to tell me why Miami would beat the Bills by more than 3....

These clowns that claim to be Dr.s to make themselves look more authoritative :lolBIG:

How about broadcasters........

Dr. Jerry Punch

Dr. Jack Ramsey

New member
Jan 19, 2005
Yep many big sports services operated out of the Maryland area, ATS Consultants, Duke, Mario, Mike Lett, Jim Hurley, Warren...

Sep 20, 2004
The funniest handicapper show, we had a local sports guy Nestor Apparicio, who I'm sure some in this part may recognize, he was the host of a show with Mike Warren, Buddy Ryan and Lawrence Taylor, that show was a comedy! Taylor would show up coked out of his mind, Buddy Ryan didn't fit in and was trying to be serious....It was hilarious.

can you imagine paying Lawrence Taylor 25 bucks for his plays!!?

Sep 20, 2004
Jack Price has to be the worst though...Begging "guys I have this one, just pick up the phone"...he would have some fancy car in the background, or he would have a picture of the Orange Bowl behind him as if he was standing there....

Stu Feiner "everybody wins, everybody wins, everybody wins".

Winning isn't everything ... it's the ONLY THING !
Dec 18, 2004
off topic

Is former QB Dan Pastorini still sellin' his picks?


New member
Dec 15, 2004
I'm not here to defend any tout, particularly one that is about to stand trial, but if you're going to talk about someone's criminal charges, let's at least try to be accurate. The original charges against Sinclair were dropped. His trial is on a much different charge. He may be a scumbag. He may be a bad guy. I don't know the truth and I doubt anyone here does. But the fact is, he is not on trial for anything related to an underage girl. Those were dropped months ago. Here is Sinclair's own explanation in a letter he wrote to the DCRTV mailbag.

Don't cry for me, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Argentina</st1:place></st1:country-region> (or any other country)...Art Sinclair still alive and still standing. I was mucking around Google, looking for the location of Phil Wood's music store in <st1:place w:st="on">Reisterstown</st1:place>, and lo and behold there was a bulletin board about local broadcasting developments. Duh. Twenty five years in MD radio and TV...you'd think I would have at least stumbled over it. Kudos, Dave...nice website. Naturally, I had to check out the gossip about me back in March when my arrest went down. I was pleased to see that - for the most part - I was given the benefit of the doubt, pending the final movement of the wheels of justice. I guess that's the only place I've gotten a fair deal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pure as the driven snow, but I'm neither a predator nor a pedophile either. Naturally, I can't discuss the details of the my case (yeahyeahyeah, that's what they all say, right Raffy?), but suffice to say that the prosecuter took a look at the case she was handed by the HoCo police and dropped all four of the charges against me. Why not? They asked for my DNA, I gave it, there was no match. They asked for my fingerprints, I gave them, there was no match. They took my desktop and laptop computers - apparently thinking they had found the next big child porn trafficker - and, again they came up empty. So what does the prosecuter do? She charges me with the commission of an "unnatural or perverted sex act." More specifically, I am charged with having oral sex. Not forced, not with a minor. Just plain, old, ordinary, consensual oral sex. That's it. That's what I will be tried for on November 15. Needless to say, if it wasn't so damned serious, it would be tempting to call all of it a joke. And the media coverage? Let's use the word "stunned" followed by the phrase "deeply disappointed" to express my feelings. I won't mention any call letters, but it got to the point (in July) where I felt compelled to send to send a FAX to news directors, assignment editors, city editors, reporters, anchors, etc. strongly suggesting that they cease and desist from inaccurate reporting about me. One TV station had a reporter standing in the dark at 5:50am, solemnly reporting that I was due in court later that morning to stand trial. Of course, the date had long since been postponed. As for my "friends" in the industry, most of them got whiplash from either writing my termination notice or turning their backs on me. If anyone ever tells you that the American system of justice guarantees the presumption of innocence until/unless proven guilty, send them to me for a little heart-to- heart. But hey, life is good again. I am flourishing in my new home in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Westminster</st1:place></st1:City> with my saintly wife, and my yard is the envy of the neighborhood! Pending a (hopefully) favorable outcome on 11/15 - if the final charge isn't dropped by then - maybe I'll take a part-time gig as a WalMart greeter. Or, who knows? Maybe I'll get a call one day - like Marv Albert, Marty Bass, even Ed Norris, saying "It's OK, big guy, let's try this again." I'm not holding my breath, neither am I wallowing in self-pity. I begin my senior year of undergraduate work at <st1:placeName w:st="on">Towson</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">U.</st1:placeType> on 8/29 (English major with a writing concentration), having gotten the thumb from <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placeName w:st="on">Goucher</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">College</st1:placeType></st1:place>. I guess they thought I would run amuck about the campus exposing myself to young co-eds. But at least I now have a football team to root for (go, Tigers), and - God willin' and the creek don't rise - I'll walk the stage and get my diploma in spring of 2007 (I'm on the sloooow track). Take care all, be safe and healthy, and maybe we'll cross paths again someday soon. - Art Sinclair (8/23/05)

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